Monday, May 6, 2019

Missouri lawmaker faces calls to resign after posting ‘I hope Trump is assassinated’ on Facebook

Flex Mag  "A Missouri lawmaker is under mounting pressure to resign after she said on social media she hopes President Trump is assassinated, following his response to violence at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville.
"Democratic state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal went on her personal Facebook page Thursday morning to vent two days after the president blamed “both sides” for the brutality.
“I put up a statement saying, ‘I really hate Trump. He’s causing trauma and nightmares.’ That was my original post,” she told the Kansas City Star. The Facebook post received many responses, Chappelle-Nadal said, and to one she replied, “I hope Trump is assassinated!” 
“ 'There are people who are afraid of white supremacists,” she added. “There are people who are having nightmares. There are people who are afraid of going out in the streets. It’s worse than even Ferguson.”
"Though the senator quickly deleted the comment, an image of the statement swept social media, catching the attention of the Secret Service and prompting calls for her to step down.
"The Secret Service said it is “looking into the comments,” adding that all threats made against the president, vice president and other protected people are investigated, whether the threats are direct, implied or made in [anger?].
"Chappelle-Nadal later explained that she didn’t actually wish harm to come to Trump but wrote it out of frustration."

Missouri lawmaker faces calls to resign after posting ‘I hope Trump is assassinated’ on Facebook  . . . "Meanwhile, the Missouri House on Wednesday opted to open an ethics review of Republican State Rep. Warren Love, who is white, for an August Facebook post in which he called for those responsible for defacing a Confederate monument in Springfield, Missouri, to be “hung from a tall tree with a long rope.”

"After that post, the Missouri Democratic Party called for Love’s resignation, saying his words brought to mind the lynchings of black people. Love said his words were “cowboy slang” and not a call for lynchings. He soon apologized “to all who this post offended.'”.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

UPDATED, 5/6/2019: In the "greatest deliberative body in the world" we have...The Chicken Man!

Update, 5/8: Stunt Backfire: Dem Rep Steve Cohen Admits That Stuffing His Face With Chicken ‘didn’t picture well’    Brit Hume had but one comment for Cohen:
"How fun to enjoy one’s second childhood in Congress."

UPDATE: "WATCH: Chicken Eating Cohen: I Want AG Barr Physically Dragged In To Testify Before House Judiciary" He said this on - wait for it - CNN

. . . "It's really hard to take someone like Cohen seriously, especially when he shows up to a Committee hearing meeting with a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken. Maybe he missed the memo: the majority of his Democratic colleagues have law degrees. Most of them have practiced law in some capacity and others have even taught law school classes." . . .

‘Chicken Barr’: Steve Cohen brings fried chicken to Barr’s no-show committee hearing
"Lookit me, guys! Ya gettin' this?"
Did Rep. Cohen’s Fried Chicken Stunt Lay An Egg?  . . . "Because this is 2019 and no silly stunt is off the table for either side, Cohen placed a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken and a chicken figurine in front of Barr’s empty chair implying cowardice … or snack time. Cohen enjoyed eating some chicken (no mention if it was crispy or extra crispy) for the benefit of the cameras. Trust me, no one really wanted to see that." . . .

What reason do we have to hold any respect toward the Democrats and the American left as a whole? 
Dread, yes; respect, no.

Timothy Bishop
Ian Macfarlane
Jerry Nadler will restore congressional dignity to this juvenile farce. Oops, what? Really?

