Sunday, March 24, 2019

After Mueller’s Exoneration of Trump, Full Disclosure

Andrew C. McCarthy
The FISA applications, the testimony in secret hearings, the scope memorandum — all of it.

. . . "As we’ve noted before, unlike Mueller, who needs a crime to indict, Congress does not need a crime to impeach. The media-Democrat alliance does not need a crime to inflate Mueller’s not-quite-so stories into treason. To keep this carnival rolling on for another year and a half, they just need fodder for the narrative — which is so predictably morphing from the collusion narrative to the impeachment narrative to the campaign narrative.

"Since before Robert Mueller was appointed, I have been contending that there was no legal basis for the appointment of a special counsel because there was no evidence that the president had committed a crime. For nearly a year and a half, I’ve maintained that Mueller had nothing close to an actionable “collusion” case, that he had no prosecutable obstruction case, and that this exercise was an impeachment investigation geared more toward rendering Trump unelectable in 2020 than toward actually removing him from office." . . .

So, having considered that, Can Trump Win Again in 2020?   . . . "In 2016, Trump had no record to run on. That blank slate fueled claims that such a political novice could not possibly succeed. It also added an element of mystery and excitement, with the possibility that an outsider could come into town to clean up the mess.

"Trump now has a record, not just promises. Of course, his base supporters and furious opponents have widely different views of the Trump economy and foreign policy.

"Yet many independents will see successes since 2017, even if some are turned off by Trump’s tweets. Still, if things at home and abroad stay about the same or improve, without a war or recession, Trump will likely win enough swing states to repeat his 2016 Electoral College victory." . . .

Mere hours after delivery to AG Barr, MSNBC host charges Mueller Report cover-up

Thomas Lifson  "The Democrats just can’t help themselves; they are in thrall to a base that can’t let go of a discredited conspiracy theory.  Their media allies have made too much money pushing the conspiracy theory that Donald Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin to steal the election.  And candidates with nothing to offer but pandering are beating the dead horse of conspiracy. Now that President Trump has succeeded in doing what Barack Obama claimed required a “magic wand” – reviving manufacturing employment and raising wages for the lower end of the income distribution -- the entire party has nothing to offer but lower growth and less money in our paychecks.

So, a little thing like the inability of a team of passionate Trump haters armed with subpoena powers and unlimited funds to find any indictable offenses isn’t going to stand in the way of pushing for impeachment.

The charges of coverup began yesterday morning on Joy Reid’s MSNBC show. 
. . . 
"The Daily Caller recorded the madness:

MSNBC host Joy Reid said the Mueller investigation conclusion “feels like the seeds of a cover-up” during a Saturday panel discussion on “AM Joy.”
Reid was responding to a panelist who contended that no Trump administration officials have “conducted themselves honorably through this entire process” and that Attorney General William Barr would be no different. . . .

READ: Dems' Collective Letter To Barr Is A Sign Of What's To Come


Six Democratic Congressmen who chair various committees on Friday sent a letter to Attorney General William Barr letting them know their expectations of the Muller report. 
The letter was signed by:
• Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY)
• Committee on Oversight and Reform Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD)
• Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA)

• Committee on Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA)
• Committee on Foreign Affairs Chairman Eliot Engel (D-NY).
"The group released the following statement about the Mueller report (emphasis mine):
After nearly two years of investigation — accompanied by two years of unprecedented attacks on the integrity of the investigation by President Trump — the public and Congress are entitled to know what the Special Counsel has found. Reflecting the will of the American people, the House of Representatives voted 420-0 last week for the full release of the Special Counsel’s report to Congress and the American people. Earlier this week, President Trump himself endorsed making the report available to the public. . . .
. . . To be clear, if the Special Counsel has reason to believe that the President has engaged in criminal or other serious misconduct, then the Justice Department has an obligation not to conceal such information. The President must be subject to accountability and if the Justice Department is unable to do so, then the need to provide Congress with the relevant information is paramount. Because the Justice Department maintains that a sitting president cannot be indicted, to then withhold evidence of wrongdoing from Congress because a sitting President cannot be charged is to convert Justice Department policy into the means for a cover-up. Anything less than full transparency would raise serious questions about whether the Department of Justice policy is being used as a pretext for a cover-up of misconduct.
All emphases in the original except where noted. TD
*Emphasis mine, TD. Here is why: Maxine Waters Named Most Corrupt Member of Congress 4 Times & Passed Just 3 Bills.
Below:  "Blackish star Tracee Ellis Ross praised Waters in a gushing, emotional and completely ignorant speech: . . ."  (Below) Pardon the digression.

