Monday, October 22, 2018

Senator Cory Booker Accused of Sexual Assault by Gay Man

"We'll see how the #MeToo movement reacts over the next few days, but my guess is that they will soft peddle the accusation and Booker will skate on it."
Photo added by TD
PJ Media  "A gay man who describes himself as a liberal Democrat is accusing New Jersey Senator Cory Booker of sexually assaulting him in 2014. Booker is considered a leading contender for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020.
"The man, who wishes to remain anonymous for now, penned a lengthy open letter that was posted on Twitter. In the letter he describes the assault that occurred in a bathroom following a meeting at his workplace, where the two met.
"The letter goes into excruciating detail.
I stopped to use one of the building’s single-occupancy restrooms. Upon washing my hands prior to leaving, I hear knocking on the door. When it comes to these restrooms, it is customary to knock first in case someone is using it, even though there is an inner lock. When I opened the door, Mr. Booker was there. He smiled and very gregariously said, “Hey!” We engaged in some brief idle chitchat in the entryway and then he asked me to speak in private. What happened next, happened so fast that it was hard for me to comprehend what was going on. It was one of those surreal moments where what was happening was such a deviation and such a perversion of one’s natural daily routine that I hardly knew how to react. He pulled me into the bathroom, albeit not too forcefully, and slowly pushed me against the restroom wall. He said that “Being a hero was a serious turn-on.” He continued, “The Senate appreciates fine citizens like you. Especially this senator.” He then put his left hand on my groin, over my jeans, and began to rub. I seem to remember saying something like “What is happening?” It was a bit like having vertigo. He then used his other hand to grab my left hand with his right and pulled it over to touch him. At the same time, he disengaged from rubbing me and used his left hand to push me to my knees from my shoulder for what was clearly a move to have me perform oral sex on him. At that point, I pulled away quite violently and told him I had to go. I did not see him again before he left.
"The victim says he contacted journalist Ronan Farrow, the "father of the #MeToo movement," who requested a phone conversation but never got back to him after the victim gave Farrow his number." . . .  More...

Cory Booker accused of sexual assault ... by a man?  
"Sen. Spartacus Booker of New Jersey is shaping to be quite a piece of work.
After grandstanding through the Senate confirmation hearings about the evils of sexual harassment as he sat there in high-eyed judgment on the blameless Judge Brett Kavanaugh, calling himself 'Spartacus' for his feigned moral courage, he found himself exposed as a hypocrite as word of his 1992 first-person essay about how he sexually harassing a woman made its way back to print, in that Internet-is-forever reality.
Not much moral authority over Kavanaugh, pal.
Now it's gotten even worse: Some man has come out and said Booker sexually assaulted him, in 2014.

Political Cartoons by Pat Cross

Will Hillary never go away?

Rich Terrell; the good Californian. From  the poem, "Antigonish"

Chance Hillary Will Run Again? 'It's Not Zero.'
. . . "Yet, others are literally telling her to go away. "Dear God, Hillary Clinton. Please, Just Go," wrote Liz Mair in The Daily Beast on Thursday. Clinton, Mair complained, keeps popping up on the political scene with her two cents "like a Halloween ghoul who keeps rising from the grave to terrorize the American public." In other words, she's doing Democrats zero favors." . . .
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Springsteen really, really loves Hillary; really, really, really hates Donald Trump
. . . "When asked whether he’ll go out on the campaign trail for Clinton, he said he wasn’t sure, but if he were approached, he “would take it into consideration and see where it goes.” He cautioned that performers, although they get the crowds going, have a “limited impact.' ” . . .

Political Cartoons by AF Branco

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Just in time for Halloween: Democrat-led voter intimidation!

