Friday, March 9, 2018

Farrakhan’s Rant Against 'JEWISH CONTROLLED FBI' Demand His Dem ALLIES To RESIGN

“None of these Democrats went into those meetings with Farrakhan not knowing who he was,” Brooks said. “At some point they made the decision that they were going to go ahead and meet with him.”

Socio-Political Commentary...  "Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan has answered those who denounced as anti-Semitic his recent "Jews are my enemy" quote with another broadside, this time tweeting a video clip where he says "The Jews have control over those areas of government" - in referring to the FBI. 

"The clip featuring the latest remark was posted to Farrakhan's official Twitter account on March 7, well after the controversy erupted over the remarks made earlier, at a Chicago event on Feb. 25. Those comments brought new attention to Farrakhan's links with seven members of the Congressional Black Congress, as well as to Women's March co-president Tamika Mallory, who attended the Farrakhan event, and posted a photo of herself with Farrakhan on her Instagram feed after the speech. 

"The controversy sparked calls by many Republicans for Democrats to vigorously denounce Farrakhan's remarks. Others who quickly condemned Farrakhan's remarks also asked pointed questions on why much of the media was either slow to report the story, or have chosen to ignore it entirely. Farrakhan tweeted this week: "The FBI has been the worst enemy of Black advancement. The Jews have control over those agencies of government." 

"The Republican Jewish Coalition on Tuesday called on the seven members of the CBC members to resign. The coalition’s director, Matt Brooks, told Fox News the Democratic leaders with ties to Farrakhan have been quick to denounce President Donald Trump and the GOP for remarks or actions that they view as bigoted, but overlook blatant racism and anti-Semitism when it comes to Farrakhan.

“ 'There’s clearly a double standard,” Brooks said, then amended that to say “No, there’s a double double-standard. Not only do you get the progressive left wing and more centrist Democrats who aren’t shy about criticizing President Trump or branding the Republican Party as white nationalists or neo-Nazis, but when it comes to condemning Louis Farrakhan, they’re silent.' ” . . .

Obama was ashamed of being photographed with Farrakhan, but, well, you know.  "Barack Obama posed for a photo in 2005 with Louis Farrakhan, the virulently anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam movement, and the photographer said he suppressed its publication at the request of a member of the Congressional Black Caucus.

"The future president was the U.S. senator from Illinois at the time.

"The Trice Edney News Wire first published the photo on Jan. 20. It quotes the photographer, Askia Muhammad, saying that after snapping the picture at a meeting of the Congressional Black Caucus, an unidentified member of the caucus asked him immediately not to run the photo." . . .
Farrakhan expressed support for Obama’s candidacy in 2008, and Obama’s pastor at the time, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, had praised Farrakhan on multiple occasions. That made Farrakhan an issue during the primaries campaign that year, and Obama’s rival at the time, Hillary Clinton, called on him to repudiate Farrakhan. Obama did so during a primaries debate.

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