Saturday, February 27, 2016

Trump, the EU crack-up and Israel

In the final analysis, Trump’s rise in America and the rise of the populists in Europe is yet another indication of the West’s growing identity crisis fueled by its economic, social, military and cultural weakness. Israel needs to read the writing on the wall and act appropriately lest we become a casualty of that identity crisis.
Israel the bully

Caroline Glick  "Trump is popular because he has a rare ability to channel the deep-seated frustrations that much of the American public harbors toward its political and cultural elites.
"Trump’s presidential bid isn’t based on specific, defined economic or foreign policy platforms or plans. Indeed, it isn’t clear that he even has any.
"Trump’s campaign is based on his capacity to resonate two deeply felt frustrations harbored by a large cross-section of American citizens.
"As The Wall Street Journal’s Daniel Henninger explained recently, a very large group of Americans is frustrated – or enraged – by the intellectual and social terror exercised upon them by the commissars of political correctness.
. . . 
"If Trump is elected president and if Britain leads the charge of nations out of the EU, then Israel can expect its relations with both the US and Europe to be marked by turbulence and uncertainty that can lead in a positive direction or a negative direction, or even to both directions at the same time.

 "Just as Trump has stated both that he will support Israel and be neutral toward Israel, so we can expect for Trump to stand by Israel one day and to rebuke it angrily, even brutally, the next day.

"So, too, under Trump, the US may send forces to confront Iran one day, only to announce that Trump is embarking on negotiations to get a sweetheart deal with the ayatollahs the next."  

Read and heed

Closing Gitmo

Starnes: Republicans need to stop acting the fool

Todd Starnes   "It's time for the GOP presidential candidates to have a come-to-Jesus meeting. How about dropping the personal insults and start talking about issues that really matter."

Starnes: Republicans need to stop acting the fool

Weimar America

Victor Davis Hanson

. . . "No one can figure out how and why America’s youth have borrowed a collective $1 trillion for college tuition, and yet received so little education and skills in the bargain. Today’s campuses have become as foreign to American traditions of tolerance and free expression as what followed the Weimar Republic. To appreciate cry-bully censorship, visit a campus “free-speech” area. To witness segregation, walk into a college “safe space.” To hear unapologetic anti-Semitism, attend a university lecture. To learn of the absence of due process, read of a campus hearing on alleged sexual assault. To see a brown shirt in action, watch faculty call for muscle at a campus demonstration. To relearn the mentality of a Chamberlain or Daladier, listen to the contextualizations of a college president. And to talk to an uneducated person, approach a recent college graduate." . . .

Friday, February 26, 2016

Jonah Goldberg’s take on Trump’s alleged Christian martyrdom before the IRS

Donald TrumpBookworm Room   "One of my favorite things to read every Friday is The Goldberg File. . .  In today’s, he addresses Donald Trump’s claim that the IRS has been auditing him every year because he is a Christian martyr.  I can’t wait until tomorrow; you have to read it today, every word of it:"
I was only half listening when Donald Trump came into the spin room on CNN to explain why he’s been audited every year for twelve years.
“I’m always audited by the IRS, which I think is very unfair — I don’t know, maybe because of religion, maybe because of something else . . .
 "There are two possibilities here. Either Donald Trump believes what he said, or he doesn’t. If he does believe this, he’s sufficiently delusional to disqualify himself for public office. If he doesn’t believe this, he thinks his conservative Christian supporters are morons."
. . . 
"I know he now says that “nobody reads the Bible more than me.” But, again, I can’t imagine anyone actually believes him.
. . . 
"Apparently, according to Trump. . . The IRS is different. It’s like the eye of Sauron searching the land for “strong Christians.” When its cruel gaze landed upon the failed casino magnate, beauty-pageant impresario, thrice-married and confessed adulterer who’s talked about how his own daughter is so hot he’d date her if she wasn’t his daughter" . . . 
 I personally can’t wait to see the Trump Student Center and Hall of Greatness at Liberty University.) . . .

