Monday, September 28, 2015

Confucius takes on political correctness

The Rectification of Names: Confucius Takes on Political Correctness
. . . "History and biology have not been kind to the left.  It’s no accident, as Marxists used to say, that the nomenklatura is so fixated on language, and so ready to persecute violators of its shibboleths.  Its grip on power and its programs depend on obfuscation.  Leftists have become expert weavers of the emperor’s new clothes.

"In honor of Confucius’s birthday, let’s start calling things by their proper names.  This is a revolutionary act, and can be carried out every day in conversations with friends, relatives, and co-workers.  If enough people begin calling things by their proper names, the emperor at some point will have to pull on a pair of jeans.

"In honor of Confucius’s birthday, here are a few terms and the alternatives you can politely insist on when the conversation turns to history or politics." . . .

Brief excerpts from this article:
5.  “Climate Change”
"No alternative.  The term has all the significance of “Plant Death.”  The climate has always changed, and far more dramatically even during the blink of an eye that humans have been on Earth.  As for Anthropogenic Global Warming, there has been no evidence of warming for 18 years. "

9. “Sexist”
"Polite.   And aware of gender differences.  There are of course genuine racists and sexists, but the terms are used so promiscuously that a dozen innocents are smeared for every true bigot."

14.  "Islamophobic"
"Knowledgeable about the history and doctrines of Islam.  In two great waves beginning in the 7th and 14th centuries, Islam swept into Europe to conquer the natives and incorporate them into dar al Islam as dhimmis, “protected” so long as they paid the jizya, the tax on unbelievers, surrendered their arms, and demonstrated their submission to their rulers in various other humiliating ways."


Sunday, September 27, 2015

The tyranny of political correctness

Political Correctness: Do We Have What It Takes To Reverse Course?

. .. . "Every day, statements that people make are being grossly exaggerated, taken out of context, misinterpreted, and/or deemed offensive or otherwise unacceptable.  More and more words and phrases are being declared off-limits by “leaders” we don't trust and certainly don't agree with.  PC in its many forms has become a preferred tool with which the powerful elite manipulate and control public perception.  Mass media, political sycophants, and gullible ideologues have enthusiastically joined in the game. " . . .

. . . "It doesn't help that our society has become more and more secular, leaving many with nowhere to turn (without spiritual knowledge and the power of prayer) for guidance when they “feel offended.”  The power mongers among us are quick to recruit such people to help them in their efforts to destroy their political enemies.  This typifies how anger often becomes amplified and dangerous in our society.

"Consider this:  From the very beginning of our republic's existence, the free flow of ideas has been a primary factor in our nation's overall success.  However, in recent decades we have witnessed a not insignificant decline in the effectiveness of virtually all of our institutions – governmental, financial, educational, religious, etc."

The Official Politically Correct Dictionary and Handbook
Excerpt from the book:
  • Vagrant.� Nonspecifically-destinationed individual; directionally-impoverished person.
  • Phallocentrism: The use, by white heterosexual males, of such discredited devices as reasoning and�logic to maintain a position of sexual and political dominance.
  • First Baseperson.� The correct gender-inclusive term for first baseman, recommended by the Little League.
  • Prisoner. Client of the correctional system, guest in a correctional institution, incarcerated American.
  • Pro-abortion. Pro-choice.
  • Shoplifter. Nontraditional shopper.
  • Grammar. Defined by Lewis Lapham as "arbitrary rules of procedure subservient to a sexist political agenda."
  • Pet owner. The American Humane Society says the appropriate term is "human companion of a nonhuman companion."
  • Morally different. Dishonest, evil.
  • Jungle. Tropical Rainforest. The term "jungle" is ideologically unsuitable because of its use in such insensitive phrases as "It's a jungle out there."
  • Difficult-to-serve. Canadian educators'�term for sociopathic. Example: "Professor McLaughlin was robbed at gunpoint by one of his difficult-to-serve students."
  • Smellism. Discrimination against, or stigmatization or oppression of a human or nonhuman being because�his/her/its nondiscretionary body odor is deemed to be unpleasant.
  • Ableism.� The Smith College Office of Student Affairs defines this as "oppression of the differently abled by the temporarily able."
"To see the emptiness of liberal/Democrat logic, try the following at the next dinner party.