See also: The Liberal Mob Must Be Stopped in November

American Thinker  "If we have learned anything about liberals, it is that they will do nearly anything to gain power.  This election season their strategy is all about enhancing turnout by ginning up their base with hateful negative messaging, divisive identity politics, demonization of president Trump, and threats of violence.
"Witness the perfectly timed hit job on Trump's pick for the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh, designed to scuttle his confirmation or at least whip up an anti-Trump frenzy and perhaps separate the supposedly fragile "suburban white female voter bloc" from the Republican Party.  In recent days, another exquisitely orchestrated assault on the president's border policies, a "caravan" of "migrants," is headed toward our southern border from Honduras, gathering human and political momentum with each mile.  Is the media hysteria over the death of an obscure Saudi journalist meant to embarrass Donald Trump, who has been cozying up to the Saudis lately as a regional counterbalance to Iran?  Even the curiously scheduled Sixty Minutes interview of the president last weekend appeared to be designed by the left as a game-changing hatchet job, although, fortunately, it did not turn out quite as they had planned.
"One thing is certain: expect further outrages as the Democratic Party apparatchiks dig deep into their bag of dirty tricks to influence the outcome of the November midterm elections in their favor.  Who knows?  Maybe even Robert Mueller will pop up along with the witches and goblins of Halloween to scare us all. 
"A serious concern is voter intimidation.  The left has shown, as with Philly Voter in 2008, a willingness to use intimidation and threats at polling places to distort election outcomes.  It worked well back then, as Barack Hussein Obama and his right-hand goon, A.G. Eric Holder, obfuscated this clear case of voter intimidation into oblivion.  As the Democratic Party lurches farther into leftist fascism and continues to promote violence and intimidation as political tools, we should all beware.  Watch for demonstrations, mayhem, and scuffles as out-of-towner mischief-makers swarm into sensitive swing districts come November and police are ordered by cowardly local politicians to stand down.  The recent takeover of Portland by a cadre of Antifa thugs, who are increasingly serving as the Democratic Party's paramilitary arm, was perhaps just a rehearsal.
"Halloween is a time of scary fun and enjoyment for most.  However, in true fascist fashion, the Democratic Party may use only the scary part on us in November."     Douglas Herz

Behind “The Star-Spangled Banner; Some trivia about the U.S. National Anthem.

Daily Beast
As Michael Avenatti floats a 2020 presidential run, court records reveal the lawyer and his companies owed millions in unpaid taxes and judgments
"On the Fourth of July, Michael Avenatti suited up for a CNN interview and floated his name as a contender against President Trump in 2020.
Washington Post

Asked why he’d be qualified, Avenatti told anchor Jim Sciutto, “Because I have three things that this president lacks, Jim—brains, heart and courage. And I think I have those in spades compared to this president.”

"Scuitto then told Avenatti he’d face scrutiny over his finances, including his former law firm’s then-unpaid $2.4-million bill to the IRS. “You know, look, I’ll be happy to put my tax records and background up against the president’s background and his tax records. Of course, he won’t release any of that information,” Avenatti replied, before changing the subject to his political platform.

"Now Avenatti, the tenacious California litigator made famous for representing Stormy Daniels in her legal tangles with President Trump, is gearing up for a 2020 presidential run, stumping across the country and raising cash with his new political action committee, Fight PAC.

"But the questions over his finances remain—and could become a sore spot on the campaign trail, as creditors pursue him and his former companies. Both the Eagan Avenatti law firm and a shuttered Seattle coffee chain, which Avenatti says he no longer owns, owe millions in unpaid taxes and judgments, according to court documents and filings with local recorder’s offices.

"Tax liens filed in Orange County also show that Avenatti has personally owed at least $1.2 million in federal taxes on top of the corporate debts. One lien, filed in February 2018, was for $308,396, while another filed in August 2015 showed a balance of $903,987. The Daily Beast did not find records showing the liens were released, but Avenatti claims both debts were “fully paid.' ” . . .

Michael Avenatti Lived the High Life While Owing Millions to IRS

Daily Beast
As Michael Avenatti floats a 2020 presidential run, court records reveal the lawyer and his companies owed millions in unpaid taxes and judgments

"On the Fourth of July, Michael Avenatti suited up for a CNN interview and floated his name as a contender against President Trump in 2020.
Washington Post

Asked why he’d be qualified, Avenatti told anchor Jim Sciutto, “Because I have three things that this president lacks, Jim—brains, heart and courage. And I think I have those in spades compared to this president.”

