Friday, December 6, 2019

Buy a five-year subscription to CNN's Impeachment Channel
Wall-to-wall impeachment coverage is not changing any minds. Here’s how journalists can reach the undecided.  . . . "Similarly, most people (especially the less convinced or more persuadable) will never watch seven hours in a row of congressional testimony, but, as he notes, “many of them would be open to a targeted, well-informed ‘trailer’ approach that is cogently told.'” . . .

Democrats Plot Impeaching Trump Multiple Times, Including If He Wins Re-Election: ‘No Limit To The Number Of Times The House Can Vote To Impeach’
. . . "Rep. Al Green (D-TX), who has long pushed for impeaching the president, told C-SPAN that there was “no limit” to the number of times that Democrats could impeach the president." . . .
. . . "Katyal tweeted: “[Important] note on future: If the Senate doesn’t vote to convict Trump, or tries to monkey w his trial, he could of course be retried in the new Senate should he win re-election. Double jeopardy protections do not apply. And Senators voting on impeachment in the next months know this.' ” . . .

Look out! Here comes the irony!  Hillary Clinton On Impeachment: ‘No One Is Above The Law’

Nancy Pelosi will have a hard time going forward  . . . "Well, that's where we are now that the Democrats have decided to proceed with articles of impeachment.  In other words, they will need a lot more than partisan hacks pretending to be scholars to persuade the American people.

Being a pessimist I keep recalling Hillary's victory fireworks display that had to come down.

Why the Democrats are so crazy to impeach  . . . "The Dems knew that Hillary would pack the federal judicial system with leftwing lawyers who would remove all legal obstructions from the path of their socialist ambitions. The stymying of this leftist project of remaking of the federal judiciary had been a major frustration for the Democrats during the Obama administration due to the Republican-controlled Senate delaying or blocking Obama’s liberal appointees." . . .

Those who would rule over us:

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