"Fiscal Policy: Hillary Clinton, sounding a populist note, says that she wants to raise tax rates on capital gains. That would be a job-destroying disaster for both the middle class and the poor she pretends to care about.
"The details aren't all in, but it's clear Clinton wants higher taxes on capital gains as a kind of two-fer — a tax hike on the "rich" to give more money to Big Government, and more votes to her and other "inequality" warriors on the left.
"An unnamed "campaign official" told the Wall Street Journal that Clinton seeks at least three new rates on capital gains, which would change based on how long a person holds the investment.
"The upshot is it's a cap-gains tax hike: "The Clinton rate .. .would be higher than the 28% President Barack Obama proposed earlier this year for the highest earners," the article says, adding she may even raise the tax rate on capital gains to the same rate as regular income.
"This will be sold, no doubt, on "fairness." But raising the rates on cap-gains taxes won't make our economy fairer; it will make it far less so. And it will make investment decisions more costly and complex to boot.