A Day in Auschwitz - Nazi Jewish Holocaust Amazing Documentary

A Day in Auschwitz
"A day in Auschwitz is an amazing documentary that takes us through a visit to the infamous concentration camp set up by Hitler's Nazis to take part in the jewish holocaust. 

"A tragic tale of violence and certainly the best documentary about Auschwitz and its horrors during wwii."

For armored warfare buffs: the Hetzer

Inside the Tanks: The Hetzer - World of Tanks  "We are back with the second episode of the Inside the Tanks, filmed at The Deutsches Panzermuseum, Munster.

"The Jagdpanzer 38(t), better known as Hetzer was a German light tank destroyer of the Second World War based on a modified Czechoslovakian Panzer 38(t) chassi. The project was inspired by the Romanian "Mareşal" tank destroyer.

Visit our forums and talk about your favourite tanks with our Military Specialist:

More on the Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer  "It was first known as "Leichtes Sturmgeschutz 38(t)", then "Jagdpanzer 38(t) für 7.5cm Pak 39 L/48", and finally "Jagdpanzer 38 Hetzer". It appears that the name Hetzer was not an official name but used by troops and then used in post-war publications. "

Still hull-down after all these years.

Al Sharpton Might Flee America If Trump Wins…

Weasel Zippers


"Go, now." Via Washington Examiner:
Rev. Al Sharpton told attendees at a Center for American Progress Action Fund event Thursday he would flee the country if Donald Trump won the election, in order to avoid being deported by Trump.
Sharpton, a Democrat, had positive feedback for many of the Republican presidential candidates until he got to Trump.
“If Donald Trump is the nominee, I’m open to support anyone [else], while I’m also reserving my ticket to get out of here if he wins, only because he’d probably have me deported anyway,” Sharpton told attendees, who responded in laughter.
Sharpton, who has participated in various national protests condemning police brutality, did not explain why he thinks Trump would deport him, though both New Yorkers have publicly shared their differences of opinion on various issues.

Marco Rubio’s letter-perfect ‘Trump Watch’ slam.

RedState  "Come, I will conceal nothing from you: I turned on the debate, then turned it off because I thought that it was going to be as dull as dishwater.  And then I turned it back on, because people emailed me asking why I wasn’t watching Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz eat Donald Trump’s liver.  If you missed the debate, this pretty much epitomizes what Marco Rubio was like tonight.  From Marco Rubio’s store:

Rubio's Trump Watch
"The actual quote was, I believe, “If Donald Trump hadn’t inherited $200 million, he’d be selling $10 watches in Manhattan.” Which is, of course, true. And I am highly gratified to hear somebody say that to Donald Trump’s face."   Moe Lane
PS: The other thing to take away from this is that you should not think that I didn’t enjoy watching Ted Cruz staple every corrupt Democrat for the last forty years (there were a lot of age jokes at Trump’s expense, and he mostly missed them) to Donald Trump’s forehead. If you’re a Cruz supporter, he did a great job today. I just love that watch.

While Obama fiddles ...

