Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Behind the Obama administration’s shady plan to spy on the Trump campaign

The fact that spying had occurred was too clear for credible denial. The retort, then, was misdirection: There had been no spying on Donald Trump or his campaign; just on a few potential bad actors in the campaign’s orbit. It was nonsense then, and it is nonsense now.
NY Post with a hat tip to Socio-Political Journal

"In Senate testimony last week, Attorney General William Barr used the word “spying” to refer to the Obama administration, um, spying on the Trump campaign. Of course, fainting spells ensued, with the media-Democrat complex in meltdown. Former FBI Director Jim Comey tut-tutted that he was confused by Barr’s comments, since the FBI’s “surveillance” had been authorized by a court.
"(Needless to say, the former director neglected to mention that the court was not informed that the bureau’s “evidence” for the warrants was unverified hearsay paid for by the Clinton campaign.)
"The pearl-clutching was predictable. Less than a year ago, we learned the Obama administration had used a confidential informant — a spy — to approach at least three Trump campaign officials in the months leading up to the 2016 election, straining to find proof that the campaign was complicit in the Kremlin’s hacking of Democratic emails.
"As night follows day, we were treated to the same Beltway hysteria we got this week: Silly semantic carping over the word “spying” — which, regardless of whether a judge authorizes it, is merely the covert gathering of intelligence about a suspected wrongdoer, organization or foreign power." . . .

Bernie Confirms What We Already Knew: He Literally Refuses To Put His Money Where His Mouth Is

Rich Terrell
Bernie Confirms What We Already Knew: He Literally Refuses To Put His Money Where His Mouth Is
1) Bernie can't answer whether or not he'd pay the very tax he'd propose. It's convenient, isn't it? He's all about taxing everyone...but not himself.  2) He failed to mention that the majority of Americans actually paid less taxes over the course of the year. Their tax refunds were smaller but they saw the tax breaks in their paychecks throughout the year. 
So the Russians wanted Bernie Sanders elected president in 2016 all along...
They didn't promote Trump because they thought he had no chance at all.
. . . "But actually, [Assange] was soliciting Russian mischief back when Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders were duking it out on the primary stage .. and looking to help Bernie. What's more, the Russians obliged." . . .
. . . "The Russians were rooting for someone all right - and it wasn't Trump. One can only wonder now what the Russians have planned for the man now that he's the frontrunner in this coming election, too." 

Fox News Hosts Ask Bernie Sanders A Question That Left Him A Bit Tongue-Tied
Bernie pronounced his leftist platitudes and scores of youthful voices cheered. Listen to Bernie's speeches and tell me if the cheers you hear are not children's voices. TD

Democrat Goes Full Racist In Hearing: Rep. Green to Bankers: “You Appear to Be White Men”

Another scowling face of a Democrat

This from the man who protests against "hate".

Daily Post  "Democratic Representative Al Green of Texas spoke to a group of seven of the country’s top bankers this Wednesday.
“ 'As I look at the panel, and I’m grateful for your attendance, the–the eye would perceive that the seven of you have something in common. You appear to be white men. I may be mistaken,” Green stated during the hearing of the House Financial Services Committee.
“ 'If one among you happens to be something other than a white male, would you kindly extend a hand into the air? Kindly let the record reflect that there are no hands in the air and that the panel is made up of white men,” he went on.
“ 'This is not a pejorative,” Green stated. “You’ve all sermonized to a certain extent about diversity. If you believe that your likely successor will be a woman or a person of color, would you kindly extend a hand into the air?”
"No one raised their hand.
"Then, the Democratic Representative stated, “For fear that you may not hear me, just raise your hand now so that I’ll know you’re there. Raise your hand, please. All of you. Sir, apparently you don’t hear me over on the end. Would you kindly extend a hand into the air if you can hear me?”
"He urged them to raise their hands, which they did after hesitating." . . .