"If I vote for Ben Carson, am I still guilty of being a racist, considering the way you hurled that accusation at me when I told you that Obama was a very bad choice because of his ideology and his acquaintances?

"If I vote for Carly Fiorina, am I still guilty of a war on women, given that this woman has broken through the glass ceiling, overcome a deadly disease, and still come out fighting?

"If you insist that the federal government fund Planned Parenthood even after the uncovering of  illegal sales of aborted body parts, I am confused.  Wasn't Obamacare supposed to provide universal coverage for all Americans?  Why, then, does the federal government need to continue funding Planned Parenthood? 
"f you vote for Bernie Sanders, will your house in Chappaqua be available for the government's use if Sanders decides you have no right to private property anymore?  As Thomas Sowell has opined, "what exactly is [the] fair share of what someone else has worked for?"

"For the environmentalists who maintain that we have no right to use trees to produce paper towels for bathroom use, did you know that "dryers use electricity which produces a 'carbon footprint' that liberals link to global warming"?

"By the way, "if 11 million illegal aliens are supposed to assist the U.S. economy, why didn't they help the Mexican economy before they left?' " . . .
Full article

[Obama's] State Department just gave Trey Gowdy what he wanted in 925 Hillary e-mails

Independent Journal Review  Friday document dump made manifest.

. . . "Among the emails released thus far are revelations about what Clinton was doing the night of the Benghazi attacks, how her team coordinated with the White House to assign blame for the attacks, and the role of Clinton adviser Sidney Blumenthal in assisting Clinton on intelligence in the region.

"The Clinton emails, which total over 55,000 pages and were turned over to the State Department by Clinton this spring, were originally sorted by Clinton adviser Heather Samuelson. It is not clear whether Samuelson possesses a security clearance.

"Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is expected to testify before the Benghazi committee on October 22."

Iran, Russia and the state of the Middle East under Obama. Still his admirers cheer for the man.

The Cooperation Between Iran And Russia Has Been High
. . . However, there could be more than what meets the eye. Tehran had signed a very crucial deal with six world powers about two months back, which accorded the country significant relief from crippling sanctions. In return, Iran appears to have agreed to scale back its nuclear program, which was viewed as a threat to the world. Subsequent to the deal, the cooperation between Russia and Iran appears to have surged, only to be further boosted by the ISIS insurgence.

"With a primary aim to boost economies and ties, Iran could also be buying aircraft from Russia to bolster its aging fleet and gain new technologies. It seems terrorism and an aggressive nuclear program was the reason Iran is collaborating so intimately with Russia."

How are Democrats different from socialists?

Greta Van Susteren Wonders why Socialist Bernie Sanders Invited to Democrat Debates?


"So, liberals are now synonymous with socialists, correct?

"Why else would you invite a man who is dedicated to instilling socialist values if elected president to an event for Democrats? There is no answer, period.

"The geniuses who believe socialism works have not been keeping up with the news regarding Greece, Venezuela, or dozens of other countries, nor do they know anything about history.
Without capitalism, America fails. With socialism, we’ll all fail together.

"Some responses… "

Anti-religion group offended over Jesus picture in a Kentucky courtroom, but still looking for someone therre to initiate the lawsuit.

Battlelines Drawn Over Breathitt County Courthouse Jesus Portrait

Via Weasel Zippers"People are so offended, the organization can’t find any plaintiffs to push the case for them."


"Debate is stirring in Breathitt County over a courthouse portrait of Jesus. Dozens of community members rallied Tuesday after learning that church-state separation advocates are considering a legal challenge.

"A spokesman for the Freedom from Religion Foundation says the organization has been quietly requesting that officials remove the image of Jesus hanging in the main entryway of the Breathitt County Courthouse for years – with no response. Now they’re seeking residents willing to act as plaintiffs, a role foundation staff attorney Andrew Seidel acknowledges can be difficult to fill.

"A spokesman for the Freedom from Religion Foundation says the organization has been quietly requesting that officials remove the image of Jesus hanging in the main entryway of the Breathitt County Courthouse for years – with no response. Now they’re seeking residents willing to act as plaintiffs, a role foundation staff attorney Andrew Seidel acknowledges can be difficult to fill."

Saturday, September 26, 2015

What did Obama mean when he said about Chinese President Xi, "I indicated" hacking has to stop?