"Scuitto then told Avenatti he’d face scrutiny over his finances, including his former law firm’s then-unpaid $2.4-million bill to the IRS. “You know, look, I’ll be happy to put my tax records and background up against the president’s background and his tax records. Of course, he won’t release any of that information,” Avenatti replied, before changing the subject to his political platform.

"Now Avenatti, the tenacious California litigator made famous for representing Stormy Daniels in her legal tangles with President Trump, is gearing up for a 2020 presidential run, stumping across the country and raising cash with his new political action committee, Fight PAC.

"But the questions over his finances remain—and could become a sore spot on the campaign trail, as creditors pursue him and his former companies. Both the Eagan Avenatti law firm and a shuttered Seattle coffee chain, which Avenatti says he no longer owns, owe millions in unpaid taxes and judgments, according to court documents and filings with local recorder’s offices.

"Tax liens filed in Orange County also show that Avenatti has personally owed at least $1.2 million in federal taxes on top of the corporate debts. One lien, filed in February 2018, was for $308,396, while another filed in August 2015 showed a balance of $903,987. The Daily Beast did not find records showing the liens were released, but Avenatti claims both debts were “fully paid.' ” . . .

New GOP Midterm Ad Unloads on Democrat Party’s Increasing Threats, Attacks and Mob Violence (VIDEO)

Brought to you by the party of Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, Pelosi and "Beto" O'Rourke 

The Gateway Pundit
"The latest Republican Party midterm ad highlights the increasing violence of the Democrat Party."
"Democrats decided this year to forego a platform and just threaten, harass, beat and vandalize Republican candidates and property instead."

"This ad mentions JUST A FEW of the violent attacks on Republican lawmakers this year. Of course, NOT ONE Democrat leader has called on party faithful to stop their violence. Just this weekend Democrats harassed and threatened Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell and his wife Elaine Chou while they were eating out.
"Democrats need to call off their thugs before someone gets seriously hurt or killed!"

Comment to this post:  . . . "Well put- I’ve learned long ago not to attempt adult debate with lefties; however, I have found asking them directly “ Do you support the violence on the left?” If they squirm or try to excuse - you immediately know that they are part swamp creature."
More here:

Angry Democrat confronts Sen. McConnell in Restaurant – Man Slams Fists on Table – Then Throws McConnell’s Food Out the Door

Bruce Springsteen Strikes Again With His Hatred of Donald TrumpBut thinks Hillary is great!  
But shame on Mr. Trump for praising violence against anti-Trumpers. He pulls the rug out from under his supporters when he does that! TD

Benghazi Survivor Has Choice Words For Those Criticizing Trump Over Khashoggi

Have the schools taught about Kris Paronto?

Weasel Zippers

"Somehow Trump is at fault for Khashoggi, even if the media can’t explain how. But Obama and Clinton aren’t responsible in any way for leaving Americans without aid or covering it up.
Benghazi survivor Kris “Tanto” Paronto had a few choice words for those who have been critical of President Donald Trump’s response to the death of Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi at Turkey’s Saudi Arabian Embassy.
Addressing his tweet to the “leftist journalists & liberalists” who are angry about the Trump administration’s handling of the situation, Paronto asked, “Where in the hell were you when @BarackObama left 30+ AMERICANS to die in Benghazi Libya including an Ambassador?”

Saturday, October 20, 2018

About Robert Francis O'Rourke: He Has The Support of College Students...Who Can't Name a Single Accomplishment of His

Much ignorance was mixed in with the expected "...As a woman..." statements.

