Thursday, February 7, 2019

Is she “the next Obama”? Why is the mainstream media working so hard to promote Kamala Harris?

It is inaccurate to refer to Harris as "African American" or "black" even though she supports Black Lives Matter. Her father was Jamaican and her mother Indian. But as with Elizabeth Warren, I'm sure she gets advantage from this status and is certainly black enough for Democrats. TD

Intellihub  "It seems like virtually every major Democratic politician in the entire country is at least considering running for president, and a bunch of them have already officially entered the race, so why is the mainstream media pushing Kamala Harris so hard?  According to Real Clear Politics, Kamala Harris has not gotten more than single-digit support in any of the 11 major polls for the Democratic nomination that have been conducted so far.  And at this point, her average of just 5.0 percent support in those polls puts her in fourth place in this race.  But if you listen to the mainstream media, they are constantly using terms such as “leading contender” and “frontrunner” to describe her.  In recent days she has been getting more media attention than all of the other declared Democratic candidates combined, and that makes one wonder what is really going on behind the scenes.
"On Monday, I was doing some research on the Internet when I noticed an ad for a CNN town hall featuring Kamala Harris.
"I thought that it was very early in the process to be doing a town hall, and I thought that it was quite odd that only one of the candidates was being featured.  So curiosity got the best of me and I clicked on the ad.
"And sure enough, CNN had given Kamala Harris her very own town hall in a prime time slot, and they had left all of the other candidates out." . . .

Timothy Bishop

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