Like, like, like, you know, it’s true ’cause #AOC-ward told me so

Picture AOC in conference with Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill. And Putin. Those people in the studio with her vote, you know.

Bookworm Room

"#AOC-ward (pronounced “awkward”), aka Donkey Chompers, aka Occasional-Cortex, is considered by many to be the voice of her generation. Some voice."

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Graham delivers laughs — and loyalty — at Mar-a-Lago dinner

"Until Trump got elected, I never heard one Democrat say we don't need a wall,” 

"The event came just hours after special counsel Robert Mueller completed his investigation and submitted a report to the Justice Department"

. . . "The senator repeatedly tossed out what one of the attendees called “red meat” for the conservative crowd, calling for an investigation into Hillary Clinton and the circumstances surrounding the creation of a largely unverified dossier about Trump’s alleged ties to Russia. He also complained about alleged Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuse, an issue that he is investigating as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
"At the mention of Clinton, the crowd began chanting, “Lock her up!” But Graham offered a different view. “Don’t lock her up! We want her to run again,” he said, prompting roaring laughter from the attendees.
"He also touched on immigration. "Until Trump got elected, I never heard one Democrat say we don't need a wall,” Graham said. He then poked fun of the names he has been called over his immigration stances, mentioning "Lindsey Grahamesty” and “Lindsey Lopez." . . .

Opinion: How To Successfully Achieve Denuclearization For North Korea

Disobedient Media

"The fact that American President Donald Trump was able to sit down face to face with North Korea’s Chairman Kim Jong Un in Singapore was met with amazement by many government and private parties, who have for decades been hoping to break the stagnation that has characterized attempts to reach a breakthrough in relations between United States (US) and the Koreas. The efforts of President Trump, Chairman Kim, and South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in have been truly commendable and will genuinely merit the Nobel Peace Prize should their intended plans reach fruition.
"To seal the deal and reach a conclusive agreement when Trump and Kim meet in Hanoi for a second summit on February 27th and 28th, all parties must be prepared to approach the negotiations from the perspective of the North Koreans. The United States must make an exceptional offer that will help Chairman Kim transform the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) in a process that will become a talking point for dispute resolution specialists for decades to come.  
"The North Korean Perspective On Nuclear Weapons

"North Korea’s incentive to develop nuclear capabilities was borne from a latent fear that without them they would be invaded by the United States. In practice, North Korea’s nuclear arsenal has placed it in the middle of a very tricky situation between the United States and China, both of whom are also armed with nuclear weapons.
"The Korean War serves as a stark reminder that due to understandings in place between various nations in the region, any conflict between North Korea and the United States would lead to the direct military involvement of China. Studies of American nuclear policy during the Korean War show that a current confrontation involving North Korea would almost certainly lead to not only the destruction of the entire Peninsula but also Japan due to factors such as diplomatic agreements and the position of military assets." . . .

Town demands faith groups adhere to 'sexual orthodoxy'

Bob Dylan was right when he sang "the times they are a-changin". I'd prefer he hadn't been bragging about it. TD


LGBT 'nondiscrimination' ordinance makes churches 'public accommodation'

"A judge ruled against a Wisconsin town’s effort to impose its “sexual orthodoxy” on churches through a “nondiscrimination” ordinance that declares all places of worship “public accommodations.”
"Brown County Circuit Court Judge William Atkinson issued a verbal order in December concluding the ordinance passed by the De Pere City Council barring discrimination based on gender identity infringes on the religious freedom of local churches.
"In the written decision, issued Friday, the judge calls the ordinance an “egregious free speech violation.”
“ 'The viewpoint discrimination in the ordinance is straightforward,” the judge said. “Churches and religious entities may speak, advertise and otherwise publish their religious beliefs, including expectations of members, attendees and employees, and use of the facilities and services provided – so long as those beliefs are in agreement with the city’s sexual orthodoxy.”

