Sunday, April 14, 2019

Saturday Night Live starts taking on leftists - and gets funny again

Monica Showalter  "Is Saturday Night Live changing its ways? Is it feeling a shift in the political winds?
"Seems that yet another side effect of President Trump's exoneration in the Mueller report (besides the rising stock market) is that Saturday Night Live is no longer doing boring skits about him. They've dropped that old dead cat, and moved on to the rich, rich, material in the assorted leftist bigs and pillars of the establishment who've found themselves heading for jail. Those leftists may be down and out, and therefore easy targets, but they also threw in a striking political jab at MSNBC." . . .
Language advisory in the clip:

. . . It works. And the more they do this, the higher their ratings will go. It's amazing to see economics infiltrate the minds of New York lefty comic writers and actors, some of the country's most influential arteestes - and it could be a bellwether.  . . .

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