. . . Martin Luther King dreamed of a day when men would be judged not on the color of their skin but on the content of their great-great-great-grandmother's wedding-license application. And now it's here! . . .
A copy of Pow Wow Chow signed by the authentic fake Cherokee herself, Elizabeth Warren |
If a white grade-school teacher pretends to be black, that's totally racist and you should denounce him as such immediately;But if a white professor pretends to be Harvard Law School's "first woman of color" and you point it out, then you're the racist.
"Got that? It's easy when you know how:
. . .If a Victoria's Secret model wears lingerie "inspired by indigenous African cultures", that's cultural appropriation;But if a white Harvard professor takes up valuable space in an authentic tribal cookbook, that's not cultural appropriation ...er, because the authentic tribal recipes she submitted turned out to come from the Duke of Windsor's favorite restaurant.
. . . "But she could be 1/32nd Cherokee, and maybe get invited to a luncheon with others of her kind—"people who are like I am," 31/32nds white, and they can all sit around celebrating their diversity together." . . .
From Comedian Argus Hamilton:
President Trump razzed Elizabeth Warren Monday, calling her Pocahantas because she once lied she was Cherokee to get on the Harvard faculty. She’s thin-skinned. If Elizabeth Warren is ever elected president, how angry will she be at the Marine Band every time they play Hail to the Chief?
Cherokee Woman Slams Warren For Using ‘Racist Stereotypes’ To Claim She’s Native American
Amber Randall |
. . . “She was not a hero to me when she failed to foster a haven of support for Native students within Harvard University’s alienating Ivy League culture. She is not a hero for spending years awkwardly avoiding Native leaders. She is not a hero because, despite claiming to be the only Native woman in the U.S. Senate, she has done nothing to advance our rights,” Nagle said. “She is not from us. She does not represent us. She is not Cherokee.”