Obama and Clinton’s Coup d’état Enters the 2020 Election Campaign

Canada Free Press

"The coup in which Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton used the FBI to try to overturn the 2016 election of Donald Trump lives on, and has moved full-bore into the 2020 presidential election campaign.
"Making it a big deal that he is “not Obama endorsed”, ex-vice president Joe Biden launched his presidential bid as the front runner who will fight off Trump for the “soul of America”. 
"Behind all the hullabaloo, aside from spreading the Big Lie that Trump’s a “racist”, Biden is really only in the presidential race to keep a seat warm for Obama, who will install whomever he wants as the Democrat nominee, unfortunately perhaps including his overbearing wife, Michelle. 
"Having lost his last shot at a third term in office through the 2016 humiliating defeat of Hillary Clinton, the Big O’s back in the presidential game, and this time he’s playing for keeps. Obama continues to be extremely popular among the Democrats, who see him as their “Resistance Leader”. 
"Don’t believe for a New York nano-second that that big-talking Biden will be nominated by the DNC to run against President Donald Trump. Biden’s a handpicked Obama stand-in, who will promptly stand down whenever his former boss gives the order. 
"It’s now “Trump’s a racist!” times 20. The 20 being contenders in the car full of Democrat crazies that will come before the hapless masses 24-7, courtesy of mainstream and social media. 
"For most everyone else, yesterday was April 25, 2019, the day that Joe Biden launched his presidential campaign by video before posing as a common man, riding the rails back to a 3-day rest to rejuvenate at home. 
"But to Barack Hussein Obama, it was November 9, 2016 when he lost his last shot at a third term in office by the humiliating and unexpected defeat of his former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. 
"For Obama, Hillary and the Democrat wolf pack at large, yesterday was a second chance to go back to what should have been their victory on Nov. 9, 2016. 
"In a field rife with Trump Haters For Life, Biden comes into the 2020 race as the ultimate ANTI-TRUMP, while self identifying as an “Obama-Biden Democrat”.
"All 20 Democrat presidential hopefuls and their supporters are playing against a backdrop of “Who’s a socialist democrat?” and “Who’s a moderate progressive?”, and will continue the Act over the next 18 months,.
"All Democrats, are, of course, socialist Democrats. Moderate Progressives have long ago, gone with the wind.
"Front row on centre stage at the moment are two frontrunner septuagenarians Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders, supposedly fiercely duking it out. 
"But how long will it be before Biden, 76, and Sanders, 79, will need to be resuscitated with smelling salts? 
"According to Biden: “I asked Obama not to endorse me”. “I asked President Obama not to endorse,” he told reporters in Delaware. “And he doesn’t want to—whoever wins this nomination should win it on their own merits.”  . . .

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Injured Cop Will Be Allowed To Sue Black Lives Matter Leader

Weasel Zippers  The network of street and campus demagogues known as Black Lives Matter pretty much has operated with impunity since its founding. But a court ruling late last month could make these social media-based grievance peddlers think twice before targeting cops. 

"On April 24, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit unanimously ruled that an injured Baton Rouge, La., police officer has legal standing to sue DeRay Mckesson (he prefers not to capitalize the “k”), Black Lives Matter’s unofficial mouthpiece and most visible organizer. Mckesson, the complaint read, in coaxing a large group of demonstrators to block traffic on a highway back on July 9, 2016, created the conditions for the attack on the officer, identified only as John Doe. The decision overturns a district court ruling. And it is the right call. 

"Black Lives Matter (BLM), now with dozens of chapters across the U.S., came together in July 2013 following the justified acquittal by a Florida state jury of George Zimmerman, a white neighborhood patrol volunteer charged with murder in the shooting death of a black teen attacker, Trayvon Martin. The group attained a national profile in August 2014 when it sponsored continuous street rallies in Ferguson, Mo. to protest the police shooting death of an “unarmed” young black adult, Michael Brown, who in fact had violently assaulted the officer only a minute or two before. Rioting occurred that month, and again more destructively, that November after a county grand jury decided not to indict the officer. 

"With Black Lives Matter, the preordained script is “white oppressor, black victim,” regardless of location." . . .

Hero Citizen Tackles Suspected Arsonist Setting Wildfire in Los Angeles

Legal Insurrection

“I yell at him, like, ‘what are you doing?’ . . . he says, ‘I’m destroying everything.'”

"Legal Insurrection readers may recall that in the autumn of 2017, a series of wildfires broke out in Southern California. One of those blazes threatened the famed Getty Center Museum.
"On Easter Sunday this year, a suspected arsonist, who set off fires in the Sepulveda Pass near the Getty Center, was taken into custody after a an alert citizen saw the man lighting the fires and tackled him.
The suspect was arrested after Richard Lazenby took him down to the ground and held him there until officers arrived. Part of that confrontation was caught on camera.
“I yell at him, like, ‘what are you doing?” Lazenby told KTLA. “And he says, ‘I’m destroying everything.'”
Lazenby was driving home from Easter Sunday church service with his family when he saw brush fires burning along Sepulveda Boulevard. He then saw the suspect lighting another fire, and blocked the man with his vehicle.

