Wednesday, February 3, 2016

When Anger Trumps All

American Thinker  "One of the most dangerous effects of Donald Trump's presidential campaign is the venomous anger his demagoguery has cultivated among his more engaged supporters, to be spewed at anyone who dares to express concern about any of their idol's (yes, idol's) soft spots. 

"Just click on any article, on any website, critical of anything about Trump, and navigate to the readers' comments.  First, notice the unusually large number of them.  Then observe the tone: rarely logical, thoughtful, or truly argumentative, the Trump defenders (granting honorable exceptions) simply attack -- personally, irrelevantly, uncivilly -- any writer or fellow commenter, no matter how unimpeachably serious (even Thomas Sowell, for heaven's sake!) who dares to suggest Trump may be a poor nominee. 

"That's their prerogative, of course, and anyone who writes for public consumption must be thick-skinned enough to stand by his ideas and let the spewers spew.  The problem, however, lies in the way this true believer invective is smothering meaningful political discourse precisely when such discourse is most urgently needed." 

Woodward: Clinton 'shouts,' needs to 'get off this screaming stuff'

Washington Examiner  "Veteran investigative journalist Bod Woodward on Wednesday said a likely reason Hillary Clinton lost young voters in Iowa to her main Democratic rival is because she has a harsh tone that comes across as insecure. 
" 'I think a lot of it with Hillary Clinton has to do with style and delivery, oddly enough," Woodward said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe." "She shouts. There is something unrelaxed about the way she is communicating."  . . . 
" 'Last night I was watching her and I said to myself, has nobody told her that the microphone works because she always keeps it up here," Scarborough said." . . .
" 'She is especially poor at the podium, where, when she wants to emphasize an applause line, her voice becomes loud, flat and harassing to the ear," Noonan wrote in January. She compared Clinton to a "landlady yelling up the stairs that your kids left their bikes in the hall again.' "

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Two signs from Iowa that should worry Clinton

Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

Washington Examiner  . . . "It's bad enough for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to end up in a virtual tie with socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders given that she edged him out by a whopping 61 points in a poll taken at this time a year ago.
"But these two results from the entrance polls should trouble Clinton, as well as all Democrats should she win the nomination:
1) Sanders beat Clinton with voters aged 17 to 29 by an insane 84 percent to 14 percent, and 30 to 44 year olds by a narrower but still substantial 58 percent to 37 percent. It's true that the results of primaries and caucuses don't necessarily carry over to the general election. But this wide of a gap has to be concerning given that come November, she'll have to turn out these voters in large numbers.
"2) Among those who said that "honest and trustworthy" was the candidate quality that mattered to them most, Sanders won 83 percent to 10 percent. As Clinton's use of a private email server while secretary of state continues to produce new revelations, the fact that she's viewed this way among a Democratic electorate is not a good sign."
Sanders rally chant: 'She's a liar!'   "The room at Bernie Sanders' rally here turned ice cold when Hillary Clinton's speech took over the televisions here.

"The crowd booed loudly at first, then cheered when the sound cut out. The sound soon returned and Clinton was drowned out by further boos when she said "I'm a progressive who gets things done."

"It escalated from there: Chants of "She's a liar!" took over the room before the campaign just entirely shut off the stream, cutting away from MSNBC entirely."

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Weasel Of The Week Nominees!! – 02/02/16 Room  "It’s time once again for the Watcher’s Council’s ‘Weasel Of The Week’ nominations, where we pick our choices to compete for the award of the famed Golden Weasel to a public figure who particularly deserves to be slimed and mocked for his or her dastardly deeds during the week. Every Tuesday morning, tune in for the Weasel of the Week nominations!" "Here are this week’s nominees…"
MessNBC’s Resident Dingbat, Mellisa Harris-Perry!!

. . . "She whined on MSNBC that poor, misunderstood illegal immigrants are being deported from the US. Then she laughingly compared their plight to that of slaves in the 1850s. What a maroon:
Melissa Harris Perry: I don’t want the Obama administration’s final year to be marred by a fugitive slave law around the question of this deportation that leads in the context of Flint to actual children actually being poisoned because they’re afraid to open the door to clean water.
The UN Signers of The Global Warming Diktat!!

