Thursday, March 22, 2018

Slate Writer Apologizes for Asserting Austin Bomber Was White Supremacist

National Review

"Jamelle Bouie, the chief political correspondent for Slate, suggested in a Monday tweet that the individual responsible for the scourge of bombings in Austin, Texas was a “white supremacist,” hours after two white men were injured in one of the explosions.
Emboldened white supremacists are murdering people, attempting to murder people and radicalizing folks who also murder people and it is staggering that it is barely a national story. 
"The alleged bomber, 23-year-old Mark Anthony Conditt, blew himself up Wednesday morning as police closed in on his vehicle. He is thought to have been responsible for five bombings in or near Austin."

Former Police Officer's Visit to Son's School Opened His Eyes to 'Stage One of Brainwashing' Kids

IJR  "During a visit to his son's school, former police officer Brandon Tatum noticed the American flag was missing.
"In a video posted to YouTube, Tatum explained that given where his son goes to school, he expected a very liberal environment and shared the first thing he saw.

"While he didn't make any physical indication of his displeasure because he didn't want to embarrass his son or make a scene in front of little kids, in his mind, he thought:
“This is stage one of brainwashing our young people to desensitize them to American values. This is one of the most diverse schools that I've ever seen. I mean, kids from all walks of life are in this school and for them to devalue the American flag in the classroom was just shocking to me.”

WATCH: Dashcam Video Shows Horrific Florida Bridge Collapse That Killed 6

If Trump’s Phone Call To Putin Was A Mistake, What About Obama’s?

What did the media find so outrageous about those exchanges? Nothing. Absolutely nothing when it was Democrat Barack Obama in 2012.
Andrew Malcolm  . . . "The Washington Post, assuming Trump read his briefing papers, reported that Trump had defiantly ignored a warning: “DO NOT CONGRATULATE.” That would have been a politically prudent thing, given Trump’s agreement with Britain and France that Russia was behind the recent assassination attempt on a former spy there. And the administration now agrees Russia did indeed try to meddle in the 2016 election, to no real effect.

"Turns out, as usual, there’s more to the story. Trump was briefed on his upcoming Putin chat by phone and did not read the briefing paper.
"Trump, who sees himself as an ultimate dealmaker, defends his phone call as an effort to finally rebuild a positive relationship with the former KGB agent, something his two predecessors had also unsuccessfully sought. Were they all naive? Or just hopeful?
"Albeit predictable, such anti-Trump coverage ignores, among other things, the facts of Trump’s NATO bolstering, his new and increased sanctions on Russia plus his sale to Ukraine of military hardware such as missiles and tanks. To avoid riling Putin, it was Obama who declined such armament requests for ally Ukraine. Instead, Obama sent only military field rations." . . .

Is Joe Biden running his mouth again, or just running?

Mr. President, please rise above the level of this buffoon! TD

Monica Showalter  "Up until now, Joe Biden has always been something of a sissy, a lickspittle, a sap, desperate to be liked and slavering to be respected. Remember how he reportedly begging President Obama to stop belittling him in front of other cabinet members? Or that the only reason he gave up his lifelong dream to run for president in 2016 was that President Obama talked him out of it and he went along like a sheep? The tales of his being a wacky sidekick to Obama were “basically true,” he admitted in public. His long, bumbling record of gaffes could be lined up and would extend to Mars.
So now he’d like you to know he’s Mister Tough Guy, Joe the fighter, or something.. . . 
"It’s pathetic in someone who should be focused on being a dignified old gentleman in his retirement. But Joe never caught the hang of dignity. Plugs in hair and Chiclet teeth out front, he was too busy pleasing people in his party, saying what he thought they wanted said, and making a clown of himself. Now that the tenor and timbre of the Democrats has gone rock bottom into anti-Trump insanity, Biden looks more pathetic than ever."
He does love his new teeth. Photo added by TD

Biden Responds to Trump’s ‘Crying’ Tweet: ‘Women Should be Treated with Respect’
But then...

Claim: Joe Biden Likes To Swim Nude in Front of Female Secret Service Agents
. . . "Talk about a war on women. Biden likes to swim nude both at his Vice President's residence in Washington and also at his home in Wilmington which he goes back to several times a week, all at our expense. By the way, a million dollars in Air Force 2 expenses, and this offends female Secret Service agents," Kessler said to Fox News' Sean Hannity Thursday night. "You know, they signed up to take a bullet for the President as you said but they didn't sign up to...they certainly didn't sign up to see Biden naked. It is offensive, it's abusive."

John Bolton to replace McMaster - the victor over Hussein's Republican Guard tack force - as Trump's national security adviser

The Guardian

HR McMaster at the White House earlier this week.

"HR McMaster has resigned as Donald Trump’s national security adviser and will be replaced by John Bolton, the hawkish former US ambassador to the United Nations, the president announced on Thursday night.

