The Left Eats Its Own at MU . . . "Once elected to high office, Democrats too cowardly to say "all lives matter" will yield to the mob as surely as their bourgeois comrades did in Revolutionary France. Alas, they will discover, as Wolfe and Loftin did, that liberal heads are often the first ones on the chopping block. The only real question for them is how long that chopping block remains a metaphor."
Was the Mizzou poop swastika a fake? "Sean Davis at The Federalist asks a worthwhile question, given the hundreds of documented fake hate crimes, usually perpetrated for the purpose of launching political reactions. The reason why the purported swastika drawn with feces at Mizzou is suspicious is:
… no evidence of the alleged incident, in which a poop swastika on the wall of a dormitory restroom was reported, has ever been made publicly available. Did this incident occur as reported, or was it an immaculate defecation that formed the foundation of an unimaginable deception?
Progressives, A Safe Space And Adult Diapers . . ."Without a poop swastika at Yale, these brats have little to whine about. Rather than specifics, they simply want to feel “safe.” But unsafe means having someone with a differing opinion near them. They are a disgrace.
"These spoiled Yalies and Mizzou morons are everything that is wrong with progressives and the Democratic Party. They should be told to shut up and go back to school or leave. But these are Democrats. These are their voters. This is their base. These are their ideals."