Wednesday, July 31, 2019

After Gilroy: Mass shootings a white thing? Oh, hell, no. "Colin Flaherty explodes the myth yet again."

Colin Flaherty  "Even before the final butcher's bill was presented for the Sunday-night mass shooting in Gilroy, the blue checkers and talking heads were filling their platforms with fairy tales that most mass shooters are white.
"But in the two-week run-up to Gilroy, there were 36 other mass shootings from coast to coast — and 34 of those shooters were black.  One was white and one Hispanic.  These results echo a New York Times story from 2016 that stated, much to the surprise and chagrin of the reporters, that whenever there are three or more victims of gunfire, 75 percent of  shooters in America are black.
"Today, that number looks a bit generous to black sensibilities.
"But numbers from the New York Times and ten stories from good ol' Colin this year documenting hundreds of black mass shootings did not do much to remove the blinders of those who insist mass shootings are a white thing. 
" 'Here's a fact that republicans are too stupid to grasp," said Mark K (@MarkRK47) on Twitter.  "Every mass shooting in the US is carried out by a white supremacist.  Every.  Single.  One."
"Sibel Edmonds (@SibelEdmonds) chimed in to at least admit the possibility that not all mass shooters are white: "One hard hitting fact: In the chronic USA mass shooting incidents, in 99+% of the cases, the perpetrators: White, Anglo-Saxon, Christian, Americans."
"Salon, the Daily Beast, Mother Jones, and other staples of the mass media cannot spread these fairy tales fast enough.  The facts tell a different story — the opposite story.
"Anyone up for a magical mystery tour of mass shootings over the last two weeks where black people shot three or more people?  (You can follow along on my video; just click here.

Can Someone Please Vote CNN Off the Stage? Especially Don, the Lemon

Yahoo/Jonathan Bernstein Bloomberg  "Ten of the Democrats debated on Tuesday night. But the debate was dominated by Jake Tapper, Dana Bash and Don Lemon – CNN’s moderators.
"Norm Ornstein got it right:
"It’s not just that the time allocations were harsh. (The candidates were constantly being cut off, sometimes after being given all of 15 seconds to make their points.) And not just that the time allocation seemed somewhat arbitrary.
"No, it was the questioning that really fell short – very, very short.
"The CNN moderators, again and again, employed the very worst types of questions. One style that Tapper used repeatedly early on was interrupting to insist that the candidates stick to a portion of a topic that he found interesting (such as whether their health care plans would involve increases in taxes for the middle class) rather than what they wanted to talk about. The night also featured too many gotcha questions, in which a candidate is challenged about something they said. (1) But even worse was a constant theme of asking one candidate to fight with another. Candidate X, what do you think of Candidate Y’s plan?" . . .
Nitwit Graphics
WaPo Trump-hater dismayed by CNN’s embarrassing lack of professionalism and showmanship in debate coverage  "Last night, CNN disgraced itself with unprofessional behavior by its moderators and just plain dumb decisions on staging the event.  
"Don Lemon declared President Trump a bigot in a question director at Senator Amy Klobuchar (who wisely refused to take the bait to label Trump voters bigots):
Senator Klobuchar, what do you say to those Trump voters who prioritize the economy over the president’s bigotry?"
. . .  "If the DNC were smart, they’d reverse their ban on Fox News offering a debate and ban CNN instead. But there’s a better chance of me winning the Powerball lottery."

Oath sworn to by all members of Congress, including Democrats

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
As early as 2014 This Was Being Stated: "Democrats’ “Rewriting” Their Congressional Oath of Office"
Here’s a small sampling of what Turley had to say.  “The framers would be horrified, because everything they did was to create balance between the branches of government and we’ve lost it.”  They designed a system to prevent “the concentration of powers in any one branch.”  Mr. Turley used powerful descriptors like “unstable” and “dangerous”, and pointedly said he was “astonished at the degree of passivity in Congress, particularly among Democrats” as they’ve allowed “the usurpation of legislative authority unprecedented in this country”.
Congressional Oath of Office Required - Bible Optional

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Alyssa Milano's Political Activism Prompts Millions To Ask Themselves, 'Who Is Alyssa Milano?'

(Right)  Milano's publicity death stare at Judge Kavanaugh

Babylon Bee  "Some recent social media posts and public comments from a person named Alyssa Milano have caused millions of Americans to stop what they are doing and ask themselves a crucial question: “Who is Alyssa Milano?”

"The Twitter user’s opinionated tweets on a far range of issues, such as abortion, racism and immigration law, came fast and furious last week and could no longer be ignored. Concerned citizens across the nation were forced to look themselves in the mirror and ask, “Alyssa who?”

"Provocative tweets about current events from the allegedly famous person have sparked lots of discussion and debate among the nation about who exactly she is and what old TV shows she might have been in. Much controversy has also been generated concerning why she thinks people should listen to her opinions and what makes her someone people should listen to.