. . . Unless there is a change in the approach to homelessness, Californians better hope that citizens like Richard Lazenby remain in the state. We will need more heroes.

The Tragedy of an Agnostic & UNESCO Heading Notre Dame Restoration

Canada Free Press

"For the first time in memory, there will be no Crown of Thorns on display at the fire- ravaged Notre Dame Cathedral today."

Notre Dame—last seen worldwide in heartbreaking photos with flames demolishing its 800-year-old roof and spire—overshadows Good Friday 2019 and will be remembered forever.
People who may have pictures of the Cathedral should cherish them because Notre Dame will never be the same when President Emmanuel Macron completes its rebuilding, promised within a five-year span.
“French President Emmanuel Macron is expected to set out reconstruction ideas during meetings Friday with officials from the United Nations’ cultural agency, UNESCO. (AP April 19, 2019)
“The United Nations says it will be supporting the French government in rebuilding fire-ravaged Notre Dame Cathedral through its Paris-based cultural agency UNESCO “in whatever way they feel is most necessary.” (CTV News, April 16, 2019  
"Macron, who according to his biography, converted to Catholicism at age 12, now self-identifies as an agnostic.
"New Age UNESCO is more interested in the preservation of culture rather than religion.
"The religion of the United Nations is neither Catholic nor Christian, it has its own ‘Green’ Religion.
"Nor should anyone take hope that Pope Francis offered his support to Macron in a personal telephone call. 
“Francis sent an official message of condolences to Paris Archbishop Michel Aupetit, in which he called Notre Dame the “architectural gem of a collective memory.” (CTV)
Notre Dame is firstly a Catholic Cathedral dedicated to Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and a Temple of God where untold millions fled to worship over the centuries,  much more than an “architectural gem of a collective memory.”
Pope Francis has phoned French President Emmanuel Macron to express his solidarity over the fire at Notre Dame, hours after the Vatican culture minister offered art experts who could possibly advise on reconstruction efforts. (CTV)
"President Macron says he will make Notre Dame “more beautiful than ever”, and that his rebuilding will be complete within five years." . . .

Andy McCarthy: The Big Lie That Barr Lied

Ghengis Gary
The Big Lie That Barr Lied by Andrew C. McCarthy: "I originally thought this was too stupid to write about. But stupid is like the plague inside the Beltway — one person catches it and next thing you know there’s an outbreak at MSNBC and the speaker of the House is showing symptoms while her delirious minions tote ceramic chickens around Capitol Hill.
"So I give you: the Bill Barr perjury allegation.
. . . "If I were a cynic, I’d think people were trying to get out in front of some embarrassing revelations on the horizon. I might even be tempted to speculate that progressives were trotting out their “Destroy Ken Starr”  template for Barr deployment (which, I suppose, means that 20 years from nowwe’ll be reading about what a straight-arrow Barr was compared to whomever Democrats are savaging at that point)." . . .
Kamala Harris’s glass house  "When Kamala Harris started throwing stones at AG Barr during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday, she apparently forgot that she lives in a very big glass house.
"In case you’ve forgotten what she demanded of the eminent lawyer sitting before her, here is a video of the question, starting at the point in her questioning when she was laying the predicate for chastising him for not reviewing the supporting documents of the Mueller Report, which, we should note, include over a million pages." . . .
. . . "Less than two months ago, we read about Senator Harris’s lack of due diligence on one of her signature issues, sexual harassment:
Sen. Kamala Harris, a 2020 candidate for president, says she still has not spoken to the woman who sued one of her longtime staff members of sexual harassment, leading to a $400,000 settlement.
"In this specific case, I have not talked to the victim," the California Democrat said in a recent interview with Univision. "That case is being handled by the Attorney General's Office and I've left it up to that office to handle the case as they've seen fit, which included a settlement.". . . 
William Barr Made A Major Disclosure In His Senate Hearing That Hardly Anyone Noticed  "In a little-noticed exchange during his Senate hearing Wednesday, Attorney General William Barr made a surprising disclosure that could allow the public and press to obtain sensitive details about the origins of the Trump-Russia probe.
"During a back-and-forth with Democratic Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, Barr identified Alexander Downer, a former Australian diplomat, as the FBI’s source for the information that sparked the bureau’s counterintelligence investigation into George Papadopoulos and other Trump campaign associates.
"The federal government had not officially identified Downer as the source until Wednesday. His role in the investigation was publicly known, but only through press reports and his own statements to the media." . . .

