Saturday, December 7, 2019

Jihad-Rep. Rashida Tlaib wears terrorist symbol on the House floor while opposing existence of Jewish state

Geller Report

"On Friday the Democrat Party reached a new low. In a vicious attack against Israel that was full of lies, Rep. Rashida Tlaib actually wore the jihad war scarf (keffiyeh) on the floor of the House of Representatives. This is part of norming the sharia and the icons of the jihad. The Democrats can not go one day without shaming America. Any Jewish American who votes for the anti-Semitic Democrat Party is out of their mind. In fact, any rational American would be crazy to vote for the radical Democrat Party.
"Tlaib opposes the “two state solution” because Tlaib opposes the existence of the Jewish state." . . .

. . . "The keffiyeh was the terror leader Yaser Arafat’s swastika and became a powerful symbol of jihad. In the ensuing years, the keffiyeh as an icon of anti-Americanism, anti-semitism and anti-westernism took on a life of its own. The death-to-the-Jews marches across the globe are always awash in keffiyehs.
"The Nazi uniform of yesterday has been replaced by Muslims hiding under their keffiyehs (terrorist scarves) chanting “death to the Jews” and “death to Israel”. " . . .

"Impeachment Is Destroying CNN" (More like revealing CNN, I'd say) Chuck Todd update.

How deep the once mighty have fallen. It's unbelievable. CNN was once an example to be followed. And now? Not one self-respecting real journalist, with ambition, would want to work for them.
Out of all the CNN personalities, how is it that I know of not one who has left that channel because of their journalistic convictions? TD

PJ Media

"If Democrats and their media allies thought that the impeachment of President Trump would be his undoing, I've got bad news for them: it's actually undoing them. The Democrats' favorite (fake) news channel CNN is suffering from a three-year low in ratings.
"According to Disrn, CNN "reached a three-year low in ratings over the Thanksgiving holidays, averaging 643,000 primetime viewers. The news outlet also saw its worst week for viewers among the 25-43 demographic." In that group, CNN only pulled 138,000 viewers. That's pathetic.
"Fox News, on the other hand, "posted higher ratings than CNN and MSNBC combined, averaging nearly 2.2 million viewers during primetime last week. The network also pulled in 303,000 viewers ages 25 to 54," which is the most important target group for advertisers.
In other words, Fox News is utterly and completely destroying the competition. Now, there's nothing new about that in itself, but what is new is CNN's complete and utter irrelevance in the news world. If you're thinking to yourself, "CNN? I never watch it!", you're not only talking for yourself but for just about every single American. There's literally just about nobody watching any of its programs -- let alone those scheduled outside of primetime."
How deep the once mighty have fallen. It's unbelievable. CNN was once an example to be followed. And now? Not one self-respecting real journalist, with ambition, would want to work for them." . . .
"There's just one way for CNN to turn this around. They've got to do something that hasn't been tried in decades. We have Fox News which is pro-Republican. We have MSNBC real journalists to -- and this is going to shock a lot of people -- do real journalism. Be proudly neutral. Don't air any shows by "commentators." Don't mix opinion with news. You bring the news, and that's it. When you have talk shows, you can invite guests who are not objective, but the presenter has to be absolutely, 100 percent neutral.
which is pro-Democrats. CNN's attempt to imitate MSNBC is destroying the channel. The way forward is for CNN to actually hire 
"This is the only way for CNN to save themselves. If they don't choose this path going forward, they're doomed."