"The churches were represented by Pacific Justice Institute, which said the town was attempting to impose “sexual orientation and gender identity mandates” on churches.
The ordinance effectively bars employers, businesses and landlords from discriminating against people who identify as transgender and “gender non-binary.' ”
. . . 
“Whether such programs and activities can be construed as commercial or open to the public does not transform the nature of a church,” the ruling said.
"Brad Dacus, the president of PJI, said he was “thrilled that the court so clearly recognized and rejected this latest attack on the bedrock principles of church autonomy and religious freedom.”
“It has been our privilege to represent these religious organizations that courageously stood up for their convictions in the face of government hostility,” he said." . . .

Since the new Democrats hate this nation, let's sell it off piece by piece

Amid Ilhan Omar Controversy, America Quietly Lists Minnesota On Ebay
"In the midst of a controversy over Ilhan Omar's inflammatory comments regarding Israel, her subsequent non-apologetic apologies, and her immediate return to saying anti-Semitic things, the United States of America has quietly listed the state of Minnesota for auction on eBay."  Source: Babylon Bee. A more honest name in news.

A word to the wise...

Those Pushing Collusion Hoax Must Face Consequences

Will we learn anything from the Russia collusion hoax? Or will the same cast of liars and buffoons simply move on to the next scam? “Climate Change! The Green New Deal! We can’t give you details. It’s too important. Obey or else!” That could easily happen. In fact it will happen, for certain, unless we remember exactly what we’ve just seen. Tucker Carlson

Politic Talks  "Tucker Carlson called for consequences for those who pushed the Trump-Russian collusion narrative if the report by special counsel Robert Mueller shows none in a monologue delivered on the Thursday broadcast of his FOX News show.

"For now, we’d like to take a second to put this entire, sprawling story in perspective. Our job on this show is to remember things, to create a record of what’s happened in this country over the past few years, and what’s happened to it. Our grandchildren will want to know. If the left has its way, they will never see the details. It will all be whitewashed, like so much else in our history. So let’s recall, for the record, what the Robert Mueller investigation is about, why we got a special counsel in the first place. The point wasn’t to discover whether the president fudged deductions on his tax returns thirty years ago. It wasn’t to find out whether he wanted to build another hotel in foreign country. From its first day, the Mueller investigation was justified by a single question: Did Donald Trump collude with the Russian government to steal the 2016 presidential election? Did the president betray his country? 

For close to three years, Democrats have told us that, yes, he did:
BETO: It’s beyond a shadow of a doubt that if there was not collusion, there was at least the effort to collude
ADAM SCHIFF: I think there’s plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight
MAXINE WATERS: There’s more to be learned about it. I believe there has been collusion.
JOHN PODESTA: It’s starting to smell more and more like collusion
NANCY PELOSI: We saw cold, hard evidence of the Trump campaign, the Trump family eagerly intending to collude possibly with Russia.

"If you grew up in this country, it’s hard to shrug off charges like the ones you just heard. Maxine Waters is an irrelevant person, a living sideshow. But Nancy Pelosi is hardly that. She is the speaker of the House of Representatives. She’s third in line to the presidency. Adam Schiff is the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He’s privy to the most highly-classified information our government possesses. John Podesta was the Chief of Staff in one White House and a senior advisor in another. Beto O’Rourke has raised more money than anyone else running for president in 2020. These are not peripheral figures. They are the most serious people in the modern Democratic Party. We took them seriously. We felt we had a duty to understand why they were calling the president of the United States a traitor. So we asked them. We interviewed a number of them on this show. One of the most persistent accusers was congressman Eric Swalwell of California, who is also a member of the House intelligence committee. If there was indeed evidence of collusion with Russia, Swalwell would have it. Yet he never produced any. We asked him repeatedly. Swalwell accused us of cutting him off, of not letting him make his case on the air. Finally, in frustration, we offered him a full half an hour, live on this show to do that:" . . .

