Tuesday, March 26, 2019

There should be a "Lemon Law" for news sources as well.

We can be sure of one thing: the perpetrators of the Russia conspiracy theory, the politicians and the journalists, will not police themselves. It will be business as usual unless voters understand that being lied to by powerful institutions is a lot more dangerous than “climate change.” Stephen Ryan
Stilton's Place
What Price Maddow?  "Right now, left-leaning mainstream media is getting flogged, and they deserve it for their dishonest reporting on the Trump/Russia conspiracy theory. Mass firings and a month of apologies by Jeff Zucker and Rachel Maddow would not be sufficient to mend the harm these organizations have done to America’s trust in news reporting.
"But the folks who truly deserve to be put in their place and totally humiliated are the viewers of these pretend news shows. At what point do the Wellesley and Williams-educated elites look in the mirror and accept the fact that they have been taken for fools? They have enabled progressive media to manufacture rotten journalism. They never turned the channel. " . . . "One thing we know: Rachel Maddow, MSNBC’s biggest eyeball-getter, isn’t penitent in the least":
A media reckoning that may be very, very costly  . . . "But my personal interest is in the most complex and nuanced suit filed on behalf of Don Blankenship, the unsuccessful Republican candidate for the Senate seat now held by Democrat Joe Manchin. His suit asks for $12 billion! Talk about “the audacity of hope”!" . . . Are there going to be any consequences for the collusion hoaxsters?  . . . "Are there going to be any consequences for these duplicitous actors? My suggestion for the beginning of a proportionate consequence scenario would be for conservative media to identify these perpetrators as Russian Hoax Dupes or Russian Hoax Democrats, RHD for short. Any time one of these people makes a public statement for the next two years, let's attach the initials RHD to their name, so we don't forget who they are and the serious damage they've done to our democracy." . . . Glenn Greenwald Claims MSNBC Banned Him for Breaking With Collusion Narrative  "Intercept co-founder Glenn Greenwald said Monday night that he was banned from appearing on MSNBC due his skepticism regarding the charge that the Trump campaign colluded with Russians to sway the 2016 election, which was championed by much of the network’s on-air talent for the past two years." . . . "MSNBC did not immediately respond to a request for comment." . . . CNN comes out looking gross after federal charges filed against its 'analysts' Avenatti and Geragos
Appearing on CNN's "The Lead" on Wednesday, Avenatti said that he'd be qualified "because I have three things this president lacks: Brains, heart and courage." He added: "if [Trump] is re-elected, this country is in a world of hurt."
As collusion case collapses, Democrats seek obstruction  . . . "The playbook of Democrats has been obvious all along. They are merely weaponizing the investigative and prosecutorial functions of government for partisan ends, under the guise of “congressional oversight.” Moreover once Democrats tire of sermonizing under the capitol dome about the threat of obstruction, they will move along to his tax returns, business dealings, dangerously ample girth, or whatever else they can dream up." . . . Will anyone ever pay the price for the debunked collusion conspiracy?  . . . "So many questions remain unresolved. Who ordered this coup against Donald J. Trump, and who were/are the conspirators? What role did the Obama White House play in unmasking General Flynn and spying on Carter Page and potentially others? What lies were told by senior Department of Justice (DOJ) officials to the FISA court in warrant applications? How dirty were the many senior FBI officials who violated department rules by using fabricated evidence passed through the DNC, Clinton campaign, Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie, and Christopher Steele to go after a sitting president?" . . .
Dark Angel Politics

The Late, Not-So-Great Mueller Investigation

Democrats Strzok out

"It followed the Soviet style: ‘Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.’ "

"Had Hillary Clinton just won the 2016 election, there would have been neither a Mueller investigation nor much talk of Russian collusion.
 No Trump Victory, No Collusion Investigation
"A losing Donald Trump would have slunk off to left-wing and Never-Trump ridicule and condemnation — and no investigation about collusion.
A defeated Trump would have posed no threat to the 16-year Obama-Clinton progressive project. President Clinton would have been content to let her unverified but lurid dossier rumors hound Trump for the rest of his life, with Trump as the supposed “loser” who had tried, in cahoots with the Russians, to unfairly beat Hillary, though he pathetically failed even at that.
"Of course, a President Hillary Clinton herself may well have faced some Russian blackmail attempts. Kremlin fixers would have likely threatened to go public that their planted lies to Christopher Steele were gobbled up by President Clinton’s own private Fusion GPS hit team. In essence, the Russians would have claimed that they had fueled the dossier that wounded the Trump campaign — and expected some sort of quid pro quo, perhaps in Uranium One fashion. . . . Entire article here.