"Bolton has advocated using military force against Iran and North Korea and has taken a hard line against Russia.
Trump announced the switch in a tweet, writing that he was “thankful for the s"ervice of General HR McMaster who has done an outstanding job & will remain my friend”.
"The changing of the guard will take place on 9 April, Trump said.
"An official said that there were no incidents that led to McMaster’s exit, and that it was instead the result of a continuing conversation between McMaster and the president.
"In a statement, McMaster, 55, said he would be retiring from the US army at the same time as leaving the White House. He thanked Trump and the members of the National Security Council, who he said had “worked together to provide the president with the best options to protect and advance our national interests”.
"His replacement, Bolton, 69, who has long been a polarizing figure in Washington foreign policy circles, becomes Trump’s third national security adviser in 14 months.
"The departure of McMaster had been on the cards for some weeks amid ructions with the president. The pair have clashed several times over policy issues such as Afghanistan and Iran." . . .
Then-Captain H.R. McMaster narrates the battle of 73 Easting in the 1991 liberation of Kuwait. 
A longer version of the battle is here.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Gropin' Joe Biden Says Overweight, Unattractive People Are S.O.B.s

Thereby explaining his reason for paying big bucks to get his current face.

Joe Biden Hair Transplant Before & After
The most attractive appearance money can buy.

iOTWreport  "Joe Biden, trying to act tough in front of students at the University of Miami, said that overweight and unattractive people are sons of bitches and most likely treat women badly.
"Why is NO ONE framing this story correctly???
"Former Vice President Joe Biden took fresh jabs at President Donald Trump on Tuesday while speaking at an anti-sexual assault rally, telling students at the University of Miami that he probably would have “beat the hell out” of Trump if they’d attended school together.
“ 'A guy who ended up becoming our national leader said, ‘I can grab a woman anywhere and she likes it,'” Biden said. “They asked me if I’d like to debate this gentleman, and I said ‘no.’ I said, ‘If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.'”
“ 'I’ve been in a lot of locker rooms my whole life,” Biden continued. “I’m a pretty damn good athlete. Any guy that talked that way was usually the fattest, ugliest S.O.B. in the room.'

Not okay? Then liberals criticize Biden for being creepy and “inappropriate”? Do they tell him they won’t support him as a candidate if he acts like that? Well, no, not yet. They find excuses for him. He’s strongly for “women’s rights,” after all. He’s thorougly pro-choice.
Do Democrats call this guy presidential material? If he addressed the nation, how could we believe a word he said, or even if they were his own words he had spoken?

He might be more believable than Hillary, but it's only a matter of degree.  TD

Hillary Clinton’s Woman-Bashing Is Why Women Find Feminism So Distasteful

Hillary, dressed to go out.

The Federalist
Hillary Clinton’s comments suggest so much that is wrong with today’s feminist movement: it’s both anti-male and anti-woman at the same time.

 . . . "Men Are Bad, Women Are Helpless
"Of course, the #MeToo campaign demonstrates that a lot of women feel they have been treated badly, perhaps more than some of us may have wanted to recognize. That shouldn’t be ignored. In fact, I urge more conservative feminists to publicly accept some of these problems and not overlook real grievances.
"But Clinton’s comments weren’t simply problematic because they cast men, once again, in a negative light. What was even more egregious but seemed to escape notice by some is that she also stripped women of any free will, a posture the modern feminist movement has increasingly adopted. Whether it’s a conversation about the so-called wage gap, the political gap between sexes, or sexual assault on college campuses, feminists more and more overlook how women make choices, and those decisions contribute to the realities of our society.
"It’s hard to argue that women in America today don’t have more choices than ever before. But progressive feminists like Clinton frequently rob them of their free will by putting the problem—and the power—in the hands of men. One doesn’t have to be a Trump supporter, or even voter, to be bothered by Clinton’s willingness to refashion women as objects of their husbands’ political leanings rather than free agents of their own."

Who's Really Behind March for Our Lives?


So David Hogg must be representative of most of the survivors and their families, right? Hogg's "been everywhere in the media, essentially declaring war on the NRAand calling for strict gun control measures. So he must be representative of most of the survivors and their families, right?
"Not really. In fact, when it comes to the families who actually lost children in the attack, they’ve been working behind the scenes on something else and actually producing results." . . . 
Conservative student booted again, this time for mocking pro-gun rights darling David Hogg.  . . . "Lu, a UC San Diego student and well-known as a conservative on campus, says his time as a member of the 1-year-old group has been spent mostly checking out memes, tagging some friends, and posting an occasional meme himself. But once in a while, when he does chime in in the comments section, all hell seems to break loose.
"In November, he was booted from the page after defending conservatives. Later he was let back on. But a few days ago he was booted again, this time for mocking pro-gun rights darling David Hogg.
"He said he feels discriminated against, that moderators of the page have made left-leaning political comments and posts without punishment." . . .

March for Our Lives is on every cable channel, but who runs it? The photogenic teen fronts are out front.  . . . "Gun control activists wring their hands over the NRA. They claim that a special interest lobby is illegitimately thwarting the “will of the people”. Yet it’s the anti-gun groups that are invariably false fronts. It’s very clear who runs the NRA. But the latest fake anti-NRA group is a nebulous shadow. Out front are the high school students and out back are the professional activists.
"And who is really behind the whole thing? Hollywood celebs, Bloomberg, a network of organizations?" . . .

