Thursday, July 18, 2019

When everything is "racist", then nothing is racist

Looks like we need to think of a new term for the Jim Crow Laws, black lynching, dragging African-Americans behind trucks, exclusion from society, bombing churches, to name a few. Using the term "racism" has no significance anymore; it has been rendered silly by the likes of Maxine Waters, Bobby "Beto" O'Rourke, Al Sharpton, et al. along with the help of CNN.  The Tunnel Dweller.

 Biff Spackle of Director Blue  via American Thinker
An Angry Old White Guy on 'AOC Plus Three'  . . . "So, let me say, as someone who has lived with this nonsense for more than forty years, I no longer give a damn, nor do most white people I know.
"My white privilege means that I can’t blame any other race for the decisions I make. It means that there will be no federal auditors to make sure that no matter how mediocre my performance, I will be guaranteed a position to fulfill a quota. It means that celebrating diversity means excluding people that look like me." . . .
Accusations of bigotry shut down all honest commentary.  . . . "Very often, when liberals are questioned, they term the challenger a bigot.  That not only silences the challenger, but all supporters of the challenger and any other potential challengers.  Thus, we have the likes of John Kasich and Mitt Romney, who do not dare contest any such abhorrent utterances.  In fact, they seek validation of liberals by attacking their own.  The reason Trump won in 2016 was owing to his fearlessness in taking the fight to the opposition.  Luckily for his voters, he hasn't changed an iota after being elected to office.

"The robust economy, the defeat of ISIS in the Middle East, and a focus on curbing illegal immigration will help President Trump get re-elected.  But it is this ethical act of challenging blatant immorality on this occasion and several others that is the reason why he has an unbreakable bond with his supporters."

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