Stilton's Place
Should Trump-Russia Collusion Accusers Face Consequences if Mueller Probe Reveals None? . . .  "The first person that should be held liable for lying about Trump is former British spy Christopher Steele.
"Steels(sp) has just admitted that he heavily relied upon unverified information that members of the public freely posted on a CNN hosted webpage. 
"Then Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee should be held liable for the lies of collusion. 
"Next should be those in the FBI who used Steele’s lies to obtain the FISA warrant to spy on a member of the Trump campaign in Trump Tower.
"Then something should be done to hold accountable all of the Democrats and Republicans who repeated the collusion lies along with the media who still continues to push the lie. "

The inflection point: Mueller Report delivery will unleash the counter-narrative
. . . "Conservative Trump-supporters have been chafing for about two years, angry that investigation of the real scandal hasn't been forthcoming.  Slowly, slowly, they are going to get their satisfaction, well timed for maximum impact November 2020."


Democrats in Denial After Mueller Report Completed, Vow to Keep Investigating and “Find the Truth”  . . . "Rep. Schiff, who has made a name for himself peddling speculation about the investigation is on the case!" . . .

David Reaboi tweeted:
It was always a HOAX. 
It was spread w millions of dollars through a massive network of hack journalists who became conspiracy theorists & partisan operatives. 
    It was indulged by lunatics who didn’t care about what would happen if they accused a      president of being a traitor.

Meanwhile, could the recent turnabout in the North Korean attitude be caused by the Democrat attacks on our President?

POTUS Trump Gives Fox News The Cold Shoulder – Calls On OANN Instead

Fox suspends Judge Jeanine and celebrates Brazile on Bret Baier's panel.

DC Whispers  "Fox News is currently in the Trump doghouse due to its temporary ban against the popular Judge Jeanine and the even more recent hiring of 2016 election fraud conspirator (she actually gave debate questions to Hillary Clinton ahead of time) and former DNC Chair, Donna Brazile. While walking past Fox News reporter John Roberts, who appeared very eager to field a question, President Trump shook his head and said, “NO” before then going to OANN reporter Emerald Robinson and taking a question from her. "President Trump is clearly putting Fox News on notice."

Donna Brazile's debut on Bret Baier's Special Report 
"My . . . letter to Fox News Special Report regarding Donna Brazile's presence on the panel:  I'm appalled at the presence of Donna Brazile on special report today. For years we have appreciated the wise discussions on the panel, even when I did not agree with them. But your decision to add Brazile to the panel lowered the level of discourse and replaced an informed member with a political hack.
I thought Bret might have been somewhat disappointed over the low level of Ms. Brazile's contributions but instead he made her the favored guest.
One has to go back years to the presence of Sally Kohn  to find such a poor quality panel member.
I beg you as our news source of choice to be done with Brazile and those who made the choice for her.
Shame on the decision makers at Fox News.

The Tunnel Dweller.

Hasn't anyone grown sick of Nadler-Schiff by now?

Rich Terrell

Schiff on end of Mueller probe: 'We have to find the truth' . . . "But Schiff is nothing if not tenacious.  He is vowing to continue the investigation.  "We will find the truth," he told Wolf Blitzer of CNN." . . .

Evidence! How did Schiff, Swalwell, and so many other talking heads lose sight of it?
. . . "It is too soon for those of us who are thankful for all the tremendous good this president has accomplished to breathe a sigh of relief.  The wrathful Left and the media that have been aligned against him 24/7 since November 2016 will not give up without a vicious fight.  Schiff is already saying he will "subpoena Mueller!"  Swalwell is equally certain that
there is more to come, that Trump will be found guilty of something.  Schiff, like Swalwell, Maxine Waters, James Clyburn, Jerrold Nadler, and the rest of those determined to see Trump impeached have invested two years of their political life in bringing about the demise of President Trump.  Will they admit they were wrong to assume his guilt without evidence?  Never in a million years.  Evidence to these people is what you hope and believe to be true, not what is true.  John Adams wrote, "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.' "

Mueller wraps up — but don’t expect the hysteria to end  . . . "The Democratic-controlled House is already starting its own “investigations,” which will be enough to launch hundreds of news stories about what they might find, and about what anonymous sources claim they have found.
"But most Americans will learn a big lesson from how the chattering classes misrepresented the Mueller probe. The hysterics will be playing to ever-smaller audiences while the rest of the country moves on." . . .

Just thinking of Schiff-Waters-Clyburn, et al; this is a good place for that well-used quotation by Oliver Cromwell: 
"You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately... Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!"