That is tinfoil hat crazy, yet Figliuzzi not only has been given airtime on one of America’s formerly respected major media outlets, he’s a former high level FBI employee.
Bookworm Room
The American body politic has been sick for decades, but the current insanity may signal that the raging political infection is getting better not worse.
A friend wrote me an email in a despairing tone. He fears that the craziness we’re seeing on the Left indicates a downhill slide in America from which there is no recovery. I currently incline towards a more optimistic, although gross, viewpoint.
"First off, I don’t think we can pretend that the Left hasn’t gone crazy. Exhibit A from today (emphasis mine):
"Frank Figliuzzi, the former FBI assistant director for counterintelligence and a regular contributor to NBC News, told MSNBC’s Brian Williams on Monday that President Trump’s decision to fly flags at half-staff until Aug. 8 may very well be a tip of the cap to white supremacist groups. Here’s what he said:
. . . The president says that we will fly our flags at half-mast until August 8, that’s 8/8. Now I’m not going to imply that he did this deliberately, but I am using it as an example of the ignorance of the adversary demonstrated by the White House. The numbers 8/8 are very significant in the neo-Nazi and the white supremacy movement. Why? Because the letter ‘H’ is the eighth letter of the alphabet, and to them, the numbers 8/8 stand for ‘Heil Hitler.’. . ..........................................................................................................................................................
Former FBI Asst. Director of Counter Intelligence Floats Conspiracy of President Trump Using Code Words To Trigger Nazis…
. . . "That changed in 2017. Starting with Trump’s inauguration and pussy hat marches, complete with women all over America dressing as giant vaginas, it was as if America started throwing out overt symptoms of this decades’ long infection. Think of them as a mass of disgusting, puss-filled boils suddenly breaking out all over." . . .
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