Townhall  Campus Reform went to Texas A&M to talk with O'Rouke supporters. Of course, none of the college students could name a single accomplishment of O'Rouke's. 
" 'Umm, I’m not aware of any specific accomplishments,” one student said.
“ 'I honestly couldn’t point to anything. I’m not as educated as I would like to be," another student replied. 
"The craziest response, however, was to the question: why is Beto popular with younger people? 
“ 'I think he resonates with young people because we are more aware," one student replied. "So...younger people are so aware of what's going on that they know absolutely nothing about the candidate their voting for or the policy positions said candidate holds? Makes perfect sense." . . .

Campus Reform: O’Rourke supporters can’t name any of his accomplishments
“I honestly couldn’t point to anything. I’m not as educated as I would like to be.”   
. . . "While Cruz leads in most polls, O’Rourke has a decided lead amongst Millennials and college students. "Supporters of Sen. Cruz have claimed that though O’Rourke possesses plenty of smooth rhetoric, he lacks in substance and qualifications. "Wanting to see if O’Rourke’s supporters could detail accomplishments of the Texas Congressman, Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips headed to Texas A&M to ask his supporters a simple question: Can you name an accomplishment of his? 
"The answer was a resounding no. " . . 

O'Rourke Tries to Answer About His Calling Cruz 'Lyin Ted' Daily Wire felt O'Rourke's response "was his typically evasive self when asked about his recent bestowal of the nickname “Lyin’ Ted” on Cruz, a moniker first used by then-candidate Donald Trump in 2016. O’Rourke first claimed he had decided at the beginning of his recent debate with Cruz to attack him for being dishonest. When CNN’s Dana Bash asked if he regretted using the pejorative nickname, O’Rourke suddenly became shy, sighing, “I don’t know that that’s the way that I want to be talking in this campaign.”

"Bash began: “You’ve been saying that people are sick of the pettiness and the smallness in politics, yet during Tuesday’s debate that you had with Senator Cruz, you took a page right out of President Trump’s playbook and you called Senator Cruz, 'Lyin’ Ted.' Why did you do that?' ”. What a pleasant and unexpected challenge from a CNN interviewer.

O'Rourke is receiving the Deep State's media seal of approval.  . . . "When asked if he was willing to share some of the 38 million dollars he raised in the third quarter with candidates involved in tighter races, he replied, "No."  O'Rourke claims that "[m]ost of our contributions have come from Texas."  However, he has traveled to Los Angeles at least twice in order to collect contributions from the Hollywood elite

"O'Rourke's history has not received the amount of attention given public figures like Brett Kavanaugh and Judge Roy Moore.  He is a former punk rocker who was arrested for DWI and reportedly attempting to flee the scene of an accident.  He completed a court-approved diversion program and had the charges dismissed.  Of course, this sentence had nothing to do with the fact that he was the son of an El Paso County judge."
Kamala Harris, Corey Booker and Chuck Schumer, do your due diligence.

Suppression: Theaters Drop 'Gosnell' Movie Despite It Being a Top-Grossing Film

Beth Baumann

"When "Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer" was released last week, 668 theaters decided to hold screenings of the independent film. The movie quickly surpassed expectations by grossing $1.2 million on just 668 screenings of the film, Daily Wire reported. It even was put in the top 10 film list. Now, 188 theaters have dropped the film, 15 of which were top-performing multiplexes.
" 'Gosnell" executives aren't surprised by the move, especially after the up-hill battle they've faced producing and placing the film. 
"I ' can tell you from my experience in 15 years of releasing movies independently, we’re in uncharted territories," the film's marketing director, John Sullivan, told Daily Wire. "It is an impacted fall, no doubt about it, but the fact that we’ve been dropped from theaters where the movie is the number 6 or number 9 movie is just something you don’t see. It’s hard not to believe it isn’t about the content of the movie.' " . . .

This State Demands Christian Filmmakers Make Same-Sex Films Or Face Jail Time. No, not THAT state but close - politically!

