Refugee Crisis: Violence, Demands, and Muslim Conquest "As Muslims swarm into Europe, the long-term implications are clear as violence erupts and demands are made.
"For example, the tiny Greek island of Lesbos, situated 6 miles from the Turkish shore, has a population of 85,000. But life for Greeks who live there has changed in hideously threatening ways, as they have been overwhelmed with 25,000 Muslim invaders. With no end in sight. The invaders arrive on inflatable boats, which they slash once they reach the shore. Breitbart reports on German news coverage (RTL):" . . . Read more.
Jennifer Rubin: Timidity in the face of Syrian refugees "The plight of the Syrian people fleeing the chaotic Middle East created by American retreat is well known. Over 200,000 are dead. Millions are homeless and dispossessed, with diseases like polio spreading among them. The scale of human suffering is unimaginable. As Max Boot discerned: “If you want to see what a post-American world looks like, Syria is it. This is what lack of American leadership produces: a catastrophe of unimaginable and growing scale.' ”"For example, the tiny Greek island of Lesbos, situated 6 miles from the Turkish shore, has a population of 85,000. But life for Greeks who live there has changed in hideously threatening ways, as they have been overwhelmed with 25,000 Muslim invaders. With no end in sight. The invaders arrive on inflatable boats, which they slash once they reach the shore. Breitbart reports on German news coverage (RTL):" . . . Read more.
Michelle Malkin: America’s Reckless Refuge for Jihad "On the anniversary week of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, President Obama is rolling out the welcome mat to tens of thousands of Syrian Muslim refugees.
"What could go wrong? There’s no need to hypothesize. Our nation remains utterly incapable of screening out legitimate dreamers from destroyers, liberty-seekers from liberty-stiflers. Indiscriminate asylum and refugee policies rob the truly deserving of an opportunity for freedom — and threaten our national security." . . .
"What could go wrong? There’s no need to hypothesize. Our nation remains utterly incapable of screening out legitimate dreamers from destroyers, liberty-seekers from liberty-stiflers. Indiscriminate asylum and refugee policies rob the truly deserving of an opportunity for freedom — and threaten our national security." . . .