When the third time is not the charm via Lucianne.
In the beginning, it was collusion with the Russians that the Democrats were counting on to send the president to obscurity, or worse. When that partisan fantasy dissolved like snow on a sunny day, the Democrats seized obstruction of justice as the crime of the century. The special counsel concluded there was not enough there, either. Now the only “high crime and misdemeanor” left to imagine is that the attorney general “lied to Congress.” Without a shred of reliable evidence, that’s the thinnest fantasy of all. The third time is definitely not the charm. So what’s next? Is there a scandal.  . . .

Friday, May 3, 2019

DNC Operative Sought and Received Help From Ukraine to Help Elect Clinton, Report Says

The Epoch Times

Clinton advisors Jake Sullivan (L), Nick Burns (2L) and John Podesta (2R) wait with Clinton Campaign Chairman, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for a meeting with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on September 19, 2016 in New York. (Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images)
"Alexandra Chalupa, an operative paid by the Democratic National Committee (DNC), asked the Ukrainian embassy in Washington for dirt on Trump-campaign chairman Paul Manafort in 2016, the embassy confirmed in a statement to The Hill. 

"While the embassy denies having helped the operative, a former embassy worker told The Hill’s John Solomon that the embassy helped Chalupa knowing full well that she was working to help elect then-candidate Hillary Clinton and defeat then-candidate Donald Trump.

"Ambassador Valeriy Chaly, in written answers to Solomon, said that Chalupa asked the Ukrainian government for information on Manafort’s dealings inside Ukraine. Chalupa tried to arrange for Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to comment about Manafort’s ties to Russia during a 2016 visit to Washington, Chaly said. 

“ 'The Embassy got to know Ms. Chalupa because of her engagement with Ukrainian and other diasporas in Washington D.C., and not in her DNC capacity. We’ve learned about her DNC involvement later,” Chaly said in a statement to The Hill. “We were surprised to see Alexandra’s interest in Mr. Paul Manafort’s case. It was her own cause. The Embassy representatives unambiguously refused to get involved in any way, as we were convinced that this is a strictly U.S. domestic matter. 

“ 'All ideas floated by Alexandra were related to approaching a Member of Congress with a purpose to initiate hearings on Paul Manafort or letting an investigative journalist ask President Poroshenko a question about Mr. Manafort during his public talk in Washington, D.C.,” Chaly said." . . .

Finally an effective President and his enemies want to destroy him and his Attorney General
William Barr in the Crosshairs  . . . "William Barr, even more than President Trump, may be the most important man in America at this moment in time.  His integrity, strength of character, belief in America, and belief in the rule of law are what stand in the breach between the destruction of America as we have known it and its defense and restoration.  Never before in my lifetime has our nation or our attorney general faced a greater internal peril than today.  If ever an attorney general needed our prayers, that time is now; that attorney general is William Barr."

The Democrats are worried. They should be.  . . . "And while Barr went onto say he's not necessarily investigating the FBI, he stated that perhaps there was a failure of leadership by upper-echelon FBI officials.  A.G. Bill Barr concluded, "I feel I have an obligation to make sure that government power is not abused.  I think that's one of the principal rules of the 
attorney general.' " . . .

Nadler, leader of the star chamber
Conrad Black: Democrats Court Electoral Disaster With Trump Hearings  "The Democrats should be changing the subject, and running away from President Trump’s legal issues as fast as they can.

"It is illustrative of how completely invested they were in the hare-brained fraud of Russian collusion, that they are having such a crisis of separation from the subject. They are not the only losers in this fiasco, though they are the biggest losers.
"They are left trying to pretend that they have an invitation to impeach from special counsel Robert Mueller, but that is not correct. In his and his Trump-hating investigative staff’s desperation to attack the president, Mueller engaged in the wholly unprofessional practice of acknowledging that he could not claim there was adequate evidence to prosecute or impeach the president, but could not exonerate him, either. It was up to the House of Representatives to determine if there were grounds to impeach." . . .

