"While no superpower threatens America today like the Soviet Union did in the past, a new enemy does threaten us – Islamic Jihad. Consequently an American foreign policy must be shaped to respond. How should America confront this new enemy? There are two basic responses on the political right:
1.Neoconservatives see Islam as a powerful force intending to rule the world via terrorism, immigration, and religious proselytization. Because of its aversion to individual freedom and its anti-reason theology, Islam is a formidable threat to America that requires the militarization of our society, centralized bureaucratism, and the establishment of American hegemony in the Mideast to tame its countries’ hostility.
2.Libertarian-conservatives agree that the intent of Islam is to eventually take over the world via terrorism, immigration, and religious proselytization. But we don’t agree with the neoconservative strategy of militarization of America and aggressive confrontation with Islamic nations in the Mideast. This violates a cardinal rule of war: Don’t get bogged down in guerrilla wars in the guerrilla’s home territory unless you are prepared to become a permanent occupation force that is willing to govern such a territory as a colony.
"We must understand the real danger of Islamic Jihad. It is built on 1) the horrific use of terrorism against the West, and 2) the migration of Muslims to the West to peacefully infiltrate its cultures and convert them via rapid breeding and metaphysical proselytization. Modern day Jihad is extremely long-term in its view.
"But " . . . Hat tip to David Leach
Europe is Burning (Graphic and Disturbing) Watch the video
"The world is being duped by ISLAMIC JIHADISTS! Playing of the inherent Sympathetic Culture of Western Civilization, they are invading as refugees and attacking from within."
Arnie Kezsbom, Orlando, Fla.
"The world is being duped by ISLAMIC JIHADISTS! Playing of the inherent Sympathetic Culture of Western Civilization, they are invading as refugees and attacking from within."
Arnie Kezsbom, Orlando, Fla.