America The Awesome  "The state of Minnesota is being sued after a Christian couple, who owns a film company, was threatened with imprisonment and fines if they refuse to make same-sex films.
"The couple’s company is called Telescope Media Group through which they intended to become a part of the wedding industry. However, Carl and Angel Larsen do not want to create films involving same-sex marriage due to their Christian views.
"However, CBS News reported that Minnesota’s Human Rights Act specifies that those who are willing to produce films about marriages between a woman and a man, must also be willing to create films that celebrate unions that violate their religious beliefs.
"On Tuesday, in a news release, the liberty law firm which is representing the couple, Alliance Defending Freedom, stated that the Larsens are facing up to 90 days jail time along with compensatory and punitive damages of up to $25,000 if the couple doesn’t abide by the Minnesota’s public accommodation law." . . .

‘Fantastic’ Robert O’Rourke Gets Endorsement From Former Mexican President Vicente Fox

Weasel Zippers

"His campaign is frijoled.
"Via Fox News:
Vicente Fox, the former president of Mexico who famously said his country will not (expletive) pay for President Trump’s proposed border wall on Thursday announced his support for the “great American” and “fantastic” Democratic Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke.“Wow! What a candidate! What a man! Beto, you are fantastic,” Fox said in a video posted to Twitter. “You’re great! You’re an all-American.”With just a few weeks left before the midterm elections, O’Rourke is in a tight race with Republican Sen. Ted Cruz.Fox, who served as Mexico’s president from 2000 to 2006, has openly voiced his discontent for Trump and his immigration policies – including the hotly debated wall along the southern border.“I’ve been an opponent and resistant (of Trump) because I feel as part of this nation — I am part of this nation — and I don’t like what I’m seeing,” Fox said during a speech at Northwestern University on Tuesday night, according to the Chicago Tribune.The former Mexican president praised O’Rourke as compassionate and intelligent who understands Americans, “but you also understand we are human beings.”“You are the enlightenment for Texas and I hope every single Mexican, Latin, every Hispanic in that great state of Texas is going to vote for you,” Fox said. “You deserve it because you are going to respond to the hope and expectations of Texas, understanding what they need and understanding what America needs.”

The very definition of Hubris: Hillary condemns corruption; plans to run again to stop it

If You Haven’t Had Enough Of Her Yet, Prepare For Hillary 3.0… (Weasel Zippers)
 Hillary 2020: Top Aide Leaves Door Open For Third Presidential Run  "Hillary Clinton is giving signs that she is seriously mulling another run for the White House, and a top aide and ally is not dissuading people from believing just that.

"Clinton has been communicating with reporters covering the White House, having convinced herself her sour relationship with the press sabotaged her 2016 presidential effort, according to Politico, which reports that after President Trump criticized ABC News’ Cecilia Vega at a news conference, Clinton left a voicemail for Vega.

"Clinton penned a new afterword for her book “What Happened” that includes her current attempts to frame Trump’s actions as an “assault on our democracy.” Cleaning up the mess left by her husband’s sexual behavior in the wake if the #MeToo movement, she insisted last week that his affair with aide Monica Lewinsky was not an abuse of power because Lewinsky was an “adult.”

"In September, Clinton issued a series of tweets attacking Trump, as well as the Electoral College, with messages such as these:
“Donald Trump refuses to be subject to the law. The legitimacy of our elections is in doubt. The president is waging war on the truth. The administration is undermining the national unity that makes democracy possible. And then there's the breathtaking corruption.” “We should be clear about this: The increasing radicalism and irresponsibility of the Republican Party, including decades of demeaning government, demonizing Democrats, and debasing norms, is what gave us Donald Trump.” “Whether it was stealing a Supreme Court seat, gerrymandering congressional districts to disenfranchise African Americans, or muzzling government climate scientists, Republicans were undermining American democracy long before Trump made it to the Oval Office.” “We need to improve and protect our elections, from instituting paper ballot backups to repairing the Voting Rights Act, getting secret money out of politics, and—you won't be surprised to hear my support for this—abolishing the Electoral College.”

Donald Trump refuses to be subject to the law. The legitimacy of our elections is in doubt. The president is waging war on the truth. The administration is undermining the national unity that makes democracy possible. And then there's the breathtaking corruption.
. . . 'Fight corruption! Vote Hillary!