Hollywood Throws Mega-Cash at Democrats 10 Months Before First Primary


"Hollywood is once again cutting big checks for Democratic candidates, with celebrities like Ben Affleck, Kevin Bacon, Mandy Moore, and Ryan Reynolds getting involved in the next presidential election nearly a year before the country’s first primary.
"According to The Hill, Hollywood stars are eagerly giving to Sen. Kamala Harris’ (D-CA) campaign, even as she lags behind several competitors.
Some of Harris’s donors include: Affleck, who maxed out with a $2,800 campaign donation; former “Mad Men” star Jon Hamm, who gave $1,000; “Two and a Half Men’s” Jon Cryer, almost topping out at $2,775 and talk show host Busy Phillips, who gave $2,000. Other Harris donors include: Lily Tomlin and Don Cheadle, who both gave a handful of $100 donations over the last several months, music producer Quincy Jones with a $2,800 donation, director Lee Daniels, comedian Wanda Sykes and actress America Ferrera.
"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is also receiving attention from Tinseltown, with Susan Sarandon and Danny DeVito donating $2,700 and $2,800, respectively.
"The Hill also reports that Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) has been sucking up cash from Hollywood, like “Kevin Bacon, who gave $2,800 last month; Bon Jovi and his wife, Dorothea, who together donated $5,600; ‘Glass’ director M. Night Shyamalan and ‘CSI’ actress Marg Helgenberger, who both dished out $2,700 and Jamie Lee Curtis, who gave $1,000 towards Booker’s 2020 efforts.”
"Beto O’Rourke has accepted donations from Willie Nelson and Rachael Ray, while “Mayor Pete” Buttigieg (D) received cash from Mandy Moore, Bradley Whitford, and Ryan Reynolds." . . .  H/T to Expose Liberals & Media Bias

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Farrakhan Comes to Omar’s Defense, Says 9/11 Was A Hoax Orchestrated By U.S. Government…

Weasel Zippers  What's the NOI Research Group, you ask?

Obama Couldn’t Wait To Make The Notre Dame Cathedral Fire About … Obama

Weasel Zippers   "Of course. It’s always about him."

Booker concedes, admits releasing illegals into sanctuary cities would make U.S. ‘less safe’

Meaning the "gifts of love" that we allow here? They would make us unsafe? 

Media Equalizer   "Democrats love the idea of illegal aliens pouring into America — until they realized those migrants could be shipped to their districts.
"During an interview on CBS’ “Face The Nation,” Democratic presidential candidate Cory Booker admitted to host Margaret Brennan that Americans would be “less safe” if illegal aliens from detention centers were released into cities across the country.
"Booker’s comments were in response to reports that President Donald Trump’s administration is considering releasing apprehended migrants into sanctuary cities that are controlled by liberal lawmakers.
“ 'He’s trying to pit Americans against each other and make us less safe,” Booker said, referring to Trump. “If he was looking to solve a problem, he wouldn’t be doing things to divide this country against itself.' ”  

'Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only,” Trump wrote.
"He added in a second tweet: “The Radical Left always seems to have an Open Borders, Open Arms policy – so this should make them very happy! "  . . . .

Socialist Denmark: the promised land for millennial's

Denmark Tells Bernie Sanders It's Had Enough Of His 'Socialist' Slurs . . . "So because something makes sense to him, he has the right to force that system on people who don't want it? Isn't that what he's saying?
"But we digress. This is about Danes being offending by Sanders using the word "socialist" to describe their form of government. And who can blame them, especially when the free world has had enough of national socialists and Soviet socialists and North Korean socialists and Cuban socialists?" 
. . . "To that we'll add that Sweden, another of Sanders' inspirations, has for decades quietly moved away from its cradle-to-grave form of government welfare. And the Swedes are better off for having done so, just as the Danes will continue to be better off as their government overhauls its welfare state." . . .

Denmark: Not As Socialist (Nor As Successful) As You Think  "Bernie Sanders would like the United States to model itself after Denmark. Not the real Denmark, mind you, but a romanticized version of what its government does, and of how well it does it.
"As Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen himself put it, in reaction to this fictionalized vision of his country: "I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy."
"Admittedly, it is a market economy with high taxes and an extensive welfare state. But it wasn't always so--and it might not stay that way for very much longer." . . .

Why Denmark isn’t the utopian fantasy Bernie Sanders describes  "Finally, Denmark's welfare state is more of a rickety derelict than a solid structure. Successive governments have had to repeatedly reform the system, scaling back its benefits. British journalist Michael Booth, who has lived in Scandinavia for over a decade and written a book about his experience there, says that the quality of the free education and health care Danes receive is far from great. Their PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) educational rankings are just average, they have the lowest life expectancy in the EU aside from former communist countries, and the highest rates of death from cancer in the world.
"Booth also says there is a broad consensus that the Danish welfare state remains unsustainable, despite the many reforms of recent decades. "The Danes' dirty secret is that its public sector has been propped up by--now dwindling--oil revenues."