Desperate media and other Dems generating fake hysteria over Barr as reckoning looms over Russia hoax

The basic problem that the Dems have now is that the storyline has become simple and direct: Obama administration officials used the FBI, NSA, CIA, and other national security organs to spy on a rival campaign, and then undermine an elected president. They desperately want their followers to ignore the evidence that is on its way.
Stilton's Place: Poking the Barr
Thomas Lifson  "Democrats and their media lackeys are going all out to assassinate the character of AG Barr, fanning of the flames of hysteria. Anna Stark is correct that “The Democrats are worried. They should be,” and because the Attorney General has vowed to investigate the origins of spying on a presidential campaign and then a president, they desperately want to discredit him.
"Kimberly Strassel of the Wall Street Journal has an excellent take:
The only thing uglier than an angry Washington is a fearful Washington. And fear is what’s driving this week’s blitzkrieg of Attorney General William Barr. (snip)
Do not underestimate how many powerful people in Washington have something to lose from Mr. Barr’s probe. Among them: Former and current leaders of the law-enforcement and intelligence communities. The Democratic Party pooh-bahs who paid a foreign national (Mr. Steele) to collect information from Russians and deliver it to the FBI. The government officials who misused their positions to target a presidential campaign. The leakers. The media. More than reputations are at risk. Revelations could lead to lawsuits, formal disciplinary actions, lost jobs, even criminal prosecution.
The attacks on Mr. Barr are first and foremost an effort to force him out, to prevent this information from coming to light until Democrats can retake the White House in 2020. As a fallback, the coordinated campaign works as a pre-emptive smear, diminishing the credibility of his ultimate findings by priming the public to view him as a partisan.
. . .

Thursday, May 2, 2019

"Thar she blows!" is no longer to be said...ever.

City Journal  "Two types of people desire to impose politically correct locutions on the rest of us: those who possess unlimited power and fear to lose it and those who aspire to unlimited power and need a means to attain it. And there is, after all, no greater power than that of prescribing what others must say and what others must not think. 

"The Scottish Maritime Museum, dedicated to the history of the country’s shipbuilding industry, has decided that it will no longer use the words she and her to refer to ships, but rather it and its. This is in response to feminists, who have defaced plaques referring to ships as she or her. This change would negate centuries of tradition, during which the words traditionally used on launching a ship, “May God bless all who sail in her,” carried no connotation of insult or deprecation—rather the reverse. 

"The Maritime Museum’s surrender is yet another instance of the craven surrender of British officialdom to the demands of a small but vociferous group of monomaniacs who make the imposition of their views the purpose of their lives. Museum authorities have argued that they must move with the times, and the prevention of vandalism is important, for economic reasons among others. Yet this rationale is something like awarding burglars a pension in an effort to prevent burglary. 

"Concessions of this kind will not reduce, but increase, the appetite of monomaniacs of different stripes. How long before the sexist opening stanzas of Lewis Carroll’s The Walrus and the Carpenter are changed to appropriately gender-neutral language:" . . .

So much for Congress being the "World's greatest deliberative body"

"Barr just dropped the Dems on their heads for their nonsense yesterday, they should be grateful he’s giving them a pass. This is so childish and silly."  Fox News
Nadler — at a bizarre session complete with an empty chair for Barr where one Democrat placed a prop chicken — lashed out at both Barr and Trump, who has vowed to fight all subpoenas amid an escalating confrontation with Congress over an array of investigations. Barr himself has not been subpoenaed, and it’s unclear whether Democrats might take that step, but his DOJ has refused to comply with a subpoena for the full Mueller report.
. . .
 REPORT: AG William Barr Cancels Appearance for House Committee Hearing Tomorrow…  "House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler has created a circus atmosphere ahead of a scheduled appearance by Attorney General William Barr tomorrow.
"After today’s hearing devolved into a hot mess; and after Nadler changed processes to block committee representatives from questioning the AG; it appears Attorney General William Barr has cancelled his scheduled appearance.
WASHINGTON DC – U.S. Attorney General William Barr will not testify before the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday, a committee aide tells NBC News. The hearing is set to proceed as scheduled, starting at 9 a.m. EST.  (link)  . . .

Rep. Doug Collins @RepDougCollins
Latest from the sideshow: Democrats attempt to squash debate and ram an unprecedented motion through House Judiciary Committee.