Tuesday, April 16, 2019

What will it take for journalists and other Democrats to tell the truth to the public?

Jack Hellner  "For over two years, the public has been treated to diatribes from people acting as journalists and other Democrats, saying Trump was guilty of colluding with Russia to win the election, even though there was never evidence those talking points were true and much evidence showing the conspiracy theory was false.

"When the Mueller report came out and A.G. Barr said there was no evidence of collusion or obstruction, some of these same people accused Barr of lying or a cover-up — with no evidence that that is true.
"We have continually been told that Trump and others should not challenge the integrity of the FBI and Justice Department no matter what they did, as they were seeking to destroy so many lives based on the fictitious collusion story based on the false dossier supplied by the despicable and corrupt DNC and Hillary.
"Now these complicit journalists and other Democrats are ripping into Barr because he is not going along with their lies that have been exposed.
"It has been clear for years that the Obama administration has spied on people surrounding Trump, but when William Barr said he was going to investigate how the spying started, these serial liars are squealing like stuck pigs.
"Journalists are lying to the public by saying there is no evidence that the Obama administration lied.  Pelosi said it was dangerous to have people like Trump and Barr in charge.  She was not scared of the president and Justice officials who spied and targeted political opponents while protecting guilty parties they liked.  She is scared of people who will actually investigate the wrongdoing." . . .

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