Saturday, October 14, 2017

Hillary Compared Weinstein to Trump – But Not to Her Husband

"Hillary’s fake moral outrage against Weinstein’s sexual harassment of women would have been better placed against her own husband, not President Trump."
. . . "President Clinton was impeached, although not removed from office, for having lied by saying that he “did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky,” when he actually did.So where is Hillary Clinton’s moral outrage at the serial sexual harassment of women by her own husband? During the years when Bill Clinton was governor, and then president, Hillary time and time again vilified the women who accused her husband of rape and sexual harassment.Hillary stood by her man, however, calling her husband’s accusers – Kathleen Willey, Gennifer Flowers, and Juanita Broaddrick – “bimbos.”Kathleen Willey said the Clintons tried to intimidate her into not telling the truth in court. She found her cat dead on her porch, had her car vandalized, and said people were inquiring about her children in her neighborhood.Hillary said that Gennifer Flowers was “some failed cabaret singer who doesn’t have much of a resume to fall back on.”Juanita Broaddrick, who accused Bill of raping her, said Hillary intimidated her at a campaign function two weeks after the attack. Broaddrick recalled that Hillary told her things that made it clear that she was to keep her mouth shut … or else.Paula Jones won an $850,000 settlement to drop her case against Bill Clinton, with Hillary’s blessing. Jones was more direct with her indictment of Hillary. She said that Hillary Clinton “tried to discredit all of these women that her husband abused and sexually harassed”.MSNBC host Joe Scarborough asked during Hillary’s 2016 campaign for president, “Can she move forward in this campaign, talking about the war on women, as she did in Northern Iowa, that women who claim to be sexually abused have the right to be heard and the right to be believed?” The Hillary Clinton campaign soon removed the “right to be believed” statement from her website. The voters answered Scarborough’s question last November.In her recent NBC interview, Hillary said of Weinstein, “This kind of behavior cannot be tolerated anywhere.” (Except, apparently, in the Oval Office by her husband). " . . .

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