Power Line . . . "It will be televised on CNBC. What better way to watch it than with a few hundred (or thousand) fellow conservatives? The audience for the debate will be big, and it could be a make or break event for several candidates.
"So: plan to sign in to Power Line Live as you watch the debate. To get into Power Line Live, click on the “Live” link above or simply click here.
"You will be asked to log in. Logging in is easy. When you arrive at Power Line Live, you’ll be invited to enter a nickname. Enter anything you like, but keep it civil, of course. You’ll instantly be in the chat!
"You can also click the button that says “Log in or sign up now!” This lets you use your Facebook account to log in. In this case, you won’t have to pick a nickname; we’ll get it from your Facebook profile. Click the Facebook logo, and then authorize Facebook to connect with chat. Once you do this, you’ll be in the chat. You can comment on the action and see what your fellow conservatives are saying.