Obama: "Hacking has to stop!". Another redline.

Obama: I Asked China to Stop Hacking, and They Said OK
. . . "Even the ranking Democrat on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee noted “we can’t just believe what China says.” . . .

Obama, Xi promise not to commit cyber-theft
. . . "President Obama inked a totally unenforceable agreement with China that is supposed to stop the Chinese from stealing our business secrets and attacking our power grid.

"The fact that all we have is President Xi's word on it would normally cause a lot of people to balk at such an agreement.  But our trusting president, who thinks Iran's nuclear program is in a box because of a piece of paper, seems satisfied."
. . .
"It is unavoidable that very soon, Russia or China is going to hit us hard somewhere sensitive.  It may be the internet, it may be our power grid, it may be another massive attack on a big company.  But the hacks will continue as long as we have a president who refuses to offer any deterrence for an attack, and places his childlike faith in useless agreements.

"President Xi will be laughing all the way home."

On Islam, Ben Carson is Right; Charles Krauthammer is Wrong

. . . "This conundrum comes to the fore — and not for the first time — after Dr. Krauthammer’s serial denunciations of Dr. Ben Carson. In a Sunday Meet the Press interview, Carson opined that Islam is inconsistent with the United States Constitution and, therefore, that he “would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation” — meaning he would not recommend that voters elect a Muslim president.

" Dr. K decries Dr. C’s remarks as “morally outrageous,” albeit “sincerely felt.” With Democrats in distress, the columnist fears Republicans are undermining their golden 2016 opportunity: “It is certainly damaging to any party when one of its two front-runners denigrates, however thoughtlessly, the nation’s entire Muslim American community.” But what loseth a man if he denigrates a tiny community — a large percentage of whose members are Islamists reliably aligned with Democrats — but gains the esteem of a vast political base convinced that Washington is insane on matters Muslim?" . . . Read more

 Related, also by Mr. McCarthy: Don’t Blame the Charlie Hebdo Mass Murder on ‘Extremism’
"Intolerance for free expression is rooted in classical Islam. "

Another book on Hillary by Ed Klein; dare we believe it? Salon does not. She calls Obama "incompetent and feckless".

Hillary to Obama “Call Off Your F*^#ing Dogs” Obama: “No”
"According to a new book coming out on Monday, the recent closed door meeting between Hillary and Obama did not go well.  According to the book, during the meeting, which was requested by Hillary, she shouted at him, “Call off your f*^#ing dogs!!”  Obama told her he couldn’t and wouldn’t interfere and that the problem was of her own making by setting up and operating a private server.  The March 23rd meeting came as Hillary and her campaign was being under attack for her illegal activities.

Unlikeable“T 'here is nothing I can do for you one way or another. Things have been set in motion, and I can’t and won’t interfere. Your problems are, frankly, of your own making,”

"Clinton had requested the meeting to discuss what she described as  “minor, meaningless violations.”  One has to wonder if that conversation and Hillary’s outburst led to the FBI getting involved in the investigation and whether Loretta Lynch will intervene like Holder did for Lois Lerner.  There are reasons to believe the investigation will not go well for Hillary.  One is the FBI seizing the Clinton server and the thumb drives in the possession of her lawyer.

"There is also the fact that the FBI refused to cooperate in the investigation with the State Department, who would try to give Hillary cover and could tip her off on the investigation.  The fact that a leak allowed the press to know that the FBI had recovered her “deleted” emails is also not a good sign for Hillary.  In such a sensitive investigation, it is unlikely anyone would have leaked the information without authority to do so.
. . .
Hillary called Obama ‘incompetent and feckless’ in boozy rant
. . . “The IRS targeting the Tea Party, the Justice Department’s seizure of AP phone records and [Fox reporter] James Rosen’s e-mails — all these scandals. Obama’s allowed his hatred for his enemies to screw him the way Nixon did,” she raged, the book says, adding that she called the president “incompetent and feckless.”

The UK Mail covers this as well: The Clintons and the Obama secretly hate each other, claim's Edward Klein's latest tell-all book

Salon is pretty contemptuous of this revelation: The right’s least reputable “journalist” imagines a Hillary/Obama shouting match . . . "Of course, if these things are accurate, it has to strike you as a little odd that Ed Klein is the only “journalist” in the country who is privy to these secret and nefarious sides of these very public figures."

