Roger L. Simon
. . . "I know DiGenova slightly and he is an extremely smart guy, but he's also a dyed-in-the-wool Republican who would like nothing more than to see Hillary fall. On the other hand, he's a longtime Beltway player with a lot of friends at the top levels of law enforcement. I wouldn't for a minute dismiss what he is saying, nor, I'm sure are people at the upper echelons of the Democratic Party. It's not for no reason the Daily Mail is suddenly reporting "Candid Joe Biden says he 'regrets' his decision not to run for president 'every day' as he admits to having second thoughts." Maybe he knows something."
Former U.S. Attorney: Hillary Clinton Could Face Criminal Indictment in Next 60 Days . . . "DiGenova, who rose to national prominence during the Clinton scandals of the '90s, told Ingraham that if Attorney General Loretta Lynch refuses to indict Clinton, there will be a "massive revolt inside the FBI, which she will not be able to survive as an Attorney General.' " . . .
Former U.S. Attorney: Hillary Clinton Could Face Criminal Indictment in Next 60 Days . . . "DiGenova, who rose to national prominence during the Clinton scandals of the '90s, told Ingraham that if Attorney General Loretta Lynch refuses to indict Clinton, there will be a "massive revolt inside the FBI, which she will not be able to survive as an Attorney General.' " . . .