 A brave CNN insider came to Project Veritas to expose anti-Trump bias at the cable giant. Cary Poarch, who works at CNN’s Washington D.C. Bureau, tells Project Veritas “I decided to wear a hidden camera…to expose the bias running rampant” at the network. Poarch documented CNN’s bias for months; recording undercover footage of numerous long-term employees, some of which talk about Jeff Zucker’s anti-Trump agenda. In the video are Nick Neville, Christian Sierra, Hiram Gonzalez, David Chalian, and Mike Brevna. These employee’s positions range from media coordinator to high-ranking executives. I decided to secretly record the 9:00am rundown call meetings with senior management and executives, says Poarch. In the recordings, Zucker details his expectations for CNN’s coverage and very matter-of-factly states “impeachment is the story.”
CNN Hits Three-Year Ratings Low Amid Impeachment Drama
CNN's Brian Stelter
. . . "It was CNN’s worst primetime week in three years, and its worst week among the 25-54 demographic. The low ratings come as House Democrats have been conducting hearings on the impeachment of President Donald Trump. (RELATED: The Tide Is Turning Against Democrats On Impeachment)
"Fox News also topped cable news in total day ratings for the 47th consecutive week, averaging over 1.3 million viewers. The network also finished first among the 25-54 demographic for the 17th consecutive week, averaging 222,000 viewers."

UPDATE: Chuck Todd’s Lack of Self-Awareness Rears its Ugly Head Again in His Latest Colossally Stupid Message  . . . "MSNBC’s Chuck Todd made a seriously tone-deaf remark on Friday in a discussion about fake news.
“ 'As it turns out, it may not be the substance of their argument, but rather the repetition of it that matters. A recent study found that when people are exposed to the same false information multiple times, they become numb to it. So even if they know the information is false, it just doesn’t sort of register that way anymore. The more we see fake news, the less fake it becomes. Disinformation is a danger to democracy.' ” . . .

Saudi Air Force trainee condemned US as 'nation of evil' in hate-fueled Twitter manifesto just hours before he killed three and injured eight at Pensacola naval base - as six others are arrested, including three who FILMED the attack

UK Daily Mail  . . . "The Saudi Air Force trainee who killed three and injured eight when he opened fire at a naval base in Florida on Friday assailed the United States as 'a nation of evil' just before his shooting rampage, AFP reports. 
"The man, identified as Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, opened fire inside a classroom at Naval Air Station in Pensacola early Friday morning. Police quickly responded to the scene and he was shot dead.
"Alshamrani was a second lieutenant attending the aviation school at the base. The Pentagon say his training with the US military began in August 2016, and was due  to finish in August 2020. 
"On Friday evening, the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors jihadist media, claimed they had tracked a Twitter account belonging to Alshamrani which featured a disturbing manifesto written just hours before the shooting.
" 'I'm against evil, and America as a whole has turned into a nation of evil,' it read. 
" 'I'm not against you for just being American, I don't hate you because your freedoms, I hate you because every day you supporting, funding and committing crimes not only against Muslims but also humanity,' Alshamrani wrote.

First Pensacola shooting victim is identified as young Naval officer whose brother says 'died a hero' and 'saved countless live' by rushing to alert police after being shot 
multiple times  . . . "Joshua Kaleb Watson, who graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy this year, was among the victims slain on Friday by Mohammed al-Shamrani, a Saudi Arabian aviator being trained in the U.S.
"In a heartbreaking tribute on Facebook, Watson's brother wrote that he 'saved countless lives today with his own.' 
" 'After being shot multiple times he made it outside and told the first response team where the shooter was and those details were invaluable. He died a hero,' wrote brother Adam Watson. 

Joe Biden can't stand the heat

How exactly is a guy like that, flying into a rage at an uncomfortable question, going to take on the master of public relations and televised quick shots, President Trump?  Biden's main argument to voters is that he can win.  Public meltdowns are not the behavior of a winner.
Monica Showalter  "Joe Biden is 77 and ought to actually remember when President Harry S. Truman popularized: "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
His wretched performance in an encounter with an Iowa voter who challenged him, melting down and flying off the handle, tells voters he never absorbed that political lesson.  Either he's either stupid or he has trouble remembering things.
Here's how the New York Times reported it:
NEW HAMPTON, Iowa — Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Thursday angrily lashed out at a voter who questioned his son's overseas business dealings at a campaign stop in Iowa, calling the man a "damn liar" in an unusually heated exchange.
The man — who declined to identify himself to reporters — falsely claimed that Mr. Biden had "sent" his son to work in Ukraine and accused him of "selling access to the president."
"You're a damn liar, man," Mr. Biden shot back. "That's not true. And no one has ever said that. No one has proved that."
"Other than the Times' editorial insertion of the word "falsely," it's a pretty strong picture of a man who can't take it.
. . . 
"What his little scrap with the farmer really tells voters is that he can't win.  It certainly explains why he's polling fourth in Iowa these days and still doesn't have the endorsement of President Obama, the man he worked with as vice president for all of eight years.
"Worse still, he came across as bullying, something that has sunk many a politician, including himself.  Remember how Bob Dole was characterized (somewhat unfairly) as mean?  Mean and mean-spirited go over like a lead balloon in politics." . . .

