Rich Terrell |
"The Supreme Court has granted a stay of the new Louisiana anti-abortion law, in a 5-4 vote with Chief Justice Roberts siding with the four liberal Justices. The law in question requires a doctor performing abortion to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital, which critics alleged would result in only a single abortion doctor in the entire state.
"This is only a stay pending appeal, not an ultimate disposition of the case." . . .
. . . "This Scotusblog tweet seems right:
Tonight’s injunction suggests that the Court is not poised to pivot hard in the direction of limiting abortion rights. Both the Chief Justice (in granting the injunction) and Kavanaugh (in saying he would deny it pending factfinding) seem inclined to hew to existing precedent.
"It’s also clear that Chief Justice Roberts is the new swing vote.". . .
Roberts JOINS Liberal Justices as Supreme Court BLOCKS Louisiana Abortion Clinic Law "The case is June Medical Services v. Gee."
House Democrats Once Again Block Bill Protecting Infants Born Alive After Abortion
"Infanticide is Femi-Nazi for reproductive health."
"House Democrats have twice refused now to take up the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act for consideration. The measure is “designed to ensure any infant born alive after an abortion receives the same protection of law as any newborn: mandating care and instituting penalties for doctors who allow such infants to die or who intentionally kill a newborn,” according to a statement from the office of its sponsor Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO)." . . .