Hip Hop Artist Russell Simmons Compares Plight Of Carriage Horses To Holocaust/Slavery Victims #HorsesLivesMatter.
Western Literature, shot to death by ‘trigger warnings’ "American universities discourage reading of Ovid, Lolita and The Great Gatsby. And the trend is spreading."
O'Malley apologizes for saying 'all lives matter' at liberal conference " . . . O'Malley responded: "Black lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter."
"The demonstrators, who were mostly black, responded by booing him and shouting him down."
Obama Family Vacations Surpass $100 Million
Pride parade celebrates military's plan for transgender troops
(Prank) VIDEO: Liberals Sign Petition to Support “White Privilege Tax”
"A 1% income tax on all white people to be redistributed to help "minority communities' "
"Mark Dice’s latest ‘man on the street’ stunt is perhaps his most outrageous yet, proving that leftists will advocate unbridled insanity so long as they are told it’s in the name of fighting racism." Video
MEANWHILE IMPORTANT THINGS ARE GOING DOWN … Non-Stories Distracting the American People
. . . " Another non-story is anything concerning that pipsqueak, Ariana Grande. Just tell her that if she dislikes this country so much, get the hell out and find another that suits her. As a matter of fact, nothing about celebrities is of interest when compared to national defense."