Thursday, September 10, 2015

Best quotes from the "Stop Iran" rally

Karin McQuillan   "This is a very dark moment in American history, and indeed world history.    As the Rally Against Iran was in progress on the lawn before the Capital, inside the building, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced he will do nothing to stop the Democrats from arming and funding Iran, the world’s greatest terror state, Iran.  Is the fate of our country really to be left to such weak and cowardly hands?

"The Democrat and Republican politicians are knowingly sacrificing thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands or millions of lives to their short-term well-being.  For them, it is mere politics as usual.

"But in front of Congress, thousands of citizens gathered to express their outrage and hear from a list of fabulous conservative patriots.  There were great lines from many speakers.  Senator Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Mark Levin, Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck were there. Some of the lesser known speakers were amazing.

"The standouts for me were the lead speakers,  Mark Levin, Senator Cruz, and Donald Trump. 

"Michele Bachmann was an unexpected standout.  She alone called for both a legislation and military alternative to what I call the Obama-Iran Treaty." . . .
     Read more.

death to america iran rally sign“They chant ‘death to America’ 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and we ought to take them at their word.”  At the anti-Obama/Iran deal rally:
. . . "The crowd, for the most part, was focused on protesting not only the specific Iranian nuclear deal, but the path down which Obama’s foreign policy has taken us. 100% of the attendees I talked to see the deal as one more foolish, stupid, naive move by the Obama Administration. For most, opposition was apolitical; I spoke to many people who were grateful for the protest votes of Chuck Schumer and other Democrats, even if those announcements came too little and too late to give the White House pause.

"These signs were floating around everywhere, and for the most part sum up the mood in the crowd:" . . .

As I walked through the crowd, I saw enormous support not just for our own congress critters voicing opposition to the deal, but for our allies in Israel who have spoken out against doing business with Iran. I talked to several activists who were concerned about the growing divide between the United States and Israel; some expressed doubt as to whether or not the alliance could ever repair itself if Obama and the Democrats manage to get this deal shoved through Congress.

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