Charles Krauthammer  "State of the world, Year Eight of Barack Obama:
"1. In the South China Sea, on a speck of land of disputed sovereignty far from its borders, China has just installed antiaircraft batteries and stationed fighter jets. This after China landed planes on an artificial island it created on another disputed island chain (the Spratlys, claimed by the Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam). These facilities now function as forward bases for Beijing to challenge seven decades of American naval dominance of the Pacific Rim." . . .
"2. Syria. Russian intervention has turned the tide of war. Having rescued the Bashar al-Assad regime from collapse, relentless Russian bombing is destroying the rebel stronghold of Aleppo, Syria’s largest city, creating a massive new wave of refugees and demonstrating to the entire Middle East what a Great Power can achieve when it acts seriously.
"The U.S. response? Repeated pathetic attempts by Secretary of State John Kerry to propitiate Russia (and its ally, Iran) in one collapsed peace conference after another. On Sunday, he stepped out to announce yet another“provisional agreement in principle” on “a cessation of hostilities” that the CIA director, the defense secretary and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff deem little more than a ruse.
Obama Syrian Policy
3. Ukraine. Having swallowed Crimea so thoroughly that no one even talks about it anymore, Russia continues to trample with impunity on the Minsk cease-fire agreements. Vladimir Putin is now again stirring the pot,intensifying the fighting, advancing his remorseless campaign to fracture and subordinate the Ukrainian state. Meanwhile, Obama still refuses to send the Ukrainians even defensive weapons.
"4. Iran. Last Thursday, Iran . . . is negotiating an $8 billion arms deal with Russia that includes sophisticated combat aircraft. Like its ballistic missile tests, this conventional weapons shopping spree is a blatant violation of U.N. Security Council prohibitions. It was also a predictable — and predicted — consequence of the Iran nuclear deal that granted Iran $100 billion and normalized its relations with the world." . . .  Emphases added, TD

Just so you know, Mr. Chamberlain had his red line and when Hitler crossed it, he led his nation to war against the Nazis. 

Three Simple Questions for Trump Supporters

If I were the Washington establishment, I would be publicly tut-tutting Donald Trump about his rhetoric every day -- and going to sleep with a big smile on my face every night.
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

Daren Jonescu  . . . "In light of this consistent pattern of preemptive assault from the "left" and "right" against all anti-establishment GOP candidates, isn't it odd that Trump, who has been the obvious frontrunner in the primaries since last summer, and who presents as inviting a target for a media takedown effort as any candidate has ever presented, has been given a pass?  In fact, he's been given much better than a pass.  Aside from the nonstop free advertising he is getting as celebrity of the year, the most overtly leftist news network, MSNBC, has actively helped to create an aura of inevitability around him, and to demean his opponents.  Meanwhile, has there been even one serious attempt on any twenty-four hour news network to dredge up and pursue any kind of scandal, ugly rumor, old girlfriends, shady business associates, anything at all that might undermine his campaign?"

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Revealed: 'Bullied' employee had been issued a restraining order 90 MINUTES before going on deadl UPDATEDy workplace rampage that killed three and wounded 14 in Kansask

UK Daily Mail   "Law enforcement officials in Kansas revealed Friday that the gunman who killed three people and wounded 14 on Thursday was issued a restraining order that afternoon, which may have triggered the deadly rampage at the factory where he worked.
Father-of-two Cedric Ford, 38, clocked in to work at lawn-mower manufacture firm Excel Industries in Hesston, Kansas, on Thursday morning. But hours later he left - and returned with a high-powered rifle, police said"Father-of-two Cedric Ford, 38, clocked in to work as a painter at lawn-mower manufacturing firm Excel Industries in the city of Hesston on Thursday morning.
"But hours later he left - and returned with a .223-caliber assault-style rifle and a pistol.
"He allegedly gunned down victims in multiple locations and stole a car along the road back to Excel Industries at 5pm on Thursday. The stolen car's driver was one of the three killed.
"Harvey County Sheriff T. Walton said this morning that the sheriff's office served Ford a protection from abuse order involving his gilfriend at around 3.30pm Thursday, and that he thinks it was likely what led to the attack, which began about 90 minutes later." . . . 

UPDATE: Mass Shooting Swept Under Rug After Liberals Learn Suspect is Black  "Liberals across social media became oddly quiet Thursday evening after it was learned that a mass shooting in Kansas, which took the lives of three and injured as many as 16, was carried out by a black male."
"Hesston Police Chief Doug Schroeder, who is being hailed as a hero by his local community, is said to have stopped the mass shooting after being the first officer on scene.
“ 'He went right in and did a heroic duty and service,” Gov. Sam Brownback said." . . . Do I hear Obama saying, "The police acted stupidly"?