This seems to indicate California Democrats anticipate the vote of illegal immigrants. TD
Legal Insurrection
Legal Insurrection
“I think Mayor Schaaf is doing exactly what’s in the best interest of her community, and I support that 100%.”
. . . "Real Clear Politics reports:
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) appeared on MSNBC’s All In with host Chris Hayes Wednesday night to discuss Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ speech on California ignoring the nation’s immigration laws and likening it to nullification. Harris warned that it’s not a good idea for Sessions to bring up Civil War history and said his credibility is “pretty shot” on those issues.Hayes prompted the comments from Harris when he brought up Sessions’ reference to “slave states in nullification and secession” in denouncing California for evading federal immigration law. (Editor’s note: Sessions actually said: ‘There is no nullification. There is no secession.’ He then invited “any doubters to Gettysburg, and to the graves of John C. Calhoun and Abraham Lincoln.” There was no abject overtures to slavery and reconstruction.)“Attorney General Sessions compared California’s actions quite intentionally I think, to be actions of the slave states in nullification and secession and the Civil War. What do you say to that?” Hayes asked.“Indeed, indeed he did. Listen, as far as I’m concerned Jeff Sessions should be advised and I’ll advise him right now that — that it is — it — it’s a bad idea for him to start talking about anything to do with the history of slavery or reconstruction or the Civil War in the United States. His credibility is pretty much shot on those issues. But on the topic at hand Chris, I think Jerry Brown is absolutely right,” Harris responded.
"Harris’ presidential aspirations in the United States may be hobbled by her ignorance of things like the U. S. Constitution, presidential pardons, the Bill of Rights, American history, and the federal government’s role in immigration law and enforcement."