"The tweets seem to have had their desired effect, as phrases like “who is Alisa [sic] Milano?”, “has anyone heard of this Alyssa Milano person?”, and “where can I buy Milano cookies?” have jumped to the top of the most popular internet search terms.

"At publishing time, sources were investigating rumors that Ms. Milano was a child actor who once starred in a 1980s sitcom called Punky Brewster."

The changes and their effect on American culture and her leaders - we elect

Rashida Tlaib Spouts Politically Correct Anti-Semitism for the 21st Century
. . . "Today’s anti-Semitism portrays Israel as the villain despite the Jewish state’s perpetual struggle to defend itself against attacks from terrorists so full of hate they’re willing to strap bombs on their own children in order to inflict grief and loss on their Jewish neighbors." . . .
. . . "Tlaib says that boycotting Israel is akin to boycotting the Nazi regime. She has it backward, in classic Orwellian fashion. Leading up to the Holocaust, Nazi Germany boycotted, divested, and sanctioned Jewish businesses. Some 75 years later, relatively few Jews remain in Germany." . . .

Who is still aware of this previous boycott, divest, sanction movement?

2018: Wake up Democrats, our party is un-American  . . . "If this problem was temporary, or affecting only a few in leadership, I would still say vote Republican based on their disgraceful behavior during the Judge Kavanaugh hearings. But this has been going on for a long time – something younger Democrats need to know. And no matter what we hear in the media, our party’s current behavior was a problem long before Donald Trump." . . .

America’s Changing Religious Identity

Then there is Ilhan Omar. We await her comment on this: Yikes – Two Somali Refugees Arrested for Conspiring to Provide Material Support to ISIS…  According to court documents, both defendants came to the United States as refugees from Somalia. At the time of their arrest, Mohamed had obtained lawful permanent resident status and Hussein remained a refugee. (read more). And here.

Trump is absolutely right about ‘con man’ Al Sharpton

NY Post

"Once upon a time, when I was editing this newspaper’s opinion pages, somebody decided that it wouldn’t hurt to have a slightly more cordial relationship with the Rev. Al ­Sharpton.

"So there we were, in a Manhattan steakhouse, discussing not much because it quickly had become clear that Sharpton enjoyed being New York’s premier racial grievance-monger, so there was no common ground to be had.
"But he did show a flicker of interest in a $350 cognac on the after-dinner menu — glancing over with amusement in his eyes as the waiter hovered. “If you do, reverend,” I said, “I’m asking for separate checks.”
"Then came that towering thundercloud of a frown — meant to intimidate, as all too often it does.
"I laughed. He screwed his face up tighter. I laughed again.
"And then so did he, and presently the evening ended with a handshake and a personal lesson learned: If you push back at Rev, Al, he’s not so tough.
"Not enough people understand that though — not enough see through the scam." . . .

Black Pastor Says It’s ‘Hard To Believe’ That Trump Is Racist After Meeting With Him
. . . "Owens has previously criticized ex-NFL star Colin Kaepernick for opposing the Betsy Ross flag and is a vocal supporter of the president." . . .

Post-Mueller revelations maybe?

"Additionally, Mr. diGenova states confidently that U.S. Attorney John Durham is not conducting a “review”, but is conducting a full criminal investigation with a grand jury empaneled and currently receiving testimony from witnesses."

Joe diGenova: “Declassified documents will be released this week … by Wednesday” (July 31st)….  

. . . On May 23rd, 2019, President Trump gave AG Bill Barr unilateral authority to declassify documents.  A month later, against the backdrop of more evidence surfacing showing corruption within the DOJ and FBI (June 14th, 2019), and with a negative balance in the trust account, twenty three House republicans asked President Trump not to wait.
"Here’s the list of material possible for declassification, and the intelligence offices who hold custodial authority over the compartmented documents. This was the original list as outlined in 2018: . . .

  • All versions of the Carter Page FISA applications (DOJ) (FBI) (ODNI).
  • All of the Bruce Ohr 302’s filled out by the FBI. (FBI) (ODNI)
  • All of Bruce Ohr’s emails (FBI) (DOJ) (CIA) (ODNI). All supportive documents and material provided by Bruce Ohr to the FBI. (FBI)
  • All relevant documents pertaining to the supportive material within the FISA application. (FBI) (DOJ-NSD ) (DoS) (CIA) (DNI) (NSA) (ODNI);
  • All intelligence documents that were presented to the Gang of Eight in 2016 that pertain to the FISA application used against U.S. person Carter Page; including all intelligence documents that may not have been presented to the FISA Court. (CIA) (FBI) (DOJ) (ODNI) (DoS) (NSA)  Presumably this would include the recently revealed State Dept Kavalac email; and the FBI transcripts from wiretaps of George Papadopoulos (also listed in Carter Page FISA). [AKA ‘Bucket Five’]
  • All unredacted text messages and email content between Lisa Page and Peter Strzok on all devices. (FBI) (DOJ) (DOJ-NSD) (ODNI)
  • The originating CIA “EC” or two-page electronic communication from former CIA Director John Brennan to FBI Director James Comey that started Operation Crossfire Hurricane in July 2016. (CIA) (FBI) (ODNI). . . 