. . . "In the end, Mueller’s investigation really did prove to be a witch hunt, just as half the country came to conclude. It has probably forever ended the idea that a special prosecutor can be useful or fair. It has curtailed foreign-policy options and prevented the traditional American realist approach to Russia as a triangulating counterweight to China. It ruined the lives of innocents such as Carter Page and the reputations of dozens of others such as General Michael Flynn. It divided the country in its transparent violation of any sense of disinterested investigation and turned the idea of American jurisprudence into a version of the Soviets’ “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.” And now that it is over, we should not forget what it wrought and those who empowered it."

Pictured: Democrats showing their "deeply troubled, concerned for America" expressions:

Jeremy Richman: Sandy Hook Victim’s Father Dies by Suicide

Heavy  "Jeremy Richman, 49, of Newtown, Connecticut, was found dead by an apparent suicide Monday morning.
Richman was the father of Avielle Richman, a first-grader killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary shooting. The massacre took the lives of 26 students and staff.
According to one report, the body of Richman was reportedly found in the stage area at Edmond Town Hall that is undergoing renovations." . . .

. . .
"According to The Middletown Press, police found a note at the scene, but have not said what was in it." . . .
. . . “The death appears to be a suicide, but police will not disclose the method or any other details of the death, only to state the death does not to appear to be suspicious,” police said in a Facebook post." . . .

Nothing has hit me as hard as the Sandy Hook children's massacre after which I wrote this:

Seeking an effective argument FOR gun control (Posted here after the terrible Sandy Hook massacre)  
The Tunnel Wall; Tuesday, December 18, 2012 Here, two respected writers discuss the case against taking away individual firearms from Americans. Yes, it is true that if guns did not exist everywhere in this nation those little children in Sandy Hook would be living right now and I only wish that were the case. But it is not and there are violent people out there in their thousands and they are armed; willing and lusting to watch innocent people die in bunches by their hands. How, exactly do you gun-control advocates plan to remove those weapons from their blood-thirsty hands?I will honestly look for a reasoned argument FOR gun control that contains effective means for keeping us safe from those who carry weapons illegally and are willing to do us harm. Cartoons showing crazed, wild-eyed gun owners don't wash.As yet, I have seen only politically correct, emotional responses to the issue that have no value other than simply making a politician look as if they are doing something. TD

Later in 2018 I posted this in the Tunnel Wall:

"Let's talk about gun control, shall we? 

After Sandy Hook, I hated guns and my emotions cried for them to all disappear; the image of terrified children being, well, you all know. 
But we know, too, that peaceful people and shop owners - the Korean store owners during the LA riots protecting their businesses comes to mind - will be the first to lose their protection. Those with children serving as policemen would dread the thought of them entering dangerous areas of cities like Chicago to try taking those guns away.
This nation has a myriad of evil people with guns who have no qualms about killing others because of the color of their skin or their clothes, their politics, their shoes, or, well, just because it's a certain day of the week.
I cannot help but blame the liberal left (redundant, perhaps) for creating a society  where we need weapons to protect ourselves and knowing now they want to take away that protection.
Tell me again why the coach / security guard in the school at Parkland had no gun. The Tunnel Dweller

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Does Not Understand Capitalism or Socialism

Prager University "Economists agree: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez does not understand socialism or capitalism. Andy Puzder explains the two economic systems and why capitalism produces wealth."

Monday, March 25, 2019

Third-world America: the vendetta against President Trump

MUELLER INVESTIGATION Proves that Russiagate was the Biggest Hoax in American History  "Democrats will not let Russiagate die because, otherwise, their crime spree that facilitated this transparent fraud perpetrated against the American people will be exposed—BIG TIME!
"Despite the conclusions of the MUELLER REPORT, it’s now abundantly clear that the Democrat Party is set on using the Russiagate hoax as a HUGE campaign issue throughout the entire 2020 election cycle.