. . . “ 'I loved it,” Navarro responded. “I really did. I have known Joe Biden for a long time, and this is Joe Biden. He is scrappy Joe Biden from Scranton and he has to do this. The truth is I’m glad he’s getting some practice calling out damn lies because if he wins the primary, he’s going to be running against a damn liar.' ” . . .
Navarro is a CNN reporter, naturally.

Joe Biden’s Most ‘Courageous’ Moments  . . . "Biden bravely defended his renegade son Hunter after an Iowa voter accused him of helping Hunter win a lucrative seat on the board of Ukrainian gas company Burisma. "You're a damn liar, man" Biden barked. He then proceeded to disparage the voter for being "sedentary" and overweight." . . .

Friday, December 6, 2019

Saudi Air Force trainee who opened fire in Pensacola naval base classroom killing three and wounding eight before being shot dead

UK Daily Mail
One of "Twenty 'hand-picked' Saudi airmen training at Pensacola are among the 62,700 foreign military personnel the US trains each year."
If you take a photo of a man looking like this, remember to be polite and slip away fast.

"Sources identified the suspected gunman as Saudi Air Force aviation student Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani " . . .
. . . " 'Obviously the government of Saudi Arabia needs to make things better for these victims. And I think they are going to owe a debt here given that this is one of their individuals.'
"Of the 19 men involved in the September 11 attacks, 15 were Saudi and some of them attended flight school in Florida. 
"In recent weeks, 18 naval aviators and two aircrew members from the Royal Saudi Naval Forces were training with the US Navy, including at Pensacola, according to a November 15 press release from the Navy. It was not clear if the suspected shooter was part of that delegation.
"The delegation came under a Navy program that offers training to US allies, known as the Naval Education and Training Security Assistance Field Activity.
"A person familiar with the program said that Saudi Air Force officers selected for military training in the United States are intensely vetted by both countries."
. . . 
"The Saudi personnel are 'hand-picked' by their military and often come from elite families, the person said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they did not have permission to speak to a reporter. Trainees must speak excellent English, the person said.
"Saudi Arabia's embassy in Washington did not respond to questions. 
"Saudi Arabia, a major purchaser of U.S. arms, accounts for a massive portion of America's spending on foreign military training."
The rules explicitly note that concealed carry permits aren’t honored on the military bases.
“personal firearms may only be stored in the installation’s armory”
“All firearms will be unloaded and secured with a trigger lock and ammunition must be carried in the farthest most possible location away from the firearm prior to transporting on an installation”

What happened to the shooter?The shooter was confirmed dead around 7:50 a.m.He was shot and killed by Escambia County Sheriff's Office deputies. Two of the deputies were injured.

Washington Post Drops the Mask as It Wonders How the Media Can Fool More People Into Taking Impeachment Seriously


