With an assist from Rachael Maddow of MSNBC
Cecile Richards: Republicans Asking Me About Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Babies Was “Sexist”…
Rich Lowry: It’s the Abortion, Stupid . . . "Give her this: Richards is extremely skilled at defending the indefensible, which is her job. The slave trade, another enormity of American national life once accepted by a swath of the country, surely would have benefited from such an on-message, unflappable, morally oblivious advocate. " . . .
Cecile Richards: Republicans Asking Me About Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Babies Was “Sexist”…
Rich Lowry: It’s the Abortion, Stupid . . . "Give her this: Richards is extremely skilled at defending the indefensible, which is her job. The slave trade, another enormity of American national life once accepted by a swath of the country, surely would have benefited from such an on-message, unflappable, morally oblivious advocate. " . . .