How to Tell If a Trump Supporter Is Racist

Every conservative knows his responses to these three questions are heartfelt and true, so these questions can help conservatives come to see the left's charge of conservative racism as medieval Jews came to see the anti-Semites' blood libel charge: as a lie.
Dennis Prager, Jewish World Review

Every nonliberal leftist — that is, nearly every Democrat running for president, New York Times and Washington Post columnist, CNN and MSNBC host, and your leftwing brother in-law — labels every Trump supporter and, of course, President Donald Trump, a "racist." 

"And they don't stop there. Leftists don't only label the half of the country that supports the president "racist," they label all whites and America itself "racist." If your son or daughter attends or recently attended an American university, it is close to certain he or she was repeatedly told that America and all whites are racist. According to the left, whites are divided between those who admit they are racist and those who don't admit it. 

"Every conservative and many liberals know this is a big lie. The great question is: Do leftists believe it? It is impossible to know. But this we do know: If you repeat something often enough, and if your Weltanschauung (worldview) and that which gives your life meaning are dependent upon believing something, you will eventually believe it.

"So here is a way to show it is a lie.

"Ask any white conservative, including one who supports Trump, the following three questions: . . .  Full article here.

3 Members Of The Squad Have Deeply Uncertain Political Futures, One May Be A Senator Soon. . .

. . . in the "world's greatest deliberative body".

Clarion News

(L-R) Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) leave after a press conference, to address remarks made by US President Donald Trump earlier in the day, on Capitol Hill July 15, 2019 in Washington, DC. – President Donald Trump stepped up his attacks on four progressive Democratic congresswomen, saying if they’re not happy in the United States “they can leave.” (Photo by Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images)
"In the span of time it would normally take a new member of Congress to figure out where their floor’s bathroom is, four freshmen House members [have] become the hottest political commodities in a generation.

"Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Ayanna Pressley — the Squad. From the covers of magazines to unprecedented solo town halls on cable television typically reserved for presidential candidates, the junior Jacobins of the Democratic caucus occupy the daily news cycle at a level that rivals one tweeter-in-chief Donald Trump.

"But how long can this last?

"The mythologizing of the Squad’s ascent as the ushering in of a new era in American politics doesn’t hold up to scrutiny when examined closely. Two of them, Tlaib and Omar were running for open seats, and the two that challenged incumbents, AOC and Pressley were running against fossilized, white politicians in majority-minority districts that hadn’t had a real election in almost a decade." . . .

Sources weighing in on Baltimore

The city of Baltimorereceived $1.8 billion of our money under the guise of Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act with little to show for it.  We have stuffed the pockets of race pimps and their hateful political benefactors as they organize mobs like Antifa and Black Lives Matter to physically attack us.   M. Catharine Evans
Is Obama Canceled? Former President Also Trashed Baltimore, The 
Gem Of The Chesapeake  "So, apparently, Baltimore has been this gem on the Chesapeake that is immune to criticism because…Democrats run it. No, it’s because President Donald Trump decided to take a swing at Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), whose district swings into parts of the city. Baltimore has a crime problem, it’s corrupt, and it’s rat-infested. These were things that Trump pointed out that sent the Democratic Party into meltdown mode. You bet the accusation of racism were hurled." . . .

President Trump targets money-grubbing Democrats shackling their voters to hellhole cities  "It's about time we had a president shine a light on these race-baiting so-called civil rights icons like Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), whose "own" people live in rat-infested, feces-encrusted, gun-controlled kill zones while he and his fellow third-world thugs amass millions.  Cummings is just one in a cabal of looters whose accident of birth endowed them with a skin color that yields a high rate of return.
. . . Speaker Nancy Pelosi also weighed in from Italy, where, according to reports, she is not exactly visiting the poor and downtrodden.  No, Nancy, another congressperson worth hundreds of millions while her constituents defecate, shoot up, and sleep on the streets of San Francisco, was dining at a classy Venetian restaurant as she defended Cummings, calling him "a beloved leader in Baltimore."
From comedian Argus Hamilton:
  "President Trump met with an inner city group Monday to the catcalls of Democrats who say he just pays lip service to civil rights. It’s a steady drumbeat that wears on Trump’s credibility. Over the weekend, President Trump called Baltimore disgusting and rat-infested, and yet still people say he lies              "President Trump fired back at his border policy critic Congressman Elijah Cummings Friday and ripped his Baltimore home district for being rat infested. In reply CNN and MS-NBC called Trump a racist over eleven hundred times during the weekend.  Just what race do they think rats are?              "President Trump’s attack on Elijah Cummings’s squalid West Baltimore district is a recitation of rat infestation and high crime rate detailed by the Baltimore Sun and PBS.  Trump said nobody wants to live in Baltimore now, and thanks to the murder rate, many of their dreams are coming true              "Elijah Cummings’s House district includes the black area of West Baltimore and the extremely wealthy Horse Country region in Maryland that extends to the Eastern Shore.  Both precincts recognize the first rule of capitalism. Build a better mousetrap and the world will still call you a racist" . . .
This is what kabuki Theater looks like

