Gallant men fighting for a wretched cause. How sad. TD
Fusion . . . "The Civil War ended 150 years ago, but physical signs of its presence are seen all over the South: monuments, courthouses, schools, cities, counties. They can even be found in places you wouldn’t expect, as far afield as Ridgefield, Washington, or Helena, Montana.
"We pulled together all the mentions we could find of monuments to the Confederacy and its leaders off Wikipedia and created the map below. The highlighted regions are the former Confederate States of America."
This Google Earth screen shot is from the article:
. . . "The map is by no means scientific or comprehensive, and only uses sites named on Wikipedia, and does not include cemeteries or battlefield memorial sites." . . .
'If you know of any public locations marking the Confederate legacy that are not listed on this map, please fill out this form or leave a comment with the information. We’ll update this document with verified additions as we receive them." More here.
Picketts charge at Gettysburg:
"We pulled together all the mentions we could find of monuments to the Confederacy and its leaders off Wikipedia and created the map below. The highlighted regions are the former Confederate States of America."
This Google Earth screen shot is from the article:
. . . "The map is by no means scientific or comprehensive, and only uses sites named on Wikipedia, and does not include cemeteries or battlefield memorial sites." . . .
'If you know of any public locations marking the Confederate legacy that are not listed on this map, please fill out this form or leave a comment with the information. We’ll update this document with verified additions as we receive them." More here.
Picketts charge at Gettysburg:
Hat tip to Michael DeFord at Guardian Eagles