Friday, May 3, 2019

Finally an effective President and his enemies want to destroy him and his Attorney General
William Barr in the Crosshairs  . . . "William Barr, even more than President Trump, may be the most important man in America at this moment in time.  His integrity, strength of character, belief in America, and belief in the rule of law are what stand in the breach between the destruction of America as we have known it and its defense and restoration.  Never before in my lifetime has our nation or our attorney general faced a greater internal peril than today.  If ever an attorney general needed our prayers, that time is now; that attorney general is William Barr."

The Democrats are worried. They should be.  . . . "And while Barr went onto say he's not necessarily investigating the FBI, he stated that perhaps there was a failure of leadership by upper-echelon FBI officials.  A.G. Bill Barr concluded, "I feel I have an obligation to make sure that government power is not abused.  I think that's one of the principal rules of the 
attorney general.' " . . .

Nadler, leader of the star chamber
Conrad Black: Democrats Court Electoral Disaster With Trump Hearings  "The Democrats should be changing the subject, and running away from President Trump’s legal issues as fast as they can.

"It is illustrative of how completely invested they were in the hare-brained fraud of Russian collusion, that they are having such a crisis of separation from the subject. They are not the only losers in this fiasco, though they are the biggest losers.
"They are left trying to pretend that they have an invitation to impeach from special counsel Robert Mueller, but that is not correct. In his and his Trump-hating investigative staff’s desperation to attack the president, Mueller engaged in the wholly unprofessional practice of acknowledging that he could not claim there was adequate evidence to prosecute or impeach the president, but could not exonerate him, either. It was up to the House of Representatives to determine if there were grounds to impeach." . . .

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