Rush Limbaugh gets it. In the first hour of his show Wednesday, he advocated making Schiff “the center of this so-called trial.”Thomas Lifson
Rich Terrell |
"Adam Schiff is a liar.
"Like most Democrats, he cares more about ousting Trump than the facts—so much, in fact, he’s repeatedly turned a blind eye to the facts to smear Trump in the hopes of swaying public opinion against the man who dared to defeat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.
"It’s already been proven that Democrats have plotted the impeachment of Donald Trump since he first took office. For over three years they threw anything they could at him, and Schiff was doing his part to advance the narrative that Trump should be impeached by pushing bogus information and outright lying to the public. Below are seven examples of Schiff’s lies designed to boost the impeachment of President Trump." . . .
CNN Analyst Fabricates Quotes From GOP Senators to Smear Trump, Fox News
"On Wednesday afternoon, a CNN analyst cooked up a "conversation" between two Republican senators in order to smear President Donald Trump, his party, and Fox News. He later admitted to having completely fabricated the quotes, but only after The Washington Post's self-described conservative Jennifer Rubin retweeted his "report."
" 'Overheard convo between two Republican Senators who only watch Fox News. 'is this stuff real? I haven't heard any of this before. I thought it was all about a server. If half the stuff Schiff is saying is true, we're up s**t's creek. Hope the White House has exculpatory evidence,'" Joe Lockhart, the CNN analyst and the former White House press secretary for Bill Clinton, tweeted. His message received 5,600 retweets and 20,600 "likes.' " . . More...
"On Wednesday afternoon, a CNN analyst cooked up a "conversation" between two Republican senators in order to smear President Donald Trump, his party, and Fox News. He later admitted to having completely fabricated the quotes, but only after The Washington Post's self-described conservative Jennifer Rubin retweeted his "report."
" 'Overheard convo between two Republican Senators who only watch Fox News. 'is this stuff real? I haven't heard any of this before. I thought it was all about a server. If half the stuff Schiff is saying is true, we're up s**t's creek. Hope the White House has exculpatory evidence,'" Joe Lockhart, the CNN analyst and the former White House press secretary for Bill Clinton, tweeted. His message received 5,600 retweets and 20,600 "likes.' " . . More...
Nothing to See Here: Public Radio, TV Networks Ignore Adam Schiff's Fake Quotes From Trump Transcript from 2019: . . . "Outside of Fox News, Schiff's fake quotes seemed to go unnoticed by the mainstream media. In fact, taxpayer-funded NPR and PBS interviewed the congressman on Thursday night, and neither interview included questions about the fake quotes." . . . More...
The Gateway Pundit |
Two hours of dog barking: Adam Schiff tries to bore us into Getting Trump "Adam Schiff is a man of very peculiar reasoning. Like a dolt shouting louder at a foreign-language speaker to make him 'understand,' Schiff's decided that if he just keeps talking enough with his long, long, long speeches, we will all suddenly turn into anti-Trumpsters and throw Trump from office." . .
. . . "The boredom set in on the first day, Tuesday, and carried on in to Wednesday as Lead House Manager Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) droned on for hours." . . .
Buck Sexton
Buck Sexton
. . . "But Democrats forget at their own peril that President Trump is the most successful reality television producer in the history of the medium. He not only understands how drama is played out in a way that satisfies mass audiences, he is a practitioner of the dramatic form of reality TV in which real people react to structured situations, and act out their roles without following an actual script. . . .
. . . Students of drama realize that successful shows generally follow a three-act structure, with the first act introducing the characters and an ”inciting incident” leading to a dramatic situation, usually a confrontation. Trump’s election and the immediate move to impeach him constitute the first act of this drama.
"Students of drama realize that successful shows generally follow a three-act structure, with the first act introducing the characters and an ”inciting incident” leading to a dramatic situation, usually a confrontation. Trump’s election and the immediate move to impeach him constitute the first act of this drama." . . .
. . . "Chris Wallace of Fox News, no fan of President Trump, yesterday confronted Schiff for totally misrepresenting what Mick Mulvaney said in his now infamous press conference. This video lasts 94 seconds, but The Right Scoop summarizes:" . . .