"The signatories of the U.N. global warming treaty (which will cost at least $13 trillion)who travel in private jets and stay at places with the largest carbon footprints." . . .

Former Arkansas Governor, Presidential Candidate And Bass Guitarist Mike Huckabee!!

"The Daley Gator: Apparently soon-to-be failed-GOP hopeful Mike Huckabee can determine who is, and is not a Christian. Or maybe he has sold out to Trump and is bashing Ted Cruz’s faith to please his new puppet master…"

UN Secretary General, Human Jellyfish And Terrorism Apologist Ban-Ki-Moon!!

"Ban Ki-Moon decided to give a speech last week entitled, “Secretary-General’s remarks to the Security Council on the Situation in the Middle East.” It had 52 paragraphs, three about Lebanon, and two about Syria – one about refugees and one about the Golan. The rest of it was a screed aimed at Israel. Nothing about Iran, or about ISIS . Nothing about Saudi Arabia’s mass killings of civilians in Yemen, nothing about Egypt or Libya. Not a mention of the Kurds." . . .
Rationalizing murder is bad enough, but creating special rules for Israel, the world’s only Jewish State that apply to no other nation is by definition Jew hatred. That seems to be fashionable once again, especially at the UN.

Former Inspector General: Powerful Democrat Women Standing in Way of Hillary Indictment

analogy  Trying To Draw An Analogy Here

Breitbart National Security   . . . "Even if the FBI decides Clinton holds the ultimate responsibility for creating the private server, “It will never get to an indictment,” Krongard tells the Post. The decision to act on the FBI’s recommendation would have to pass through, “four loyal Democrat women.” Krongard is referring to Loretta Lynch and her deputies Leslie Caldwell and Sally Yates. In addition, Valerie Jarrett, one of President Obama’s top advisers, could weigh in.

"What Krongard expects would actually happen, if the FBI recommends pursuing the case, is something similar to what Gen. Petraeus faced, i.e. a misdemeanor plea deal would be reached. Petraeus’ deal gave him two year’s probation and a $100,000 fine for sharing “top secret” information with his biographer Paula Broadwell. No leak of the classified information beyond Broadwell was ever uncovered.
"Krongard notes that Gen. Petraeus’ lawyer, David Kendall, is also Clinton’s lawyer." . . .

How Iowa went wrong for Hillary Clinton

Her vaunted field organization performed as expected. But she didn't.  But her dancing sticker-boy, Peter Clinkscales was in his own state of Nirvana.


Hillary Clinton, accompanied by former President Bill Clinton and their daughter Chelsea Clinton, waves on stage at her caucus night rally at Drake University in Des Moines on Feb. 1, 2016.

. . . “ 'Since 2008, Clinton’s people have been pretty smart about putting together a really first-rate organization,” says Jeff Link, a Des Moines-based consultant with close ties to Harkin, long the state’s dominant Democrat, told POLITICO last month. “In the last eight years she gained all this experience at the State Department, which is great. But experience is not something voters are dying for right now.”
"The importance of winning in Iowa was twofold - back in the spring, the Clinton campaign hoped to defeat its primary challengers as quickly as possible and avoid a 50-state primary that would ding up the candidate with attacks before she entered a general election battle. And psychologically for Clinton, a victory here would free her from her stinging third-place finish eight years ago."

Nate Beeler- Columbus Dispatch 1_2_2008.tif

Hilarious: CBS anchors chuckle when Tammy says she can’t be bought

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Thomas Lifson   "Hillary Clinton is well on her way to being a joke – she just doesn’t realize it yet.  The groundswell for Bernie Sanders shows that many on the left now recognize her corruption, something that her dubious victory in Iowa will only enhance.
"Things are so bad for her that the anchors on CBS – CBS! – chuckled when she claimed during an interview that she couldn’t be bought.  (Newsalert had the story; hat tip: Instapundit.)"

