Thursday, June 25, 2015

Awesome Picture From South Carolina That Will Make Race Baiters Choke…

Weasel Zippers
Right Scoop   "Nearly everyone on Twitter is sharing this great picture showing a black man and a guy holding a confederate flag, but they’re not arguing or yelling at each other. Much to the dismay of the professional race-baiters that headed down to South Carolina, these two guys show we can disagree and still get along:" . . .
One of many:
Most of the flack for the Confederate flag comes from northerner liberals and the media. We in the south just see it as a flag of history. Very few even pay attention to it and because we are mostly Conservative Christians, you have seen America that we do love our brothers and sisters, NO matter skin color! God made you and skin is the one thing you cannot change. Be blessed and love all because ALL lives matter in America!
It is not the Confederate flag nor the American flag which is causing so many problems for black American families. It is the evil that is being perpetrated on them by the Marxist policies of the democrat party and the emperor Nero Obama in collusion with the Big Whigs of the Republican Party.
It is not the Confederate flag causing so many black Americans to kill other black Americans nor is it the American flag.
It is not the Confederate flag causing so much unemployment in the black American community nor is it the American flag.
It is not the Confederate flag causing so many black American women to abort their babies as the hero of the democrat party, Margaret Sanger, had envisioned in her diabolical "Negro Project" nor is it the American flag.
The Crucifix was a symbol of an unspeakably horrible death but the early Christians took that symbol of death and transformed it into s symbol of God's love for mankind and a symbol of new life. If the same would be done with the Confederate flag as these two courageous gentlemen are doing it would transform America in a very positive way.
There were forebearers of mine from both sides of my family who fought on both sides of that terrible conflict, the War Between The States, and I refuse to dishonor either side by not acknowledging the flag which either served under. It accomplishes absolutely nothing to do so and in truth only fosters continued divisions in America.
Again, I think these two gentlemen are courageous for what they did.

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