Faceless Evil
HopeNChangeCartoons. . . But what he really wanted was for the world to know his name. To give him notoriety, even of the most heinous kind, because he believed it better than the nameless obscurity which he actually deserved. |
HopeNChangeCartoons. . . But what he really wanted was for the world to know his name. To give him notoriety, even of the most heinous kind, because he believed it better than the nameless obscurity which he actually deserved. |
NBC is planning to announce on Thursday that Brian Williams will not return to his position as the anchor of its “Nightly News” show, four months after the network suspended him for exaggerating his experiences during a helicopter attack in Iraq, according to two people briefed on the decision.
Something extremely terrible has happened to my mom tonight, please pray for her and my family. Pray asapBuzzfeed reported: "All nine victims of the Charleston church shooting have been identified; the youngest was 26, and the oldest was 87."
Meek says that Roof’s racial comments came completely out of the blue and that his friend had been nothing like that before he moved away.. . . "A former roommate, Dalton Tyler, told ABC News he saw Roof last week.
Meek says he could tell something was troubling his friend recently, but he wasn’t able to find out what was bothering him before the shooting.
Roof’s dad gave him a .45 caliber gun for his 21st birthday in April — a present that delighted the shy, quiet Roof. Cowles talked to him a day later.CNN’s Van Jones Insists Church Shooter Be Called ‘White Racist Terrorist’
"Among gun owners, the cliché is that “A gun in the hand is quicker than a cop on the phone.” "And from Thomas Sowell comes: How many times do the same arguments need to be refuted?
. . . There is innocent ignorance and there is invincible, dogmatic, and self-righteous ignorance. Every tragic mass shooting seems to bring out examples of both among gun-control advocates.
Hillary Clinton told a crowd Saturday that as a teen in Park Ridge she volunteered at her Methodist Church to babysit for the kids of Mexican migrant workers working the fields. What an angel. She'd gather all the children into a circle for story time, and then charge them two hundred thousand dollars per story. Comedian Argus HamiltonDaily Caller "Hillary Clinton charged a kids’ charity $200,000 to speak — and she pocketed every dime.
When Condoleezza Rice headlined a 2009 fundraising luncheon for the Boys and Girls Club of Long Beach, she collected a $60,000 speaking fee, then donated almost all of it back to the club, according to multiple sources familiar with the club’s finances.
Hillary Clinton was not so generous to the small charity, which provides after-school programs to underprivileged children across the Southern California city. Clinton collected $200,000 to speak at the same event five years later, but she donated nothing back to the club, which raised less than half as much from Clinton’s appearance as from Rice’s, according to the sources and tax filings.Full article
Instead, Clinton steered her speaking fee to her family’s own sprawling $2 billion charity.