"We are well into the third month of the Trump impeachment extravaganza and it is not only not gaining traction, it is losing ground. If one looks at “persuadable” voters, one finds that most of them see impeachment as it is, a political act. This, one would think, would be the controlling narrative in the media. It would have the virtue of truthfully describing the situation. But that isn’t how Washington Post columnist and former “public editor” Margaret Sullivan sees it.
The diplomats have been inspiring, the legal scholars knowledgeable, the politicians predictable.
After endless on-air analysis and written reporting, pundit panels and emergency podcasts, not much has changed.
If anything, weeks into the House of Representatives’ public impeachment hearings, Americans’ positions seem to have hardened on whether President Trump should be impeached and removed from office.
So, is the media coverage pointless? Are journalists merely shouting into the void?
Columnist Michelle Goldberg of the New York Times offered a name Wednesday for one aspect of what’s happening before our eyes.
Responding to the absurd statement of Rep. Douglas A. Collins (R-Ga.) — “there are no set facts here” — she said it summed up the long-term Republican strategy: “epistemological nihilism.”
In other words, there can be no knowledge and no meaning, so don’t even bother.
It brings to mind Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway’s coinage of the infamous term “alternative facts” early in the administration. Or Trump surrogate Scottie Nell Hughes’s on-air comment in 2016: “There is no such thing, unfortunately, anymore of facts.”
That strategy runs in direct opposition to what journalism is supposed to be all about: establishing facts and knowledge so that citizens can make decisions, armed with what Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein calls “the best obtainable version of the truth.”
How should journalists respond to the stalemate, other than to keep doing exactly what they’ve been doing?
"While we can agree, in principle, that journalists should be trying to inform the citizenry, that is not what the media is doing and it is not what Sullivan recommends." . . .

President Trump Gives Nancy Pelosi a Foretaste of the Utter Hell an Impeachment Trial Will Be for the Democrats
If this goes to the Senate, neither McConnell or Trump has any interest in not discrediting the Democrats and the process. And it is difficult to see them passing up this opportunity.

A Tyrannical Minority and Silent Majority

National Review
Transgender activists are enabled by those of us who know better.

"As I noted Monday on the Corner, British journalist James Kirkup has done a great public service in sharing a document that helps explain how the transgender movement, which many privately admit has overreached and is unconvincing, has been so successful so quickly.
"The document was produced by a major international law firm and is a “lobbying manual for people who want to change the law to prevent parents having the final say about significant changes in the status of their own children,” Kirkup explains.
"The manual’s authors advise activists across the world to use “certain techniques,” including attempts to “get ahead of the government agenda.” For instance, using gay marriage (for which there is broad public support) as a “veil of protection,” as well as ensuring “the limitation of press coverage and exposure” related to transgender issues.
"Is it surprising that activists rely on the ignorance of the media and general public to push their agenda? Not really, when you consider how obviously dangerous and wrong that agenda is. But there’s more to it. As is most often the case, the success of a tyrannical minority depends on the cowardice of the majority. Not on their action, but on our inaction.
"Conversations with doctors, teachers, policymakers, and legislators can be discouraging, as some admit that they know what is going on and that they find it deeply troubling, but they vow to “stay out of it.” After all, it doesn’t affect them or their families. (Yet.) When I ask them to help with a story, even on background, they often say things such as, “This is not my fight,” or, “It’ll blow over eventually,” or, “I have my reputation to think about.' ” . . .

So much for "keeping our republic"

Much of the below presupposes a knowledge of America's Constitution and history, but I fail to see citizens of that sort coming out of many US schools. TD

Is America heading towards a second Civil War?  "A violent outbreak of civil war usually arises as the final stage of a constantly escalating series of rhetorical accusations between two polarized and irreconcilable sides. We are seeing this today in the confrontation between Republicans and Democrats.

"In a nutshell, the Democrats consider the Republicans to be “Nazis”. And because the Republicans are “Nazis”, the Democrats refuse to listen to anything they say. Instead, the Democrats only listen to themselves, and those Democrats who are loudest and most aggressive in their leftist agenda keep pushing all the Democrats farther and farther leftwards, in a repeating cycle of positive feedback (self-reinforcement).
"The Democrats consider traditional white conservative Christian Republicans to be a dangerous enemy who are preventing the spread of liberal “progressivism” throughout America. But the Democrats still do not dare to call the Republicans “Nazis” outright. Instead, they use the politically correct terms “racists”, “fascists” and “nationalists”." . . .
Democrats Are Pushing America Into Civil War  . . . "They are coming for those who will not acquiesce to the left’s plans for America.  All that remains is how the people will react. Normal Americans have had enough -- they are going to fight.
"Trump can only do so much with the media and the Democrats in their entirety opposing him -- so far, it’s miraculous how successful he has been against such odds.  The left’s tactics have changed, as we’ve seen in the recent actions in Virginia.  With the Democrats taking over the state government, the first legislation they have proposed for the next state legislative session is nothing more than gun confiscation.
"Make no mistake, Virginia is a test.  Unable to depose the president, they will proceed on a state-by-state basis to create the nation they long for.  And disarming Americans is crucial for the Democrats as a first and necessary step, because an armed populace can say, “No!' ” . . .

