Sunday, July 19, 2015

Hillary's Coming Out Speech

 Americans have waited a long time for Hillary’s coming out party.  Now that she’s finally saying something, it’s nothing we haven’t heard from Obama, Carter, and LBJ, and from Wilson and Mussolini before that.  The result, in every case, has been economic destruction and political chaos.  Based on what Hillary revealed on Monday, all she has to offer is more of the same. 
American Thinker   "The idea that totalitarian economies are more efficient than capitalist democracies keeps popping up among progressive writers.  That’s because of the progressive dream in which, as Hillary Clinton famously put it in 1993, “[w]e must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society.”  That sounds a lot like Karl Marx’s “Society does not consist of individuals but expresses the sum of interrelations, the relations within which these individuals stand” (Grundrisse, Notebook II, Section B, 1857).

"Lest anyone think Hillary has changed her mind since 1993, it’s now clear that she is competing with Bernie Sanders for the office of socialist-in-chief.  Her speech at the New School for Social Research focused on the failings of capitalism.  Attacking U.S. businesses for their focus on short-term profit, she pledged to work for better pay and family rights for workers, as well as for advancement of the interests of labor unions." . . . Read more

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