"The Democrat-controlled House will use all of its power to investigate Trump from every angle possible.  They will keep this fake scandal alive any way they can as both an offensive strategy against Trump’s re-election campaign and defensively to keep themselves out of prison." . . .


These are the People Who Started PHONY Russia Probe 

Trump Demands Investigation Into the Left for “Evil, Treasonous Things

. . . "Speaking with barely concealed fury, he told reporters, “It’s a shame that our country had to go through this. To be honest, it’s a shame that your president has had to go through this.” He denigrated the investigation, led by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, as an “illegal takedown that failed” and said those responsible for it should face scrutiny.

"Mr. Trump’s aides warned him not to react to the findings with a sense of triumphalism, people close to him said. But the president, who has long felt victimized by the Russia investigation and the shadow it has cast over his legitimacy, presented Mr. Barr’s statements as an unalloyed victory.

"A petition demanding the DOJ Investigate Hillary for her role in the fake Trump dossier has been started." . . . "You can read and sign the petition here.
Trump Campaign: Nancy Pelosi Liable for Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler Russia Collusion Lies 

Verified account

. . . "Nancy Pelosi put Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler at the top of two of the most powerful committees in the House and they now have a severe credibility problem,” Murtaugh said in an email. “They were leaders of the two-year effort to lie to the American people, while the Speaker of the House sat silently and let them do it. Any investigations they undertake are hopelessly tainted by their repeated and egregious spreading of the malicious collusion hoax. Speaker Pelosi should have to answer for their actions.”

"This comes in the wake of a memo that Murtaugh on behalf of the Trump campaign is circulating to top television producers at major networks casting doubt on several top Democrats’ credibility, including that of Nadler and Schiff–who Pelosi handpicked to lead the Judiciary and Intelligence Committees, respectively." . . .

Mueller probe: the media disgraced

The Media’s Disgrace

"There will soon enough be an effort to memory-hole it, but the media coverage of the Russia investigation was abysmal and self-discrediting — obsessive and hysterical, often suggesting that the smoking gun was right around the corner, sometimes supporting its hoped-for result with erroneous, too-good-to-check reporting. Never has so little come of so many screaming chyrons. Every mini-scooplet was played up like major news, and if you went on air and said that collusion was unlikely and we should wait for the evidence, you were often treated like you were in the tank for Trump. The last two years have been a disgrace, and no one should forget it."  Rich Lowry

Media Pulled Off BIG CON With Russia COLLUSION Story   . . . "They have lied about Donald Trump from the moment he arrived on the political scene and taught them all how it is supposed to be done. As a political force, the candidate found gem after gem that these longtime experts had been ignoring their entire careers.
"Truly, he gave voice to voiceless millions who for decades have only had these dishonest political eunuchs speaking for them. Now that he is in the White House, President Trump has carried on delivering on issues that regular Americans actually care about.
"But the press ignores all of those issues. All they care about is the Russia collusion hoax.

"That is partly because the so-called “reporters” in Washington are entirely cowed into submission by establishment politicians in both parties. They are crotch-licking yard dogs who just want to be allowed up on the porch." . . . Charles Hurt
CNN Pundits Appear “DEFEATED” After Collusion Fairytale Officially Debunked

Lindsey Graham Holds Press Conference To Announce He’s Calling For New Special Counsel To Investigate FBI, DOJ, Hillary, Targeting Of Trump

Weasel Zippers  "2.0 is unleashed and he’s coming for them…" 
Twitchy Sen. Lindsey Graham’s presser on Mueller report should TERRIFY Democrats and the Deep State (watch) 

. . . "Safe to say Sen. Lindsey Graham just threw down the gauntlet on anyone and everyone involved with the Mueller report and beyond.
"Woke Lindsey is our favorite Lindsey." 

"Calls for NEW Special Counsel to investigate:
- Hillary Clinton
- Andrew McCabe
- James Comey
- Fusion GPS
- James Clapper
- John Brennan
- Fake Trump Dossier
- FISA warrant process
- Anyone who wanted to spy on Trump campaign