Congressman warns US heading towards civil war – 31% of Americans agree
. . . "But pundits aren’t the only ones raising the alarm: Provocative statements about the rise of “fascism” and the need for “revolution” have become commonplace among American actors, musicians and activists."
Clinton, flag-stomper Rapinoe
The Democrats Face the Bayonets  . . . "Count us among those who don’t buy the ‘savvy Pelosi’ narrative.  She has threatened a step too far, based on a grotesque misunderstanding and miscalculation of the American spirit and soul. 
"There isn’t going to be a grand bargain with President Trump; American patriots know that what is at stake is far bigger than President Trump and his deplorable supporters.  It’s about whether the all-out leftist war against America is going to be defeated.

"No, we’re not advocating or wishing for violence; but Nancy Pelosi’s miscalculation is seeding and inciting it." . . .

How's this for a symptom? Impeachment Witness Turley Claims Home, Professorship Threatened during Testimony  "In an opinion article penned Thursday, George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley claimed that his home and office were flooded with “threatening messages and demands that I be fired from George Washington University” over opposing President Trump’s impeachment in congressional testimony Wednesday.
“ 'I remained a tad naive in hoping that an academic discussion on the history and standards of it might offer a brief hiatus from hateful rhetoric on both sides,” Turley, who was called by Republicans as a witness in the House Judiciary Committee’s Wednesday impeachment hearing, wrote in The Hill. “ . . . My call for greater civility and dialogue may have been the least successful argument I made to the committee.' ” . . .

Buy a five-year subscription to CNN's Impeachment Channel
Wall-to-wall impeachment coverage is not changing any minds. Here’s how journalists can reach the undecided.  . . . "Similarly, most people (especially the less convinced or more persuadable) will never watch seven hours in a row of congressional testimony, but, as he notes, “many of them would be open to a targeted, well-informed ‘trailer’ approach that is cogently told.'” . . .

Democrats Plot Impeaching Trump Multiple Times, Including If He Wins Re-Election: ‘No Limit To The Number Of Times The House Can Vote To Impeach’
. . . "Rep. Al Green (D-TX), who has long pushed for impeaching the president, told C-SPAN that there was “no limit” to the number of times that Democrats could impeach the president." . . .
. . . "Katyal tweeted: “[Important] note on future: If the Senate doesn’t vote to convict Trump, or tries to monkey w his trial, he could of course be retried in the new Senate should he win re-election. Double jeopardy protections do not apply. And Senators voting on impeachment in the next months know this.' ” . . .

Look out! Here comes the irony!  Hillary Clinton On Impeachment: ‘No One Is Above The Law’

Nancy Pelosi will have a hard time going forward  . . . "Well, that's where we are now that the Democrats have decided to proceed with articles of impeachment.  In other words, they will need a lot more than partisan hacks pretending to be scholars to persuade the American people.

Being a pessimist I keep recalling Hillary's victory fireworks display that had to come down.

Why the Democrats are so crazy to impeach  . . . "The Dems knew that Hillary would pack the federal judicial system with leftwing lawyers who would remove all legal obstructions from the path of their socialist ambitions. The stymying of this leftist project of remaking of the federal judiciary had been a major frustration for the Democrats during the Obama administration due to the Republican-controlled Senate delaying or blocking Obama’s liberal appointees." . . .