"Hillary is becoming the Tammy Faye Bakker of the Democrats.  A joke to most, but believed by a hard core of supporters – until the hypocritical enterprise falls apart."

Hillary’s dubious ‘victory’ in Iowa alienating Sanders supporters
. . . Long story short: the ultra-left wing of the left-wing Democratic Party is waking up to the fact that Hillary Clinton is a vicious, crooked phony, who will do anything to win – fair or foul.  Welcome to the club, lefties.  That’s step one in waking up to the political corruption that is destroying our country.  Meanwhile, assuming Hillary continues to muscle her way into the nomination and escapes indictment, the odds are that embittered Sanders supporters will stay home in November." . . .

Oops. Fox News catches Hillary telling story she just heard “yesterday” three weeks earlier
. . . "She was making that story up to try to sell her email alibi and spinning it out of whole cloth. In some circles that’s still referred to as “lying.' ”. . . 

Bernie and the high cost of ‘free’ health care

 NY Post
“If you think health care is expensive today,” humorist P.J. O’Rourke once opined, “just wait until it’s free.”

. . . "Given that Medicare is running some $40 trillion in the red, that might not be the best model, but Bernie’s undeterred. In fact, Sanders’ plan would actually cover more services than Medicare.
"And, it would do away with all of Medicare’s modest cost-sharing components like co-payments, deductibles and premiums. When Sanders promises free health care, he means it.
"But, as O’Rourke warned us, BernieCare will really cost us a whole lot more. Sanders’ own estimates suggest that BernieCare would cost roughly $13.8 trillion over its first decade of operation, roughly a 30 percent increase in federal spending.
"To pay for it, Sanders would sock us all with a big tax hike. He would increase the top income-tax rate to 52 percent and add hefty hikes in capital gains taxes and estate taxes. Corporations would face a new 6.2 percent payroll tax, which would mean either fewer jobs or lower wages. He would also hit every American with a new 2.2 percent income tax." . . .  Emphasis mine, TD

Monday, February 1, 2016

Celebrating Cruz’s victory in Iowa — and remembering that conservative Trump supporters are still our friends

Bookworm Room

. . . "I worry that Trump does not value the Constitution any more than Obama does.  To me, an America without the Constitution as its political centerpiece is just another First World leftist country heading downhill fast.  After eight years of Obama’s deep and abiding disdain for the Constitution, I’m not sure we can handle any more of that and still be the unique, exceptional country we are.
"I won’t lie, therefore, and pretend that I’m anything but delighted about the outcome in Iowa.  To me, the strongest constitutionalist won, and that’s the correct outcome." . . .
. . . "As the campaign heats up, though, it’s very important for each of us to remind ourselves that the people who support a different Republican candidate than the one we support are still our friends.  All of them are people who love their country (something I don’t necessarily feel is true of those supporting Bernie or Hillary), and all are working hard to find the candidate they believe is the best person to keep America strong, safe, and true to her core values of individual liberty, free market capitalism, and a delightful optimism that’s been absent for a while." . . .

The Democrat's day in Iowa

Hillary Clinton wins Iowa precinct by coin toss  . . . "Hillary Clinton has earned at least one delegate in Iowa entirely by chance. When Des Moines Precinct 70 was split 61-61 between Bernie Sanders and Clinton, the winner was decided by a random coin toss because that's how they get the job done in Iowa:" . . .
Sanders rally chant: 'She's a liar!'  "The room at Bernie Sanders' rally here turned ice cold when Hillary Clinton's speech took over the televisions here.
"The crowd booed loudly at first, then cheered when the sound cut out. The sound soon returned and Clinton was drowned out by further boos when she said "I'm a progressive who gets things done."

"It escalated from there: Chants of "She's a liar!" took over the room before the campaign just entirely shut off the stream, cutting away from MSNBC entirely." . . .

