Thursday, June 18, 2015

Dolezal: Another of those who are splitting this nation apart for their own personal advantage
Dolezol did earn the coveted honor of "Weasel of the Week"
Yes, It’s Faux Black Person And Racial Grievance Monger Rachel Dolezal!!
 The Razor : Should we just skip the submissions and go with Rachel Dolezal?
This puts her in whole new class of super-weasel in my book.
 Puma By Design : Rachel Dolezal lied, committed fraud, sued Howard University,lied about living in a teepee. Dolezal was determined to be a victim by any means necessary.  Dolezal is a mega weasel.
I’ve  already had a few things to say about this weeks’ winner. One thing the age of Obama has brought to us on steroids is the age of the victim.Everyone, it seems, is now entitled to grievance points unless you’re white, Asian, Christian, Jewish, Male, heterosexual or any combination thereof. As people like Rachel Dolezal discovered, there definitely is such a thing as black privilege, and others besides her have figured that out and taken advantage of it.

Sex Change Race Change

Rachel Dolezal hits bottom, keeps digging . . . "Dolezal, who resigned Monday as president of the African-American advocacy group’s chapter in Spokane, Washington, after her parents said she’d been misrepresenting her racial heritage, told NBC’s Savannah Guthrie, “I haven’t had a DNA test. There’s been no biological proof that Larry and Ruthanne are my biological parents.”
"Guthrie noted that Dolezal’s birth certificate includes both her parents’ names.

Watch Rachel Dolezal’s Long, Unbelievably Incoherent Interview with Melissa Harris-Perry
. . . She resigned her position as an NAACP chapter president, but there are reports that she’s in talks for reality television shows and will soon be hiring an agent and a publicist. And some prominent liberal intellectuals are buying her charade — even as both sides struggle for coherence. Tuesday night in an interview with MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry, both interviewer and interviewee did their best to justify Dolezal’s nonsense and ever-unspooling deceptions."

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