Those who would rule over us:

Obamas buy Martha’s Vineyard estate from Celtics owner for $11.75M

Now you are on Elizabeth Warren's most hated list and she's coming after you.


"The Obamas are said to have purchased a Martha’s Vineyard estate from Boston Celtics owner Wyc Grousbeck for a cool $11.75 million, saving multiples of million from what the estate was originally listed for.
“ 'The 29-acre Edgartown property on Turkeyland Cove Road was purchased by Turkeyland Cove Nominee Trust for $11.75 million, according to Dukes County Registry of Deeds records,” the MV Times noted. “The property had been on the market for $14.8 million, and was assessed at $15.1 million.”
"The sprawling 7,000 square-foot house includes seven bedrooms and eight full bathrooms with multiple separate wings for guests the former first couple will welcome.
"Without much net worth to speak of when he entered office in January of 2009, Obama is said to be worth a cool $70 million.
"As for Grousbeck, this sale is just a drop in the bucket. He is said to be worth over $400 million."

The UK Daily Mail calls the house a Pad fit for a president!

Good for anyone who comes by a fortune honestly (assuming that was the case) and good for those they employ. He should, however tell his political kin to stop hating on the rich; My last job in construction before entering the aerospace industry was working on a mansion in Santa Ynez, CA. for a man who had his own airstrip and racehorses. The house had sixteen fireplaces and kept me employed for months, feeding my family well. I'm fortunate to have had the job before the Warrens and the Sanders of this world got control of this nation. The Tunnel Dweller.

Jonathan Bartlett, NY Times

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Dem star witness' obsession with impeachment exposed

"If the House proceeds solely on the Ukrainian allegations, this impeachment would stand out among modern impeachments as the shortest proceeding, with the thinnest evidentiary record, and the narrowest grounds ever used to impeach a president," Turley said.


Falsely claimed being 'skeptic' toward charging Trump before Ukraine allegations

"In his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, Harvard Law Professor Noah Feldman declared under oath that he was an "impeachment skeptic" until the July 25 call between President Trump and the Ukraine president at the center of the Democrats' impeachment inquiry.
'However, in a Vice magazine article in May 2017, noted Charlie Kirk in a tweet, Feldman said that Trump had committed impeachable acts.
"And the professor wrote a piece for Bloomberg in March 2017 in which he claimed Trump risked impeachment over tweets he posted accusing President Obama of tapping his phones.
"On Wednesday, Feldman confirmed to the Democrats' counsel, Norm Eisen, that he had been "somewhat of an impeachment skeptic" at the time of the release of the special counsel report by Robert Mueller in April.
""What's changed for you, sir?" the attorney asked.
"Feldman replied that it was the July 25 phone call in which Trump asked Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to "look into" possible corruption in Hunter Biden's receipt of more than $3 million from a Ukrainian gas firm while his father spearheaded Ukraine policy.
"In a Q&A in the 2017 Vice article, Feldman was asked if the president committed a crime in his White House conversation with then-FBI Director Jim Comey.
" 'What the president did is an outrage. It's impeachable, and obstruction of justice in the sense of being a 'high crime and misdemeanor,'" he said.
"During the hearing Wednesday, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., challenged Feldman's description of himself as an "impeachment skeptic" prior to the Ukraine phone call." . . .

Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us

"This is the book that the leftist elites don't want you to read -- Donald Trump, Jr., exposes all the tricks that the left uses to smear conservatives and push them out of the public square, from online "shadow banning" to rampant "political correctness."
"In Triggered, Donald Trump, Jr. will expose all the tricks that the left uses to smear conservatives and push them out of the public square, from online "shadow banning" to fake accusations of "hate speech." No topic is spared from political correctness. This is the book that the leftist elites don't want you to read!
"Trump, Jr. will write about the importance of fighting back and standing up for what you believe in. From his childhood summers in Communist Czechoslovakia that began his political thought process, to working on construction sites with his father, to the major achievements of President Trump's administration, Donald Trump, Jr. spares no details and delivers a book that focuses on success and perseverance, and proves offense is the best defense.