MESSAGE to large corporations, small businesses and the advertising agencies they employ:
. . . "You have no idea how many people are fed up with your campaign to denigrate, insult and ridicule white men in TV commercials. Approximately 9,000 people have visited this blog after Googling...dumb white guy TV Ads, stupid white man TV commercials, etc. You will be facing a growing backlash unless you stop this illegal, vicious attack on white men immediately! You are liable for damages in the court of public opinion, as well as a court of law.
MESSAGE to everyone who visits this blog:Get on the “politically incorrect” bandwagon to restore positive, white male role models to all of America’s children. When you see a “Stupid White Man” TV commercial, get online and contact the offending company’s corporate office. If enough people demand change, change will happen. No one really benefits when racism and sexism are allowed to flourish unchallenged.
Charter Communications and Verizon have both listened to our complaints and reversed course! Now they are making creative, inspiring, up-lifting commercials that do not insult any group of people. One by one, these corporations will get your messages...
A special thanks to all the visitors to this blog who have contacted these companies!
American Patriot
Jan 10, 2013