Speaking of CNN: On CNN, Pat Smith Blasts 'Dirt' Treatment From Media Over RNC Speech . . . "The anchor spent four more questions trying to get Smith to rebuke the billionaire presidential nominee over the Khan controversy:" Video . . . Fishing for an anti-Trump sound bite from an anti-Hillary mother would be a trophy catch for this Brooke Baldwin
3 top officials resign from the Democratic National Committee
3 top officials resign from the Democratic National Committee
". . . But the media narrative remains (and always will remain until November 8) that the other party, the Republican Party, is falling apart – over Donald Trump, of course.
"The Wikileaks DNC email hack is at the root of the departures, as all three senior officials were incriminated by emails they sent. David Sherfinski and Dave Boyer of the Washington Times report:" . . .
MRC's Brent Bozell Slams ‘Incredible’ Disparity in Coverage of Grieving Moms . . . "Speaking of Hillary Clinton’s answers to Mrs. Smith, Bozell reasoned, “You could say, ‘Brent, you're just 100 percent a right-wing nut.’ Fine. Shouldn't the press have an interest in this other than Fox?' ”
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