It seems appropriate to revisit Mr. Sowell's words in this present time as these policies of Obama's are being held up for closer examination. as to their worth.
Thomas Sowell in 2013
Thomas Sowell in 2013
. . . Like other truly talented phonies, Barack Obama concentrates his skills on the effect of his words on
other people -- most of whom do not have the time to become knowledgeable about the things he is
talking about. Whether what he says bears any relationship to the facts is politically irrelevant.
"A talented con man, or a slick politician, does not waste his time trying to convince knowledgeable
skeptics. His job is to keep the true believers believing. He is not going to convince the others
" Back during Barack Obama's first year in office, he kept repeating, with great apparent earnestness,
that there were "shovel-ready" projects that would quickly provide many much-needed jobs, if only
his spending plans were approved by Congress.
"He seemed very convincing -- if you didn't know how long it can take for any construction project to
get started, after going through a bureaucratic maze of environmental impact studies, zoning
commission rulings and other procedures that can delay even the smallest and simplest project for
"Only about a year or so after his big spending programs were approved by Congress, Barack Obama
himself laughed at how slowly everything was going on his supposedly "shovel-ready" projects.
"One wonders how he will laugh when all his golden promises about ObamaCare turn out to be false
and a medical disaster. Or when his foreign policy fiascoes in the Middle East are climaxed by a
nuclear Iran."