Now We Know Who’s Really Behind the “Parkland Students” and It’s Bad
. . . "On television screens and in newspaper columns, the photogenic teenagers of Marjory Stoneman Douglas make for sympathetic spokesmen for the gun-grabbing cause – young, “innocent” survivors of an atrocity demanding action from the adult world to protect students in their school studies.

"But according to a report from BuzzFeed, the real power behind the pathos is the unholy association of the leftist groups that have been trying to exploit every gun-related tragedy in recent years to push their progressive agenda." . . .

Flashback: Obama Congratulated Putin on His 2012 Election. Then came the Obama-Putin collusion

National Review

"Forgotten by some amid the controversy over President Trump’s congratulatory phone call to newly elected Russian president Vladimir Putin is that Barack Obama called the Kremlin to congratulate Putin on winning a third term in 2012.
"Trump phoned Putin on Tuesday to congratulate him on winning a fourth term, in an election marred by international accusations of fraud.
"President Obama made a similar call on March 9, 2012.
“President Obama called Russian President-elect and Prime Minister Putin to congratulate him on his recent victory in the Russian Presidential election,” the Obama White House said in a statement late that Friday. “President Obama highlighted achievements in U.S.-Russia relations over the past three years with President Medvedev, including cooperation on Afghanistan, the conclusion and ratification of the START agreement, Russia’s recent invitation to join the World Trade Organization (WTO) and cooperation on Iran. President Obama and President-Elect Putin agreed that the successful reset in relations should be built upon during the coming years.”
"The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe voiced concerns about the 2012 Russian election, saying that “conditions were clearly skewed” in favor of Putin. The OSCE has also accused the Russian government of creating an “overly controlled environment” and ensuring that there was a “lack of genuine competition” in last week’s vote."At the time, Moscow was already providing military aid to the brutal regime of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad as it fought to survive in the country’s brutal civil war, a fact that the statement obliquely acknowledged: “President Obama and President-Elect Putin agreed to continue discussions on areas where the United States and Russia have differed, including Syria and missile defense.”   

By the way, wasn't this collusion with the Russians?

Why Hillary, with so many better women out there than her?

WE essentially paid for Hillary to travel to India and talk garbage about our nation and it's people
Is it right to malign your own country, weaken its defenses, and flit around the world declaring that it is morally at fault while defending regimes like those of communist Cuba, Venezuela, and the Palestinian Authority?  Jeffrey Folks
Hillary Clinton and Sclerotic* Radicalism   . . . "What stands out is Madame Secretary's suggestion that she is "dynamic" and forward-looking while conservatives like President Trump are relics of the past.  This is a remarkable and preposterous claim.  In fact, Hillary's thinking hasn't changed since the sixties, and the radicalism of the sixties was itself grounded in ideas that were familiar in the 18th century.    

"The sight of a defeated presidential candidate trooping – or stumbling – around the world attempting to undermine a lawfully elected U.S. president was bad enough, but to see this former candidate doing so was especially nauseating.  What right has Hillary Clinton, whose political opinions haven't changed since she was a toddler, to lecture Donald Trump on looking backward?
. . . 
"Leftists like Hillary have been reduced to name-calling because they have nothing to offer in the way of ideas.  With nothing to offer, they keep tossing out the race card, the gender card, and the class card and hope one of them sticks.  That is not the sign of a viable political party.  I keep expecting the Democratic Party to implode and be replaced by something new – perhaps a more libertarian-oriented and mainstream party of the people – but it never happens.  Democrats like Hillary and Pelosi are so stuck in the heady days of the sixties that they seem incapable of entertaining fresh ideas."

*Sclerotic synonyms: unchanging, frozen in time.

Tony Branco cartoon : "The Democrat party is through with Hillary and wishes she would just go away, but she continues to make a fool of herself." 

Austin bombing suspect dead, apparently tracked down by surveillance state

Thomas Lifson  "A 24-year-old "white male" suspect in the bombing spree afflicting Austin, Texas is dead after blowing himself up in his car while being fired upon by police.  Information is still very fragmentary, but according to reports on Fox News this morning, police were led to him through the blanket surveillance capabilities that have come characterize American society in the wake of the "war on terror."
"Specifically (and keep in mind that early information in huge media events often is subject to change), the suspect was photographed dropping off two packages at a FedEx office in Austin.  (Update: photos.)

. . . "But if you think you are not subject to constant surveillance and keep a cell phone with you, the police can find out where you've been and where you are now, in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

"The demise of the presumptive perp in Austin is an upside of this situation.  The downside has yet to be fully plumbed here, but in China, it is clear that it is a foundational element of twenty-first-century tyranny.
"Prepare yourself for further information on the suspect's motivation.  Leftists are hoping he is some sort of rightist or racist, giving them moral bragging rights.  Conservatives are hoping he is a leftist for similar reasons.  If the leftist hopes are realized, expect a huge wave of accusation leveled at everyone to the right of Lindsey Graham dominating the mainstream media.  If he was a lefty, expect the mainstream media to change the subject.
"Meanwhile, people in central Texas have to still worry about other packages that may be somewhere in the delivery systems of any provider of such services."