Wednesday, October 28, 2015

"Hard worker" is a racist term? Who knew?

This could be posted under "American Silliness"
MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry (pictured) said the term ‘hard worker’ should not be used because it is an insult to the experience of slaves
Althouse  "Now, what could possibly be wrong with the description 'hard worker'?" A"sks Greta Van Susteren before playing video of Melissa Harris-Perry calling out a guest for saying that Paul Ryan is a "hard worker."

"This is Harris-Perry's stern warning:  "I want us to be super-careful when we use the language 'hard worker,' because I actually keep an image of folks working in cotton fields on my office wall, because it is a reminder about what hard work looks like."

"Oh, so the
slave is the idealized "hard worker"? Then why, just a couple weeks ago did a textbook publisher, McGraw-Hill, have to apologize and agree to change a geography textbook that referred to slaves as "workers"?
On reading a caption in his geography textbook that described slaves as “workers”, Coby Burren sent a photo and an annoyed message to his mother. "We was real hard workers wasn’t we," he wrote.
Good grief.

Again:  Her comments sparked online backlash with many calling them ridiculous    

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