"As surely and inflexibly ritualistic as its Japanese antecedent, yet another Kabuki performance is on display in our media. As koto music is plucked in the background, we see Donald Trump astride the stage, boldly making an "insensitive" tweet. His antagonist, in this case Elijah "Bowling Ball Head" Cummings, then dramatically declares that Trump is a racist for calling his largely black congressional district a "disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" and a "very dangerous & filthy place." Offstage, kodo drums beat loudly to indicate that a storm is gathering or, perhaps, just to wake up an audience that has seen this drama way too often.

"Unavoidably, anything we could say about this idiocy would pretty much be Kabuki commentary at this point, so we'll just say that it's pretty odd for a President of the United States to be called a white racist because he says that poor black Americans should be able to live in communities which aren't filled with rats, poverty, and crime.

"Elijah Cummings is, of course, against that notion..."

Monday, July 29, 2019

Kamala Harris Defends Al Sharpton, Ignores Freddie’s Fashion Mart Massacre And Tawana Brawley Hoax
RedState  "As Brandon Morse wrote earlier today, President Trump rippedMSNBC‘s Al Sharpton for deciding to make a visit to Baltimore in the aftermath of the tweets Trump wrote over the weekend criticizing the city and longtime Rep. Elijah Cummings (D), whose Congressional district runs through Baltimore.
"As they did for Cummings, Democrats lined up on the Twitter machine to defend Sharpton. One of the more notable ones was 2020 presidential candidate and Sen. Kamala Harris (CA), who has enjoyed an uptick in polling since her racial broadside against frontrunner Joe Biden at the last debate.
"Here’s what Harris tweeted about Sharpton:
.@TheRevAl has spent his life fighting for what's right and working to improve our nation, even in the face of hate. It's shameful, yet unsurprising that Trump would continue to attack those who have done so much for our country.
Let's flashback to when @JoeNBC introduced a resolution in Congress condemning "the racist and anti-semitic views of the Reverend Al Sharpton": 

The Freddie’s Fashion Mart Massacre:
In 1995 a black Pentecostal Church, the United House of Prayer, which owned a retail property on 125th Street, asked Fred Harari, a Jewish tenant who operated Freddie’s Fashion Mart, to evict his longtime subtenant, a black-owned record store called The Record Shack. Sharpton led a protest in Harlem against the planned eviction of The Record Shack. Sharpton told the protesters, “We will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business.”

On December 8, 1995, Roland J. Smith Jr., one of the protesters, entered Harari’s store with a gun and flammable liquid, shot several customers and set the store on fire. The gunman fatally shot himself, and seven store employees died of smoke inhalation Fire Department officials discovered that the store’s sprinkler had been shut down, in violation of the local fire code. Sharpton claimed that the perpetrator was an open critic of himself and his nonviolent tactics. In 2002, Sharpton expressed regret for making the racial remark “white interloper” but denied responsibility for inflaming or provoking the violence.

The Tawana Brawley Rape Hoax: . . .
. . . 
"Democrats and the mainstream media have been trying to sweep Sharpton’s true racist, anti-Semitic nature under the rug for decades, which has given him an air of respectability in media circles. But you can’t keep the truth hidden for long, and Sharpton pretending to play the role of racial healer in response to Trump’s (non-racist) criticisms about Cummings and his district is irony on steroids."

Antifa Adopts AOC’s Language To Defend Itself

Hot Air

. . . "And there you have it. We’re not bad people. We’re your neighbors! Neighbors with bats, wearing masks so we can get violent with impunity. Really the best they can say is that they aren’t all violent and therefore it’s not fair to label them all violent. Yes, except anyone who chooses to dress in black and travel with violent people in their midst is doing so to create camouflage for the violent as a matter of considered strategy. Here’s the final list of things the group condemns:
We, the undersigned, wholly condemn any attempt to criminalize community efforts to stop white supremacist assaults and close concentration camps.
"Just a week after one of their own showed up at an ICE facility with bombs and a rifle, they’re demanding their efforts to stop “concentration camps” not be criminalized. So you can see they’ve adopted AOC language wholesale and that they have no regret for the attack on the ICE facility." . . .