Washington Post Story Claims Christmas Is About Honoring Poverty Stricken Family Fleeing Tyranny With A Newborn…
Buried deep inside the Washington Post’s “The Phony War On Christmas Is Back” post lies this delightful nugget of how this WAPO reader sees the story of Christmas. Would it shock you it’s from a social justice point of view?
"No mention of God or Christ being the promised savior. Nope. Christmas, it’s all about fleeing poverty like self taking urchins from Azerbaijan or Syria.
This? This is what Christmas is all about?I’m willing to concede that there is a war on Christmas. The real Christmas.If Christmas is about honoring the birth of an impoverished child to a homeless couple who must eventually flee a tyrant to keep their baby safe, then, yes, there is a war on Christmas.
If Christmas is about peace, joy, generosity, thankfulness and goodwill among people, then yes, there is a war on Christmas.But this Starbucks frenzy is a faux war on a faux Christmas.