Certainly . . .Ali was loud, brash, and obnoxious. . . . Certainly Rapinoe is all that and more. I would add: hypocritical, ignorant, disrespectful, and incapable of discussion without the use of juvenile profanity, including F-bombs. This, of course is delightful to those who have created the pedestal she stands on.
"I am the greatest!" |
Dennis Lund
Writing for Sports Illustrated, Grant Whal drew a comparison between current Mega Soccer Goddess Megan Rapinoe and Muhammed Ali, when he wrote:
Muhammad Ali is a singular figure in American life. But there are elements of a modern-day Ali in Rapinoe’s stance toward sports and social activism, to say nothing of her ability to turn the glare of publicity -- much of it controversial -- to her advantage.
"Muhammed Ali was many things, but he was a man who many Americans learned to respect because he stood for ideals, backing them with actions that cost him dearly.
"Until such time that Rapinoe can achieve such a distinction, she will remain simply a flash in the pan, capitalizing on her temporary fame and the popular ‘hate-Trump-theme’ which is tearing this nation apart.
"We need to recognize that Ali was ahead of his time, as the nascent anti-war movement was just beginning to gain traction. Indeed his actions ran contrary to the American themes of the day. Rapinoe, on the other hand, has jumped on the bandwagon and seems to delight in the opportunity to demonstrate her disdain for Trump, as well as for America. Her rise to fame is in large part due to her matching the equal disdain shown for Trump, and for America, that is currently infecting the American media and the leftist crowd she identifies with." . . .
. . . "What Rapinoe, who by the way is a multimillionaire earning over $165,000 a year, demands ignores basic laws of economics, one taught at the high-school level. That law being: supply and demand. If you want to make more money, don’t demand it, increase the demand for your product." . . .
. . . "A note to Rapinoe: If you want to earn the respect of the nation, you may want to take a cue from Muhammed Ali ‘who believed in something and sacrificed everything.’
Rapinoe has made no such sacrifice, while she stands on the threshold of capital gains."