. . . "Perhaps you’ve seen the meme below floating around social media? Today’s younger generations seem to eat it up and immediately demand we “be like Denmark” with free healthcare, free college, a $25 per hour wage, and a 35 hour work week. Then, we can join Denmark as one of the happiest countries in the world, but there’s just a few problems with that."
This is just the outline; each point is discussed in more detail at the link,
1. The Personal Income Tax Rate ranges from 55% to 65% in Denmark.
2. The Sales Tax is 25%. 
3. Things cost more in Denmark.
4. Although their wage is higher, Danes don’t have more disposable income.
5. Danes are “happy” because they are medicated, but their suicide rate shows they aren’t more happy than Americans at all. They may be saying a bit too much.
. . . "In Denmark, if you use pepper spray on an attacker to avoid being raped, you can be fined about $70. This recently happened to a teenage girl who thwarted her own rape. Her rapist got away and is a free man, meanwhile, she’s facing charges and fines for defending herself." . . .
A 17-year-old girl who was physically and sexually attacked in Sønderborg will herself face charges for using pepper spray to fend off her assailant.
Get this:  "Sexual assaults have been in the news in Sønderborg recently after several women in the town reported earlier this month that they sometimes feel harassed by the aggressive behaviour of some male asylum seekers and refugees at the local asylum centre. " (Emphasis mine, TD)

Bernie and his Fox News townhall

First, before posting on Bernie at the townhall, this occurred a few days before that. We link to it here for perspective on the man Fox interviewed:   Conservative journalist ejected from Bernie Sanders rally for no reason  "The latest stunt pulled at a Bernie Sanders rally goes to show just how far the left (fake center) will go in order to stifle free speech and free thought in America."
The conservative reporter commented thus:
The police officer agreed with me that I did nothing wrong, but booted me anyway. On my way out, the private security officer told me he supports me but has to do his job. Thank you for exposing how intolerant the left really is towards dissenting opinions.
Tony Branco
Bernie Sanders tells Fox News town hall that he won't pay his 'fair share' in taxes unless he is forced to  . . . "I give Bernie Sanders credit for daring to appear on Fox News for a town hall in which he could expect pointed questioning from the hosts, Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum.  But those expectations were fulfilled when it comes to his taxes.  Two tweets from Ryan Saavedra of the Daily Wire tell the story of his position that he will pay his "fair share" only when forced to do the right thing." . . .
MacCallum: “So would you be willing to pay 52% on the money that you made? You can volunteer, you can send it back”Bernie: “You can volunteer too…why don’t you give? You make more money than I do”M: “I didn’t suggest a wealth tax”Baier: “And she’s not running for POTUS”
 Townhall agrees with Fox News on this.

 The Russians really did prefer Bernie.

Bernie Sanders Releases Tax Returns, Is Immediately Called Out For Stinginess
Considering how stingy Sanders is when it comes to charity, let’s review what he has said about people who make a lot of money and greedily hold on to it: Writing in the Burlington Free Press in May, 2011, Sanders stated, "As Vermont's senator and a member of the Budget Committee, I will not support a plan to reduce the deficit that does not call for shared sacrifice … At a time when the top one percent earns more income than the bottom 50 percent, we must ask the wealthiest people in this country to start paying their fair share of taxes … Every segment of our society, including those who have money and power, must contribute and must sacrifice."
 Bernie Sanders Explodes When Asked About His Taxes, Hypocrisy Called Out
Bernie's diverting response was Ted Kennedy-ish and shows him to be just some politician; socialist and slippery, but still, the hero of the campus left. TD

Bernie: the Perfect Democratic Socialist Candidate:

Watching Bernie at the Fox News Town Hall: Memories of the Soviet Union  . . . "In other words, although we were in the USSR at basically the same point, we apparently visited different countries. I can remember spending much of my time talking to Soviet writers, listening to their tales of oppression, and their desperate desire to leave the country for freedom in America. In several cases, they asked my help to get out, which I had no way of giving them. As they made their pleas, my schoolboy Marxism drained out of me.
. . . "If he becomes the Democratic nominee, which, even at this early date, doesn't seem unlikely, Trump will have his hands full contradicting Bernie's fervor. Like a good neo-Stalinist, he will stop at nothing for his "ideals." The Fox town hall should be a good training ground for Trump. He should pay close attention to it, keep it close by as a training video.". . .

