Alexander Smith
"An artist based in Utah has published images of his latest painting. The portrait includes President Trump standing at the center of a football stadium – and is a confrontation to the dozens of professional NFL players who have been taking a knee during the anthem to protest police violence and racial injustice. Because military personnel and police officers saw the anthem protest as a direct affront to their patriot values, the artist Jon McNaughton turned to his canvas to show the President holding a trampled flag to his breast in a fatherly gesture of protection.
"Protestors of the anthem have been accused of trampling on the American flag and disrespecting military service men and women who put their lives on the line to protect the country. And the image plays right into that conversation.
"In “Respect the Flag,” McNaughton depicts a heroic-looking President Trump standing in the middle of an NFL football stadium with a muddied and disrespected flag pressed to the center of his chest in the act of protection.
"As you can imagine, the artist’s painting has caused a stir among the leftist who supports activist Colin Kaepernick and the other NFL players who have taken a knee during the anthem in the act of protest. But many people find their act disgraceful to American patriotism and the men and women putting their lives in harm’s way to keep the country safe." . . .