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

Follow-up on Eye Empress Sekhmet's call to murder police

First this:  Black Lives and the Death of a Culture  . . . "This isn’t about cops. It isn’t even about slavery and white privilege -– though liberals would like it to be. It’s about policies that have decimated an entire culture, made it rot from the inside out, about policies birthed in the Democrat party, in the hearts of those who value power above all. It’s no wonder that these young people are angry." . . .

Now to the main stories:
Justice! Black Activist That Calls for the Killing of Cops Denied Bail

"Latausha Nedd, who goes by the name Eye Empress Sekhmet, appeared in court on Friday to answer charges stemming from her videos calling for a war against whites and the killing of police officers.  She has denied all charges.  She apparently thinks that by putting her threats on YouTube, she exempt from criminal charges.  The judge didn’t see it her way and refused to set bail for her as he considers a threat to society.  She will remain in jail at least until next month, when she will have her next court appointment.
Here is her video entitled “Open Season”:

. . . "Words can kill.  I remember living in the New York Metro area many years ago and listening to [Democrat and MSNBC's] Rev Al Sharpton on TV threatening a “white interloper.”  A couple of days later, one of the people who participated in his protest, set fire to Freddie’s Fashion Mart, killing 8 people.  Democratic officials who needed the black vote to keep their jobs, refused to indict Sharpton for inciting to riot.

"No word on whether Nedd will be broadcasting her show from Cell Block 3."

Then there's this guy:  Black Lives Matter Supporter Arrested for Death Threats

La Plate Threat

Friday, September 25, 2015

On Hillary's E-troubles

Michael Ramirez Cartoon
Now MORE Hillary Clinton emails surface – between her and disgraced general David Petraeus – after she swore she turned over 'all of them'
The Obama administration has discovered a chain of emails that Hillary Rodham Clinton failed to turn over when she provided what she said was the full record of work-related correspondence as secretary of state, officials said Friday, adding to the growing questions related to the Democratic presidential front-runner's unusual usage of a private email account and server while in government.

Hillary Clinton vs. FOIA
. . . "The Clintons are street fighters, and over their scandal-plagued years they have mastered outwitting the press, Congress, the Justice Department, even special prosecutors. But the reason Mrs. Clinton isn’t winning her latest scandal is because she faces a new opponent—one she can’t beat: the Freedom of Information Act."

"I believe this is the shot over the bow for the Clintons."   "This is just the tip of the iceberg, and what we will soon find out about the Clintons will likely not only damage the Clintons, but the Democrats in general."

. . . "Cotton then tried a different tack, asking if the communications of the president’s senior-most advisers were often targets of foreign-intelligence agencies. “Yes,” Rogers said." . . .

The Democrats are winning the war of planting questioners at town hall meetings

Hot Air  "Jeb Bush had yet another uncomfortable moment at a town hall in South Carolina yesterday. While he was trying to fend off questions about The Donald and get out his message on economic growth and jobs, a questioner (who was a white guy, by the way) stood up and tagged him with something completely out of left field. (Washington Post)"
. . .

"It’s not the first time this has happened this cycle. The now infamous “Muslim Question Guy” at Trump’s rally earlier in the month turned out to be a dedicated Democrat supporter. It’s a pretty good tactic if you think about it, but having seen it rolled out multiple times the GOP candidates need to be prepped and ready for these tricks. (I’m not saying we need to be doing it ourselves… but then again, I’m not saying we shouldn’t, either.) It’s nearly impossible to completely vet every single person who shows up for a rally without making the place look like an internment camp, which carries its own set of PR problems. But if you suspect that such a stunt is coming your way your staff should be getting you ready to deflect those questions and defuse the situation.

"Thus far the Republican field seems to be failing that test. This is war and the other side is in no mood to take prisoners, so the GOP needs to get ahead of the curve and be ready for these shenanigans." . . .  

EXCLUSIVE: Liberal Group Publicized Trump ‘Muslim Question’ Guy Years Ago
. . . "The man was depicted participating in a rally holding a sign that read “Impeach the Muslim Marxist.” The photo spread on left-wing message boards.

“Glenn Beck Is My Hero,” the man’s shirt read.

"The photo has been used as a stock image by liberal sites including The Daily Banter and Forward Progressives.