The Progressive Revolution: From Democratic to Liberal to Progressive to Socialist

Victor Davis Hanson

Obama kick-started a cycle that moves ever farther left — even he now seems passé.

"Americans voted for Barack Obama in 2008 despite, not because of, his most partisan voting record in the Senate. They were once willing to look past his earlier dubious associations with abject anti-Semites such as the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, former terrorists like Bill Ayers, and unhinged characters such as Father Pfleger. They also averted their eyes from Obama’s often quite offensive commentary, in his autobiography and during the 2008 campaign (e.g., “typical white person” and “they cling to…” speech).
"Instead, voters were tired of the Iraq War (which was over for all practical purposes by the time of the November 2008 election).
"They were, of course, terrified by the September 2008 financial meltdown (which had been mostly stabilized four months later by the time of the inauguration) and irate at the kid-gloves treatment accorded often conniving banks and investors.
"They were convinced that Obama might be healing and transformative as the first African-American president, supposedly only slightly to the left of a far steadier and more qualified Condoleezza Rice or Colin Powell. And half the Democrats were already becoming sick of Hillary Clinton once they became reacquainted with her on the 2008 primary-campaign trail.
"As is typical of American politics, voters in 2008 also wanted to change the party in power after it had been in the lead for eight years, and the lame-duck president fell out of favor. Voters certainly were underwhelmed by an uninspiring, herky-jerky, mostly incompetent John McCain campaign, notable for his “that’s not who we are” comments and his willingness to “lose nobly.”
"Such was the naïve dream." .  . .

Sailor Pardoned By Trump: "Obama DOJ Used Me As A Hillary ‘Scapegoat’." Video

Daily Caller  "Kristian Saucier, the U.S. Navy sailor pardoned by President Trump Friday, harshly criticized the Obama administration during a Saturday morning interview with Fox News’ Pete Hegseth.
"Saucier was charged and jailed in October 2016 for taking photos onboard a nuclear submarine in 2009. He believes his case was an attempt by the Obama administration to “take the heat” off of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server at the State Department. (RELATED: Trump Pardons Sailor Kristian Saucier)
. . . 
“ 'It was a clear attempt by the Department of Justice under President Obama to use me as a scapegoat to take the heat off of Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information,” he added. (RELATED: Sailor Seeks ‘Hillary Defense’ To Avoid Jail Time For Mishandling Classified Information)
"Saucier ended his interview by thanking Trump for pardoning him.
“ 'Thank you, sir for your bravery and for standing up in the face of so many people who said you would never do the right thing,” he stated. “You proved them wrong time and time again and thank you for having the moral fortitude to follow through on your promises.' ” 
Hat tip to Ron Kirby

Snopes goes into some depth on the subject but makes efforts to exonerate HRC.  . . . "Shipmates of Saucier and some members of the public have contrasted the cases to suggest that Saucier faced harsher penalties for a lesser offense, but intent was the core of the FBI’s recommendation not to indict Clinton, while several witnesses testified that Saucier was fully aware his actions were prohibited." . . .

What will it take for journalists and other Democrats to tell the truth to the public?

Jack Hellner  "For over two years, the public has been treated to diatribes from people acting as journalists and other Democrats, saying Trump was guilty of colluding with Russia to win the election, even though there was never evidence those talking points were true and much evidence showing the conspiracy theory was false.

"When the Mueller report came out and A.G. Barr said there was no evidence of collusion or obstruction, some of these same people accused Barr of lying or a cover-up — with no evidence that that is true.
"We have continually been told that Trump and others should not challenge the integrity of the FBI and Justice Department no matter what they did, as they were seeking to destroy so many lives based on the fictitious collusion story based on the false dossier supplied by the despicable and corrupt DNC and Hillary.
"Now these complicit journalists and other Democrats are ripping into Barr because he is not going along with their lies that have been exposed.
"It has been clear for years that the Obama administration has spied on people surrounding Trump, but when William Barr said he was going to investigate how the spying started, these serial liars are squealing like stuck pigs.
"Journalists are lying to the public by saying there is no evidence that the Obama administration lied.  Pelosi said it was dangerous to have people like Trump and Barr in charge.  She was not scared of the president and Justice officials who spied and targeted political opponents while protecting guilty parties they liked.  She is scared of people who will actually investigate the wrongdoing." . . .