These Are The Victims Of The Charleston Church Shooting
"Susie Jackson, 87, was also a victim of the attack, the coroner confirmed. She was a member of the Eastern Light Chapter No. 360 Order of the Eastern Star, according to a community activist on Twitter."
Chris Singleton tweeted:
Something extremely terrible has happened to my mom tonight, please pray for her and my family. Pray asapBuzzfeed reported: "All nine victims of the Charleston church shooting have been identified; the youngest was 26, and the oldest was 87."
Here Is What We Know About The Suspect In The Charleston Church Massacre
. . . "Another friend of the shooter told the Associated Press he recently made surprising, racist comments.
"As the AP reported:
Meek says that Roof’s racial comments came completely out of the blue and that his friend had been nothing like that before he moved away.. . . "A former roommate, Dalton Tyler, told ABC News he saw Roof last week.
Meek says he could tell something was troubling his friend recently, but he wasn’t able to find out what was bothering him before the shooting.
“ 'He was big into segregation and other stuff,” Tyler said. “He said
he wanted to start a civil war. He said he was going to do something
like that and then kill himself.”
"He also said Roof had an “on and off” relationship with his parents and that they bought him a gun.
"As Cowles told the New York Daily News:
Roof’s dad gave him a .45 caliber gun for his 21st birthday in April — a present that delighted the shy, quiet Roof. Cowles talked to him a day later.CNN’s Van Jones Insists Church Shooter Be Called ‘White Racist Terrorist’
. . . "Liberals are delighting in the church shooting because they say the killer was a racist right-wing radical and they think that proves how evil anyone who isn’t a lefty is. I’m a white conservative gun-owning man and I can tell you that I do not support what Dylan Roof did in any way. His actions are not based on anything I believe in and they do not reflect on conservatives, gun owners, or white people.
"Roof is not a right-wing warrior or a terrorist. He’s a very disturbed person that did a terrible thing and he deserves to be crushed under the hammer of justice."