Meanwhile, At Hillary Clinton’s “Victory Speech” A Man Is Eating Stickers…


American silliness Feb 1, 2016

Not From The Onion: University Of Kentucky Offers Course On Taco Literacy…    "Field trips to Taco Bell are the highlight of the course."  "Via Eater: It counts towards a degree — really."

QUESTION: Will You Buy Your Little Daughter The New Hillary Kid’s Book?
Hillary hagiography for immature minds  "Nothing quite like  ["the birth of the late Kim Jong-Il,"] has (yet) appeared about Hillary Clinton, but an effort to canonize her in the minds of the next generation is well underway. Kyle Smith of the New York Post reviews the slightly-less-grotesque-than-North-Korea effort of children’s book author Michelle Markel, titled, Hillary Rodham Clinton: Some Girls Are Born to Lead." . . . 

. . . "It turns out that there is an entire genre of Hillary books for children:"

Marine Vet Suing MD School System For Islamic Proselytization  "The Washington Free Beacon reports:
"Their daughter and her fellow students were instructed to write out the Islamic creed “Shahada,” which says, “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” When recited by non-Muslims, the creed amounts to conversion to Islam.
Students were also required to memorize and recite the Five Pillars of Islam and were subjected to disparaging teachings about Christianity.
“Most Muslims’ faith is stronger than the average Christian,” one worksheet read." . . .   Related: Islamic ‘Instruction’ in our Public Schools
 Newest San Francisco Attraction: Open-Air Urinals

LI #19 Pee Proof Paint

Fortunately, the crisis has led to some innovative solutions that are now available. For example,“pee-proof” paint.

. . . "Unaware of the fact that Marx, a revolutionary socialist who sought to abolish capitalism, died in 1883, Hillary supporters were happy to oblige.  “Sure, I will support that,” remarked one woman as she signed the petition while Dice said that Hillary choosing Marx would “boost her candidacy credentials”. Another man signed the petition after Dice told him that Marx had also been Obama’s economic advisor for many years.

Leftist On Twitter: “Cruz Forcing His Daughter To Kiss Him Is A Prime Example Of Benign Rape Culture”

San Fran Schools Mull Mandatory Distribution Of Condoms To 11-Year-Olds…

Below:  Generation Snowflake Upset by Thing That Make Them Sad
In Britain, just as in America.
*Fatwas maybe, for those of you who can beat "Generation Snowflake" in describing those born after 1981.
"For those of you born after 1981, we're so sorry.

*Yeah we noticed pat insulted religion. So we're preemptively issuing the all new, Please Please Kill Pat First Fatwa. 

Oberlin College president rejects special snowflake, SJW list of demands  First off, you need to know what SJW means, right? Here:
Social Justice Warrior. A pejorative term for an individual who repeatedly and vehemently engages in arguments on social justice on the Internet, often in a shallow or not well-thought-out way, for the purpose of raising their own personal reputation." . . .
"Could we finally be seeing the first signs that the vast overreach of the SJW movement and the embarrassing antics of their activists on the nation’s campuses have finally gone too far? We previously covered some of the sadly typical protests taking place at Oberlin college, where students have demanded an end to “racism” in the form of safe spaces, the renaming of buildings and the firing of faculty who are not openly enthusiastic enough about Black Lives Matter marches. " . . . 

America’s Economic Freedom Has Rapidly Declined Under Obama

. . . "The U.S. has fallen from the 6th freest economy in the world, when President Barack Obama took office, to 11th place in 2016. America’s declining score in the index is closely related to rapidly rising government spending, subsidies, and bailouts.
"Since early 2009:
  • Government spending has exploded, amounting to $29,867 per household in 2015.
  • The national debt has risen to $125,000 for every tax-filing household in America—a total over $18 trillion.
  • The government takeover of health care is raising prices and disrupting markets.
  • Bailouts and new government regulations have increased uncertainty, stifling investment and job creation.
"This is not something to take lightly. Economic freedom is the foundation of U.S. economic strength, and economic strength is the foundation of America’s high living standards, military power, and status as a world leader. The perils of losing economic freedom are not fictional." . . .