Thursday, November 30, 2017

Weasel Zippers sees the mob coming with pitchforks and torches

Morning Clown Joe Scarborough Accuses Trump Of Being Mentally Ill, Calls On Cabinet To Remove Him From Office…

    • I check the document below and cannot seem to find anywhere a provision for THE CABINET to remove the President. Am I missing something? (Comment in the above post)

    . . . "Trump’s comment does not rise to the level of the accusations against Johnson, a Democrat thrust into battle with a Republican-controlled Congress following the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. While it would not be enough on its own to qualify as a case for impeachment, said Allan Lichtman, a political historian at American University, it could bolster the case against Trump.
    “ 'That could be a part of an article of impeachment,” Lichtman, the author of a book on Trump titled The Case for Impeachment, told Newsweek Tuesday. “After all, you could couple that with his very intemperate attacks on the judiciary. Combine that with his attacks on the free press. You could couple all of that together and create a fairly powerful article of impeachment.' ”

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