Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Latest on the Islamic invasion of the West.

Occupy Germany

That policy has now been replaced, as Judicial Watch explains:
. . .
. . . "So, a couple of hundred men who went through terrorist military training - including, one supposes, the usual brainwashing - are comfortably ensconced in an American city near you. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, doesn't it?" . . .
Officials in Germany, Sweden, consider seizing property to house new migrants
. . . "The rules of law and property rights are the first casualties of the EU push for a more ‘generous’ migration policy. Countries like Germany and Sweden are considering revising existing property laws to confiscate homes to house arriving migrants. Austria has changed its constitution to force provinces to accept higher quotas of migrants. The existing law restricted the intake of refugees more than 1.5 percent of the population. The country is expecting to receive about 80,000 asylum claims by the end of 2015. The Austrian news website The Local reports:" . .  .

New website:

The Migration Waves Have Only Just Begun
. . . "In the coming generations the Islamic world and Africa could in principle send a constant stream of migrants ten times as large as what we are seeing now. Even if they did so, it would not solve basic social problems in the Islamic world or Africa. It would, however, probably led to a social collapse in many European countries. Europe must soon decide whether it wants to live or commit suicide." . . .

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