Don Lemon Gives World’s Worst Non-Apology After His Panel Bashing Trump Supporters "Under fire for a hideous panel in which he and his guests mocked Trump supporters (which the RNC turned into an ad), CNN host Don Lemon issued THE worst non-apology Tuesday.
"He took no responsibility for allowing his guest to trash half the country or for participating and instead said that he didn’t hear everything and was just laughing at the joke… which makes zero sense.
"Lemon said:" , , , Video
“And one final note that I have for you because this is personally important for me to address this, ok? Anyone, ask anyone who knows me, they’ll tell you — I don’t believe in belittling people, belittling anyone for who they are, for what they believe or where they’re from. During an interview on Saturday night, one of my guests said something that made me laugh and while in the moment I found that joke humorous and I didn’t catch everything that was said. Just to make this perfectly clear — I was laughing at the joke and not at any group of people.”