Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veterans Day, 2015

Hope n' Change Cartoons  "We humbly thank all who have served. You are the best of us."

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

 Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
. . . "Regardless of how high his office, no politician who had the opportunity to serve in the military, but didn’t, will be allowed to make a patriotic speech, appear on TV, or poke his nose out of his office for the entire day.
"Any politician who defies this ban will be required to spend 12 hours wearing headphones and listening to tapes of President Clinton explaining his deferments." . . .Via Blackfive

 Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

Simple 5-Step Family Plan for Honoring Veterans  . . . "This last suggestion for making the most of Veterans Day does not involve thanking a vet. But it does aim at creating a family culture of remembering and appreciating our nation’s military history and heroes. Every veteran I know views cultivating this memory and appreciation as a high form of thanks."

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